
Monday, November 8, 2010

Skirmisher Attributes in Republique+

After modifying movement to account for skirmish capable units, I've been wondering if units with higher skirmish ratings ought to also slow movement for opposing forces that move through the skirmishers' ZOC. This notion requires much thought. One other activity this month is the complete rebasing of the Napoleonic horse. Yeah, I know that I've gone through one iteration of this activity once before. This time, each cavalry base with contain four horsemen on a 1.5 inch square, four abreast. Before the figures were based two by two on a 1.5 x 2.5 base. One benefit is that the cavalry footprint takes up much less space in the storage boxes! All French/French Allies, Austrian, British, Spanish horse have been rebased and the Russians are next.

Rather than order Litko bases directly from Litko (and contend with exorbitant shipping charges), I saw that Scale Creep had a few packages of the required bases in stock so I placed an order. The order arrived quickly but one of the bags was opened and contained only 75 rather than 100 bases. A quick email to Mark at Scale Creep and he agreed to send the missing bases. Shipping was $6 for two large packs of bases. Scale Creep will be the first stop for Litko bases.

18mm SYW Project:
I have been successfully restocked from Eureka and have piles of cavalry and a few foot and artillery to paint. In October, one Prussian cuirassier regiment and two allied foot battalions joined the muster table. To me, these Eureka figures are really relaxing to paint. The recently completed second battalion of Bavarian Leib Garde regiment will show up in November's painting tally.

Painting Totals for October.
October was a very productive painting month despite being out of town for the last week of October and ongoing work and classes. The Eureka SYW project captured the bulk of the painting attention with a mix of other periods added for variety. In a weak effort to keep the AWI and ECW projects from flipping over to a Project Complete status, I added one unit of each. In November, I will have the 62nd British foot following closely on the heels of the 47th. On the painting table now are two battalions of French infantry for the 1799 project.

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