
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Incoming! Books

A number of wargaming related books have arrived in-house over the last several weeks.

Rulebooks include:
  • Weigle's 1866 and 1870
  • Gray's Age of Eagles and Age of Honor. Somehow, I managed to pick up two copies of AoE
  • Penn's Napoleonic Principles of War
  • Mustafa's Grande Armee
  • Hasenauer's Regimental Fire and Fury
  • Featherstone's Wargaming Pike and Shot
  • Zannoni's L'Esercito Austriaco nel 1859
  • Young's The Wargame
  • Lynn's The French Wars 1667-1714
  • Burne's Battlefields of England
  • Gates' The Spanish Ulcer
  • Haythornthwaite's The Peninsula War
  • Gill's 1809 Thunder on the Danube Vol III
I recently went on a search for replacement paint brushes. After several recommendations on TMP, I placed an order for a couple of Winsor & Newton brushes from Dick Blick. The brushes arrived in well-packaged and in excellent condition. The brushes were at a hefty discount too. Then one afternoon on a White Elephant run for Dullcote, I stopped at Spokane Art Supply and looked around. Many of their brushes were extremely inexpensive and I picked up a Jack Richeson Sable #3 for about $3. I've been using this brush for slapping paint on bases and this brush is simply awesome. Nice round with heavy brush for loading lots of paint and the point remains intact after multiple uses. I must go back for more.

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