
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

French Raugrave Hussars

While prepping figures before temperatures plummet, I managed to muster out a dozen French hussars for the 18mm SYW/WAS project.  The French may not have had many hussar regiments under arms during the WAS but a handful of regiments was maintained.  One of those light cavalry regiments was the Raugrave Hussars with their sky-blue uniform, white mirliton, trimmed orange.  Figures are Eureka Miniatures.
With Tuesday's planned game scrubbed from the schedule due to last minute player cancelations, more figures were pushed through the cleaning and priming stage.  This sudden hole in the schedule also allowed for a longer (and warmer) bicycle ride.  This pre-winter ritual of priming enough figures to carry me throughout the dark days of winter requires some thought on what I want to focus on painting when priming outside is not possible.  This fall activity is no different this year.  From the figures under preparation thus far, the winter painting backlog looks to have an emphasis on two 15/18mm projects: SYW/WAS and FPW.  I see some Biblicals working into the queue as well.  Who knows if I will still see motivation to paint these when Old Man Winter arrives.  Better throw a few more choices into the prepping queue just in case.  
Having Tuesday's game plan aborted, another game was quickly added to this week's schedule.  Friday will see me take command of the Federal Army at Shiloh as I fight back a cunning and Wily Webel. 

Wish me luck!


  1. Beautiful looking unit Jonathan!
    Warm regards

  2. Love the light blue and white. These will really pop on the gaming table.

  3. Beautiful work as usual Jonathan. I like the standing pose as it makes a nice change from the usual charging poses.

    1. You are too kind. I like the standing pose too. Eureka cavalry in charging pose have a very large hoof print.

  4. Lovely work their as always Jon and love the light blue uniforms with orange accent. I need to try and get some priming in soon too, but generally I can do it anytime of year here as long as it's not raining. Good luck with the game this Friday!

    1. Thanks, Steve! I still stay prime in the winter but it is better if I can get in a good supply before the temperature gets too cold.

  5. Hurrah and huzzah for the handsome hussars. Very striking kit those lads are wearing. Nice one.

  6. Great looking figures Jonathan.
    Pity about the cancelled game but good luck in its replacement against those rascally rotten rebels. 😊

    1. Thanks, Ben! At least I get to throw some dice in the next game. My Friday opponent is a tough guy to beat.

  7. Those are very good looking hussars. I may pinch the colour scheme for one of my fictional regiments!

    1. Thanks, Kim! This is a handsome uniform to copy for your own ImagiNation army.

  8. Lovely job on the French Hussars, great uniform, I have some Crann Tara ones primed but not sure what uniform to do, I think I have my answer!!

    1. Thanks, Donnie! I will enjoy seeing your large, Crann Tara hussars sporting this uniform.

  9. Nice looking Hussars Jon, enjoy the autumn weather while you can the snow is on the way. We just seem to have rain at the moment 🙁

    1. Thanks, Matt! Still sunny here but temps are dipping at night.

  10. That is one fine unit of dashing hussars, very pretty too.

  11. Those hussars are very colourful Jon! Happy spraying pre winter!

  12. A very pretty unit Jonathan….
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! I think it is a handsome color combo.

  13. That's a nice looking unit - given the 'Claret and Blue' colours, some English readers may refer to them as 'The Hammers' :)
    Prime as many figures as you can while you can, seems the best plan!

    1. Thanks, David. More figures set for undercoating this afternoon once temperatures rise. Had to look up the reference to claret and blue.

  14. I wonder what the neighbors think, after observing you spray painting toys for days on end...😁

    I didn't really realize that it got so cold that you couldn't prime figures in the winter. It gets cold down here but never really that cold. It gets cold enough that you don't want to sue a spray varnish because it'll cloud over but I've never been shy about priming.

    1. Stew, I have a tall, fenced back yard which, itself, elevated from most of the curious neighbors.

      While priming is still possible here in wintertime (and it does get cold!), the results are not easily controllable. The overspray tends to linger around in a dense cloud which can settle anywhere. Not uncommon to have days of below zero F. The whole winter is often spent in a frozen state.

      Wait? You go outside during winter???

  15. Ah ha! Just when I'm thinking of returning to the painting table (to do the odds and ends from my last order) up you pop with another unit! Splendid stuff. I haven't got any French hussars maybe I should add some to the order I'm planning.
    The poses of your hussars looks like there's fair bit of ribaldry going on. Chap in the middle of the centre left base is looking at what's going on further down the line. Pierre and Francois down at the far end are roaring with laughter at a sound that has emanated from one of the horses.

    1. Thanks, Chris! Hey! You are no longer anonymous in the comments. Progress!

      The French did not field a lot of hussars but you could also use them for Spanish troopers. The Eureka sculpts are great, no?

  16. Excellent brushwork Jon. What a beautiful uniform!

  17. The early French hussars are an interesting study. Love the white mirlitons--a stand out unit in an era full of colorful units.

    1. The early French hussars do provide an interesting study especially some uniform elements change between the WAS and SYW.
