
Monday, July 22, 2024

Spinning the Wheels of Progress

Last Thursday saw a doubleheader at the gaming table.  Two games in one day is a rarity even for me.  The first game of the day saw the 1108 Battle of Ucles fought out on my gaming table in a remote game with three UK players.  The battle saw another hotly contested clash on the fields in front of Ucles.  The battle ended in a close decision and, as always, great fun. 

Emerging out from the other side of an exhausting weekend, I have yet to muster the energy to piece together a battle report.  My wheels of progress are spinning but I am getting little traction.  For a teaser, Colin (Battle of Ucles Remote Reconquista), has published a series of screenshots of the game on his blog.  Thank you, Colin!
Battle of Ucles
The second game of the day saw me joining into a Zoom session with Peter (Grid based Wargaming) in Australia.  Peter hosted a Samurai battle as we test drove the latest amendments to his OHW variant.  Peter's battle report can be found at the link above.  Again, another fun game with the introduction of messengers adding to the decision matrix.  I may have come out on top but only just.
What is up next on the gaming front?

Well, the Battle of Ucles takes to the field once again this week with a game seeing a different group testing their mettle on the field of battle.  Ucles may see action in other contests too before I pack the Reconquista armies away and move onto something else.  Matt and I may see action at the remote table after a very, very long hiatus as we ponder returning to the AWI campaign.  I have forgotten exactly where we are in the campaign!

Finally, Peter and I are discussing a possible return to our Home-and-Away game series first seen in our battles of Lake Trasimene.  Since we both enjoyed the format, we are entertaining a return to this series.  Peter's report from his hosted Trasimene game is here.  The report of my hosted Trasimene game is here.  In that battle, we each took our interpretation of Lake Trasimene using our favored rules and presented the battle.  I enjoyed seeing the battle from different perspectives using different rules and different scenarios.

What is the battle for this next series?  Well, we are considering a dip into the ECW with a look at the Battle of Cheriton.

Thoughts on a variety of topics are percolating away in the background including a few more units to parade out from the painting desk.  Now, I simply need to gain some traction to bring some of the topics to print. 


  1. I read the reports on the other blogs and pored over the photos, two really good looking games, nicely different too.

    1. Nicely different stuff, for sure. Variety is good.

  2. 2 good looking games and looking forward to the reports on the future battles of Ucles

  3. Two varied pieces of gaming there Jonathan, all in one day too! You have great gaming stamina for sure.

    1. Two very different games with very different rules. Thursday was a busy day at the gaming table.

  4. Be careful you don't burn your motor out! ☺
    Seriously, I don't know where you find the time and energy to run all these remote games and paint figures!

    1. I know. I know. One must pace himself. Where do I find the time and energy? I don't know. Painting has suffered of late.

  5. Seems to me like you are living a wargamers dream Jon - having the time, motivation and health to make the most out of your first few years of retirement is exactly what you should be doing!

    1. Keith, you make it sound as if only the first handful of retirement years is productive. I hope that is not the case!

  6. Good to see the Reconquista back on the hexes Jon I can’t remember who won when we played. For the AWI we are in July 1777 next up the small battle for Fort Ann 😀

    1. At least someone was paying attention, Matt 😆

    2. Matt, my rule of thumb is that if you host I often win. If I host, you almost always win!

    3. Keith, there have been at least 50 games in the log book since Matt and I last gamed.

  7. Glad to see new battle report photos Jonathan!

  8. A very busy time Jonathan, and it will obviously require a lot more time to write it all up. I thoroughly enjoyed the Lake Trasimene series and look forward to the battle of Cheriton.

    1. You are right, Lawrence. Writing up the reports almost always takes more time and energy than actually playing the game. Hope you find the next series as interesting as Trasimene. I really enjoyed all of the Trasimene refights too.

  9. Two games in one day, you are a better man than me Jon! One game is more than enough to tax my brain as it is, but if you can, then why not!

    1. Two games in a day are a rarity unless at a convention. Convention going is a rarity for me too. In fact, I have not been to a wargaming con in about twenty years.

  10. Great work on the AAR'S, you have been very productive. The cross references to the other blogs is very useful, thanks. Samurai, Reconquistas , Ecw, AWI. Wow.

    1. Well, I have yet to write any AARs! Peter did a good job of capturing the Samurai game so there is not much to add there. I would like to chronicle the Ucles battle, though, before I forget all of the details.

  11. It's good to be busy when that busy is wargaming!

  12. I really enjoyed your Lake Trasimene series and am looking forward to Cheriton!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you enjoyed them! The four or five Trasimene games were really good fun and I learned a lot about the situation. Hopefully, there will more revelations form Cheriton.

  13. I would love to play 2 games in a row but can't do the life concerns, never have the time unless at a convention. though sometimes I get to do the "practically all day / very long game."
    though I haven't played anything in a while now that I think about it. But I do have a convention coming up so it'd be double games for DAYS. 😁

    1. Stew, I hope that you take full advantage of your upcoming con and enjoy yourself.

  14. Not sure how you find the time to do anything else Jon, you lucky, lucky man!

  15. This wargaming is becoming a full time job Jonathan; no wonder I have trouble keeping up with your blog!
    A wonderful place for you to be. Enjoy every moment of it and long may it continue.
    Regards, James

    1. Doesn’t feel like a job yet but it does keep me busy. I hope it continues for a very long time.

  16. Insipring and impressive as always, Jonathan. You certainly get your gaming in!

  17. I'm looking forward to more 17th-century action. I'm still waiting for players to come back to the period myself.

  18. You are certainly having a wargames-tastic time Jonathan…
    I would be happy with playing a tenth of thr games you play… 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes, but you get the luxury of gaming with hobby royalty!
