
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Off the Painting Desk

In a seeming rarity, the past week saw no armies battling it out on the table.  Instead, I spent some time at the painting desk as well as assemblying and tuning a new bike.  Also occupying my time was designing and developing a follow-up scenario to the Battle of Sanguetta game.  Next on the table, we look at the 1495 Battle of Fornovo.  First run-out of the game is slated for Tuesday. 

I actually managed to get several units into the Painting Logbook before month end.  Many of those units in this month-end push centered on adding to the Biblical collections but those will appear in a later post.  

Out from the photo box today are two additions to the 18mm SYW/WAS project and a command stand for the Italian Wars project.
First up are two Piedmontese cavalry regiments.  The two regiments are Queen's Dragoons (red coats) and Savoy Cavalry (blue coats).  These two dozen figures are Eureka Miniatures.
Also out from the painting desk is a two-figure command stand for the Italian Wars project.  Figures are 1st Corps and they will go straight into battle on Tuesday.
On the gaming front, the armies are arrayed for this week's Battle of Fornovo.  We will discover soon if the scenario survives contact with the players.
Fornovo Battlefield
Finally, with the temperatures warming up barely enough to tolerate and the sun shining, I put the new bike and my aging body through the rigors of an early Spring, outdoor training ride.  Happy to report that both bike and body survived the excursion.  A few photos from the ride follow:
Long approach up "Doomesday" Hill.

Next time, maybe a battle report or more figures out from the painting table.

Happy Easter!


  1. Jonathan you can sure churn out those units!
    Bit of a baptism of fire for that command stand!

  2. Superb additions for the WAS/SYW collection. I also like the command stand

  3. Wonderful brushwork on the new figures. Especially the two regiments of Piedmontese cavalry. What's your new bike? I have promised the Grand Duchess to get back out on the road with her this year after more than 10 years away from riding, so no centuries, metric or otherwise, quite yet.

    Kind Regards,


    1. Thank you, Stokes! The new biped is a Look 765 Optima+ ( I can use it on the road and with wheel swaps it is good on many types of gravel too.

    2. Great looking machine! Like the disk breaks too. I test rode a few all carbon bikes back in 2007 when shopping around for an upgrade (the current though woefully underused Cannondale. . . Having a child or two will do that.), it was like riding the wind after only a few pedal strokes. Amazing! Enjoy your new ride!

      Kind Regards,


  4. Very very nice, hope I’m not up against that command stand on Tuesday. lol.

    1. Thank you! If you take command of the Italian Center under Gonzaga, this will be your command stand.

  5. Particularly like the command stand. Where is the flag from?
    That hill looks a killer. Long slow ascents are murder, especially if you get a false summit and suddenly find you have a steeper section just when you think you’ve done the hard work.

    1. Thanks, Chris! Flag is from Pete's Flags. Great stuff!
      This hill is about a half mile climb but not nearly as steep or as long as my ascent back to the house from downtown. That climb sees about 700 feet in elevation gain.

  6. Excellent cavalry but love the Italian Wars command stand! Fornovo looks good and await the outcomes to compare and contrast with the very, very brief real battle.

    Nice to see you out on the bike, even if the weather a tad on the cold side. Somehow I've sprained my knee and also found out that my ligaments were damaged at somepoint in the past, but know not how I did either. So no cycling or anything energetic for 6-8 weeks and a knee brace with metal side supports on too. At least the latter is stopping my knee moving sideways, which naturally is a good thing!

    1. Thank you, Steve! I am looking forward to watching these Fornovo battles unfold as well. Mark (JBM above) asked what the heck Gonzaga was thinking to attack from such a position. I told him many still debate that subject.

      Too bad about your leg injuries. Six-to-eight weeks is a long time to be off the bike or just generally taking it easy. Hope your knee heals quickly and that you are out cycling soon especially now that you may find yourself with more free time.

    2. Reading Oman's account you at least understand why this spot was chosen, even if it doesn't immediately make sense. I won't say anything more as I don't want to inadvertently affect possible game play...

  7. Love the command stand as well as the two Cavalry units. Some damn fine painting!

  8. Hi Jon,
    We have a hill by our home on a popular trail that my children have nicknamed "meatgrinder hill" because it's so steep and goes on forever and they pace me on their bikes sometimes when I'm running. They typically fall behind me because of the steepness of the hill. It's gratifying.

    Love the cavalry, too. Makes me want to start working on my SYW guys again.

    1. You're a beast, Steve! Perhaps you will return to SYW soon?

    2. I'm a backpacker with a running problem. Or a runner with a backpacking problem :)

      I would love to return to SYW. I have a decent collection of Prussians and Austrians so perhaps it's time?

  9. Excellent cavalry additions Job, but the command stand is next level...just shows how nice many of the 1st Corps figures are!
    Your table set for the next Italian Wars game looks magnificent 👌
    It's probably 25 years since I was on a bike...something to consider perhaps.....I have run (quite a number of years ago) up hills like that though, and concur wholeheartedly with Chris (Nundankets) comments!

    1. Thanks, Keith! "Job"? I am almost sure you meant "Jon"!

      Glad you like the look of the table. The fellas will be gathering around it (remotely) on Tuesday. I expect several runnings of this battle before I am finished.

      You know, cycling is a good way to make sure the body parts remain in working order. I have been cycling even longer than I have been wargaming and that is a long time. I don't expect to give either up without a fight.

  10. As I read the first line of the post and when you mentioned there had been little gaming this week, I wondered if the new bike had arrived. Beaustiful work on the SYW units and Italian command stand, and the weather looked perfect for a ride.

    1. Yes, the bike played a small role in lack of cycling but the main driver was that I needed to develop a new scenario. Just returned from the second training ride on the new bike and despite being a bit windy and chilly, all was good.

      Glad you approve of the SYW cavalry and the command stand. Lots of Biblicals coming up.

  11. Very nice looking command stand with a very detailed flag.

    1. Thanks, Peter. I had no hand in the flag. That is from Pete's Flags.

  12. Delightful dragoons and cavalry, the IW command base equally so, I am just finishing off a command base for my own IW collection. Very uplifting outdoor shots too!

    1. Thank you, Phil! I am sure your command stand will look superb and I await its presentation. Sunday was another sunny day out on the bike before setting to work baking the Easter ham.

  13. Yet more lovely painting work, Jon! That command group looks great. Glad you were able to get some cycling in too. I am looking forward to Fornovo, that table layout looks good! I may let the dice decide which side I plump for..

    1. Thanks, David! I am looking forward to Tuesday’s game with great anticipation. So far, only Mark has declared and that declaration is for Italians. Weather has been good this weekend so mileage is starting to climb.

  14. Great looking figures Jonathan. as per tradition, I expect the command stand will be rolling ones on its first outing. 😁

    Wonderful looking scenery to be biking through. I am sure you were warm enough when you got home after all that effort.

    1. Thanks, Ben! Well, if this commander fails in his first outing, that is OK with me…I am umpiring only.

      Yes, I am much warmer after the first thirty minutes.

  15. The Piedmontese cavalry are very nice indeed, really lovely. The command vignette is cracking as well, great work!

  16. Smart work. Who doesn't enjoy a new command stand and who doesn't need more cavalry! Great additions. I look forward to whatever is next whether painting or gaming. Enjoy them.

    1. Thanks, Steven! Next up on the gaming table will be Fornovo without doubt.

  17. Lovely new minis
    Also happy to read that both bike and body survived the excursion!
    Last week I scouted some route to see if there were any routes that were free of snow and ice enough to get out of town for a longer ride. I think I may have found one on the west side of the river! I am feeling terribly out of shape after a far-too-sedentary winter and somewhat dreading how I'm going to feel after that first longer ride!

    1. Thanks, Tim! Looks like you had a much harsher and longer winter than did I. While I put on winter pounds, indoor cycling helps to combat the winter fitness collapse. My first days back outside went well.

  18. Great work as always! Happy Easter to you, too :)

    1. Thank you, Aaron, and belated Happy Easter to you.

  19. Grand brushwork there! I especially like the IW command base.

  20. Very fine new additions to your collections Jonathan!


  21. Figures came out nicely.
    Good thing when you went outside on an untrustworthy new bike you didn’t run into any dangerous wildlife. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew. You need to be more specific in your definition of “dangerous wildlife”.

    2. Lions,

      the list goes on and on.
      basically, any animal that has either stripes, spots, or is all one color. 😁

  22. Lovely looking new toys Jonathan…
    I am certainly looking forward reading about your next game…

    All the best. Aly

  23. A nice mix of life and hobby...and a belated Happy Easter to you!

    1. A nice mix, indeed. Notice no mention of yard work…

  24. Lovely new troops with great uniforms. I'm back from 1624 and will continue my work on dragoons.

  25. Gorgeous paintwork Jonathan.
    Sad to miss out on Fornovo, but sure it will be fun and look forward to the reports.

    1. Thanks, Richard! Fornovo will not be put away so quickly, I reckon.

  26. That's two very fine looking units of Piedmontese cavalry, Jon. The command stand looks great too; Venetian perhaps? I will look forward to the account(s) of Fornovo...

  27. Great looking cavalry but the command stand is splendid! I went for Pete's flags for my Venetian army, top stuff! Really looking forward to Fornova!
    Best Iain

  28. Wonderful figures, the command stands for mire 'Fornovo-cating or some such?
