
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

In the Eye of the Storm

With three game sessions last week and another three slated for this week, Monday found me, figuratively, in the eye of the storm.  Having five games spanning Friday and Saturday, and Nancy's birthday party on Sunday, Monday saw a little respite before games kick off again on Tuesday.  Yes, I could have spent time working to hammer out the battle report from Friday's excellent game with Mark.  Instead, I spent much of the day with domestic tasks interspersed with a few painting sessions.  I will get to Friday's battle report before too long but not before I fall farther behind as upcoming games keep the backlog of battle chronicles growing.  
Anyway, off the painting desk today is the Hanoverian Lieb-Regiment Reuter.  These twelve figures are Eureka Miniatures. Still plenty of SYW/WAS cavalry in the queue.  Even a handful of Biblical units are readying themselves for action. 

Having seen the Great Italian Wars collection out for two battles, thus far, and more coming up, an order to Foundry went out.  The packets of figures arrived this week and have been put into ziplocks for temporary storage.  What did I order?  Well, Gendarmes and Men-at-Arms for the mounted arm, and three dozen Swiss foot.  Setting up the Sanguetta scenario, I discovered I lacked skirmish stands of crossbow.  In addition to the crossbowmen, I added some harquebusiers too.  Simply for good measure.  
Stew (from A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth) might claim that today's post is a Peanut Butter and JellyTM post to buy time for more important topics, like battle reports.  

Stew would be right.


  1. Blimey, you do have a packed schedule for sure Jon! Nice to see you get some painting in amongst everything else and am looking forward to the AAR's as and when time allows.

    When you start a force, you always think you have enough units to cover most situations, but you soon realise that you don't. Looking at my 19thC ImagiNations forces, I can see I ordered some extras last year, but only found these troops by chance last week, before I put in an order for stuff I already had!

    1. Hi Steve, yes got in a little painting between gaming and setting up for games. Today's game features two Dave's who are regular participants.

      We cannot always anticipate the exact mix of troop types and unit quantities needed. Getting a new scenario book often presents different ideas of these appropriate mixes. I regularly forget that I already purchased something, too, and end up with duplicates. Happens more often than you imagine with books.

  2. Busy in retirement? At least work doesn't get in the way!
    Rather than PB&J post, we should perhaps take note of Eric's friend that words have meaning; a "red and brown spread" post? ☺

    1. At least work does not get in the way! That is for sure. Yes, given Eric's experience, "red and brown spread" would be a good reframing of PB&J.

  3. From the sounds of how busy you are Jonathan it looks like we are lucky to get any blog post from you!
    Great looking figures.

  4. You have a VERY understanding wife Jon. Beautiful figures as always.

    1. Thanks, Mark! Understanding the hobby may be stretching it. Tolerant, for sure.

  5. Six gaming sessions in a fortnight is an amazingly busy schedule. Lovely SYW additions Jonathan, and I'll look forward to seeing the new Foundry figures join the ranks of the already completed Italians. Foundry figures are still among the best in my opinion.

    1. Gaming tends toward bus schedules. A steady stream of one or two games a week and then a short burst of games on successive days.

      Glad you approve of the Hanoverians. Foundry figures from this range are still state of the art to my eye. Lovely figures.

  6. Peanut Butter and Jelly is fine, as are those Hanoverians.

  7. Vary nice cavalry additions and of course you needed more Italian Wars stuff!
    As for PB&J, personally, I enjoy seeing what other bloggers are painting just as much as AAR's, and most of us (yourself being a notable exception these days!) spend a lot more hobby time painting than playing, so it's only natural a lot of our posts are about what we have recently completed!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Keith! For me, painting posts are much easier to put together than a BatRep. Much, much easier. You have certainly been stuck-in on the painting front.

  8. You certainly cram stuff in Jonathan, no grass growing under your feet, no Siree!

  9. Busy and productive as usual. Nice cavalry, interesting stuff added to your to do pile. If you take it seriously, most blogs are pb&just, mine included. With si many games unreported, we will be spoiled for choice soon enough. Never enough crossbows, hand gunners, halberdiers,ad infinitum.

  10. Be careful Jonathan, the Italian Wars bug is ravenous.

    1. Thanks for the warning, George! You know, my Italian Wars collection is of sufficient size for many battles although Verginella has some really huge battles. I just need to add a few more units. Ha! Who is buying this argument?

  11. Jon, your painting workrate and games schedule never cease to amaze me! Those cavalry look great, and as one of 'the two Daves' I am very much looking forward to battle tonight!

    1. Thanks, Dave! Both armies have been deployed for battle. This will be fun!

    2. sorry I forgot to sign in before! So this is just to confirm which of the 2 Daves I am.. :)

    3. I knew it was either one or the other.

  12. Great looking cavalry - and Foundry order, as well, Jonathan. Your consistency with new projects and gaming is most impressive!

    1. Thanks, Dean! No "new" project but a small expansion to an existing one.

  13. What does temporary storage mean :-)

    1. The lucky ones go straight from the baggie to the painting desk. The less fortunate get reallocated to the appropriate figure bins. The really unlucky ones may never be seen again.

  14. Three games in the upcoming week, on the heels of several recent games--and the wife's birthday coming up (1)--and you find the time & energy to paint up another regiment of horse and do a nice update post...I can only imagine that the coffee out there in Eastern Washington is mighty strong stuff (or could it just be the folk, like yourself?).

    1. Ed, sometimes, I do not sleep so much despite not being a coffee drinker.

  15. I like the look of the cavalry and look forward to seeing more Italian wars stuff painted up

  16. Lovely looking cavalry Jonathan. All those games... wow, what a life.

    1. Thanks, Richard! It's a tough life but someone has to do it.

  17. LOL, the point is, of course, that we all write PBJ posts and it's not that they are bad.. just kinda basic. just like PBJ is what we feed out children when we can't be bothered to cook and ordering pizza would take too long or cost too much. 😁
    And we all kinda like PBJ, it's the reason it's stable. HECK, my last post was a big PBJ sandwich and my next one will be too.
    At least you got a ton of gaming going on... unlike some people I'm thinking of... ..
    (me, I'm thinking of me).
    PS: what does 'jettisoned' mean on your paint counter? did you just throw stuff away after buying?

    1. I agree that PBJ posts are not bad. In fact, I reckon that they are needed. Writing battle reports represents a big effort so painting posts are a nice offset to that work. Now I am two battle reports behind not counting the four Zama games on Saturday.

      Those 22 figures "jettisoned" were sent to Richard (above). They were not thrown away but passed along.

  18. Nicely done unit Jon…sounds like you are on the edge of being too busy 👍

    1. Thank you, Matt! Good to hear from you! Some weeks, it is "almost" too busy.

  19. The Hanoverians look good. I feel sorry for your overwhelming gaming schedule. I can only imagine the burden....

    1. Thanks! The schedule is not too burdensome. If you cannot fit F2F into your schedule, how about giving a remote game a try?

  20. Got to admit, I like the way your cav are boot-to-boot. Very imposing. And compliant with regs!
    A belated happy birthday to Nancy. A very tolerant lady.

    1. Thank you! I like the battle cavalry boot-to-boot too. Nancy says she is still accepting presents...

  21. Battle reports always take time to write up.

  22. Fab looking cavalry!!
    Not sure Mrs R would be so lenient with me in your situation Jon. Your a lucky chap, for sure! Wish Nancy a happy birthday from all the Rejects!

  23. Good looking Hanoverians and nice potential for your Italian wars,careful you don't overdo it!
    Best Iain

  24. Nice additions to your collection Jonathan…
    It’s good to find some time to paint when the real world starts to get in the way…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! Saving a little time for painting is important.
