
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Back to the Painting Desk

With four out of the last five posts containing battle reports on the Italian Wars battle of Sanguetta, readers may be feeling battle fatigue.   I may be too.  Still, one more fight of this battle is on deck for later today as Mark and I face off in a rematch.  We will swap sides and see if I can pull off a victory as I take command of the Papal Army.

Given the recent flurry of games and battle reports, work at the painting desk has slowed.  While March came in like a lion, motivation has slackened and painting has slowed as gaming has moved to the fore.
Anyway, back to the workbench.

Off the painting desk today are two French dragoon regiments for the 18mm SYW project.  These two dozen figures are Eureka Miniatures.  The French dragoons muster out as Regiments Beaufremont (red coats) and Du Roy (blue coats).  A pair of Piedmontese cavalry regiments should be emerging soon before a small deluge of Biblicals arrives.
This week saw record high temperatures scored and me back outside on the bike.  Only a few, early spring rides will be put into the legs before all is stopped cold with the return of rain and a chance of snow this weekend. The view of the clocktower in Riverfront Park shows that leaves have not yet returned to cover the barren, deciduous trees.  Spring will be arriving soon, I think, as will a new bike.


  1. Even with your time under pressure, your painting output remains prolific. They are a fine body of horse.

    Temperatures are above average in the UK as well, though rain is an ever present feature!

    1. Thanks, Norm! 171 figures have crossed over the painting desk thus far in 2024. The count is lower than typical but about where I forecast for the year. Really, I am surprised that I get any meaningful painting sessions into the log book.

  2. Impressive cavalry additions to your SYW collection, Jonathan!

  3. Even when "slow" your painting output dwarfs mine!
    More very nice cavalry!

    1. Thanks, Neil! You provide a boost to my painting mojo.

  4. Great work on some lovely figures, I really like the 18mm Eureka SYW but not too sure if I have the time or effort to invest in them. Seeing your posts certainly gets me thinking!

    1. Thanks, Donnie! Eureka's 18mm SYW range is a good one although some sculpts are better than others. I am sure you can find the time to build up two fine-looking armies.

  5. Great looking figures Jon I hope to get back cycling soon. A new bike indeed 👍

    1. Matt, I hope you get back to cycling soon too. I certainly tire of cycling indoors during winter. New bike should be delivered this afternoon!

  6. Painting may have slowed, but you are still churning out beautiful SYW cavalry. Lovely work Jonathan, and a new bike to welcome in spring sounds like a good idea.

    1. Thanks so much, Lawrence! there is a small pile of painted stands stacking up at the photo booth for their turn. Rapid fire games and Batreps have pushed unit photos to the back of the queue. Maybe I can get caught up on that front?

  7. Fine looking additions to the SYW collection. I don't know how you squeeze it all in, are you a Time Lord perchance🙂

    1. Much appreciated, Phil! Time Lord? No. Poor sleep habits...yes.

  8. Love those French dragoons, Jon. Back to the True Army there. ;-) I can rustle up the guidons for those two dragoon regiments in the near future, if you'd like them; my blog has been missing WAS and SYW flags for a while now! Let me know and I'll add them to my To Do Soon list. :-)

    1. Glad you like the dragoons, David! Of course, I cheerfully accept any flag you throw my way.

    2. Righty ho, Jon. Added to my list and they'll turn up in the not too distant future! :-) (As so often, there seem to be disagreements about the exact appearance of the flags but that is part of the "joy" of the period... ;-))

    3. David, you provide whichever version of a flag you want and I present it to the troops.

    4. Thnaks, John. Will do. Will let you know how it goes... :-)

    5. Sorry - slip of the finger! That should be Jon...

    6. No worries. It happens regularly.

  9. Two excellent looking regiments.

  10. Lovely looking cavalry units, Jon, and a great offer from David re their flags, too!
    Seasons have changed here too, with a distinct drop in temperatures since March arrived

    1. Thanks, Keith! I will take David up on his generous offer, you can be sure of that! Does your seasonal flip to fall/winter increase your gaming productivity?

  11. Very nice regiments Jonathan!
    I knew du Roy meant royals but had to google "Beaufremont" and wandered down an interesting rabbit hole for a few minutes.

    1. Thanks, Ben! Rabbit holes are easy to fall into and be distracted for hours.

  12. Two great units of horse there Jon:). Well done in being able to somehow fit them in amongst the games and real life duties! Nice to see you out on the bike again and blue skies too, that have been in markedly short supply here, due to the wettest February on record. March hasn't been much better either:(.

    1. Thanks, Steve! Getting back out on the bike to start a new season is a pleasure. The good weather takes a turn for the worse this weekend. Hopefully not for long, though.

  13. Lovely painting Jon, as always! A new bike? Another new bike?? Good man - I must order up a new guitar...

    1. Much appreciated, Tony! A new bike is a very long time coming. My current road bike is almost twenty years old. Yes, get yourself a new guitar.

  14. Splendid looking pair of dragoons, lovely work and a new bike too? Lucky you, you'll be pleased to hear I'm planning an Italian wars game, following your lead, a trendsetter!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks, Iain! I am pleased to see that an Italian Wars game is on deck for you. Looking forward to it!

  15. Back from Munic I finally had the time to look in your blog. And Wow! Some very nice looking new units! I do love these typical French dragoon units. I have to check again if I painted Du Roy dragoons myself.

    1. Hope you enjoyed your stay in Munich. Very happy to see that you approve of my French dragoons!

  16. A good effort with all those battle reports, they always seem to take time.

    1. Thanks! For me, the reports almost always take longer to write than playing the game.

  17. As ever, your output is impressive even when playing and reporting many games too! Very nice figures, and I like the yellow-coated trumpeter.

    1. Thanks, David! I like the yellow-coated trumpeter too.

  18. Gaming over painting anytime!
    Of course, one kinda needs the other. 😀
    Good looking miniatures.

  19. Splendid new toys Jonathan…
    As always your output in games and miniatures is impressive…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! Working on which game to bring to the table next.
