
Friday, August 18, 2023

Hanoverian Foot on Parade

In somewhat of a rarity these days, no game on the books this week.  The F2F game scheduled was postponed due to record heat.  With no game, the paintbrushes got in some much-needed exercise.  Perhaps the slow pace of painting in June and July will see a slight pick-up in August?  After a sluggish summer at the painting desk, my painting output tends to begin to increase in August.  Fall usually experiences a marked increase in production.  If I can only be so lucky this year. 
Off the table today are two Hanoverian regiments.  The latest foot regiments to march out are Ledebour and Grote.  Each 23-figure regiment sees 22 Old Glory foot led by one Eureka mounted colonel.  After painting four Hanoverian regiments using Blue Moon figures, the style of the Old Glory figures is quite different.  I like both styles but painting them requires adjustment when switching from one to the other.  More Old Glory Hanoverians are in the painting queue.
Regiment Grote
Regiment Ledebour
Painting continues to focus on SYW/WAS in 18mm with Hanoverian cavalry in work.  The recent run of ACW games prompted the arrival of dismounted cavalry into the painting queue.  Digging out a few packs of Blaze Away 10mm dismounted Federal cavalry out from The Lead Pile, a handful of figures were quickly prepped and work began.  These Blaze Away figures were purchased as a "test" many years ago.  The sculpting on the figures is fantastic and makes my Old Glory collection look rather shabby.  Blaze Away cavalry are far superior to Old Glory's offerings.  Another order went into Lancashire Games this week to increase the dismounted cavalry arm of the project.

While no game scheduled this week, there still may be action at the gaming table this weekend.  Time will tell.  For sure, the long running Hood's Attack scenario will see at least one more outing next week before plans for a different battle begin.  I lean toward seeing a return to the SYW/WAS but some quick Basic Impetvs games sound good too.


  1. Handsome looking chaps you’ve got there Jon. How long does it take you on average to produce a regiment like that?

    1. Thanks, Mark! How long does it take? Depends! If I keep me nose to the grindstone, I can complete these 46 figures in about a week.

  2. Two lovely units and nice work on the grenadier mitres:). Hope the record heat cools down for you soon and I too tend to pick up pace on the painting front come the Autumn.

    1. Thanks, Steve! Seems the heat wave has broken today but the winds have really picked up with a new front coming in. Our painting output tends to move in similar annual cycles.

  3. Slow pace of painting! If you get any faster you will run out of miniatures!

  4. Great job. Jonathan! Very beautiful! The parade of the Hanoverians was a success.

  5. More lovely uniforms en masse. So much detail into such small sculpts, impressive.
    The weather down here has likewise been awful - and now we are looking into the howling prospect of an extremely rare hurricane swooshing it's way up California. Not sure it'll affect us in the Sacramento area, but I'm sure that whatever forest fires are already blazing away will certainly be blown about in very dangerous ways.

    1. Thanks, Dai! West Coast weather has been hot of late. Hope Hillary does not upend northern California and you escape unharmed. The concern here is that winds will fan the flames of wildfires.

  6. No games, you will be having withdrawal symptoms Jonathan. Nice paintwork.

  7. Nice! I’ve got 2.5 ‘brigades’ worth prepped and undercoated. Some destined to be Hanoverians.
    Hope the storm doesn’t fan the flames of any wildfires.

    1. Thanks, Chris! I will begin looking for a suitable battle in which to insert Hanoverians soon. Looking forward to seeing your Hanoverians. Temperatures are bit cooler today so an uptick in wind may be OK.

  8. Great looking unit Jon, we’ll get back to gaming soon I hope 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yes, hopefully we can return to the gaming table but you have been very busy of late.

  9. Another fab looking 2 units Jon. Keep 'em coming!

  10. They look beautiful Jonathan. I find the height of summer difficult to paint in, even with the air conditioning set to full blast. Spring and autumn are the most productive for me. I'm going to have a look at those Blaze Away miniatures as that is a range I hadn't properly looked at.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! Give Blaze Away a look for 10mm ACW. Sculpting on the figures I have are terrific.

  11. Nice work, Jon. One day I hope to do Hanoverian flags but not yet a while... Excited at the (possible) prospect of more WAS/SYW action! :-)

    1. Thanks! I await your Hanoverians some day. Thoughts are beginning to turn over on which battle to tackle.

  12. Great additions as always John and the Blaze Away figures sound interesting. No game for a whole week is unusual for you in these post pandemic, online gaming times! Living in a reasonably temperate region (min temp 2c /max temp 28c normally), I can paint any time of the year really.

    1. Thanks, Keith! No game for a week is quite unusual in my New State. Still, my 2023 game count at year-end will be quite high. I can paint year-round with no thoughts to the weather, itself. The challenge is that summers here offer too many distractions and claims on my time.

  13. Two very nice units and a goodly number of figures to move across the desk. From recall, are the Blaze Away figures slender in a sort of good ‘proportions’ way?

    Hope the heat wave turns soon, in the UK, we are not generally an air con society, so those of us who are no good in heat quickly succumb to paint fatigue :-)

    1. Thanks, Norm! The dismounted cavalry that are under my brush at the moment are not slender at all. Proportions are good. Years ago, i painted some stretcher bearers to use as markers and those sculpts were more toward the slender end of the spectrum with good proportions.

      Heat wave turned only to be replaced by high winds bringing intense wildfires. Yesterday, a nearby town evacuated due to fast approaching wildfires. Air quality this morning is terrible from all of the smoke.

  14. No game? It is the 'End of Days'!😉 The Hanoverian figures have come out really nicely.

    1. Glad you approve of my Hanoverians! On gaming, I should be back on track next week.

  15. Betcha get a lot painted, Hanover troops look great.

  16. Lovely looking Hanoverians, my gaming time tends to be different to my painting which is weekday evenings, in my case work has rather impacted into painting time, plus I have been sucked into terrain building which makes a nice change but will take some time to make it to the blog! Your 18mm average looks like it will be higher than 28mm this year unless you have a late rush?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Your sharp eye is correct. 15/18mm will dominate painting output for the second year in a row.

  17. Lovely looking troops, Jonathan. The grenadiers' mitres are impressive.

    1. Thanks, Dean! The mitres are impressionistic only.

  18. Fantastic work Jonathan! Great result for a week's work.
    I hope the fires stay clear of you. Always a worry when you see the smoke from them.

    1. Thank you! The fire are close by but we are in no danger. Towns 15 miles away were evacuated and a number of homes lost.

  19. Lovely job Jon, as ever - the 18mm(?) boys are very attractive.

    1. Thanks, Tony! The figures are Old Glory 15s but they are close to 18mm to my eye.

  20. When I imagine Hanoverians of this era, I conjure up a red coated, yellow faced unit. The blue-faced Regt Ledebour is a bit of a revelation. At first glance, I almost thought it was blue-coated. An added bit of color to an already splashy era, nicely done!

  21. Another fine unit.

    Hopefully you are dodging the smoke and heat...

    1. Thanks! No, we are stuck in very dense smoke from all of the fires. Air Quality is lingering in the “Hazardous” rating. AQI has been over 400 the last two days. Terrible.

  22. great job as usual, looking pretty good. without a game to distract you, you'll probably have that looked for pick up in production. 😁

    maybe it'll have a ripple effect and the usual suspects of the online games will also see an

    1. Thanks, Stew! We have a houseguest this weekend so painting never kicked into High Gear.

  23. That's a pair of really fine looking regiments, Jon. Great work!
    Say, I played as many games as you did this past week! :-)
    Myself I have 4 Bavarian Napoleonic infantry units on the painting table, along with some Austrian commanders and some Medieval cavalry refurbs. Lots in process, but none completed as yet!

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      I am not surprised after your marathon of Historicon gaming that gaming takes a break at your house. Your workbench is always busy with units in work. Doesn't your painting usually drop off post-Historicon?

    2. It *always* drops off after Historicion. I am almost finished with putting everything away again a month later! :-)

  24. Good to get back into the swing of painting and ordering of figures so you don’t run out.

    1. That is right! I placed a large order from your countryman, Nic, at Eureka Miniatures on Friday.

  25. Excellent Hanoverians. I hope to see them soon in battle.

    1. Thank you! Once I get some cavalry fielded, I would enjoy getting these Hanoverians into battle. I have been scouring over all of your scenarios on HoW forum looking for potential choices. Any suggestions?
