
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Dismounted Federal Cavalry in 10mm

With a long-running string of ACW battles on the table, it may not be much of a surprise that painting inspiration drifted toward fielding more figures for the 10mm ACW project.  If first day of Gettysburg is ever to see the table, Federal dismounted cavalry will be needed.  Having no such figures, I pushed a handful of Federal dismounted horsemen into the painting queue.
Off the painting desk today are 32 Federal dismounted horse soldiers.  Figures are from Blaze Away Miniatures sold through Lancashire Games.  These 10mm figures are superb.  Cleanly cast with crisp details.  These figures are larger than Old Glory's 10mm ACW figures that comprise the bulk of this collection.  In separate units and especially dismounted, no problem.  Actually, the Blaze Away figures make Old Glory's dismounted cavalry look quite unimpressive.  These models are gorgeous!  I picked up a few more during Lancashire Games' recent summer sale.  Added some Confederate dismounted cavalry and horseholders into the order too.
On the gaming table, Hood's attack at Gettysburg remains on the table.  With the score showing three victories to two for the Rebels in this series, one more playing is on deck for later today.  In today's battle, I take command of Hood's division while Peter (Grid based wargaming) commands the Federal defenders on Little Round Top, Houck's Ridge, and the Wheatfield.
I am not sure if I have ever beaten Peter in a game on Home Turf.  We will see if I can reverse those string of defeats later today.


  1. Nice Jonathan but too small for me. I have eight cavalry brigades most of which have never seen the elephant.

    1. Thanks, George! For large battles, 10mm is perfect.

  2. Those dismounted troopers look very nice.

  3. I like the new units and as you say, very nice sculpts at 10mm for sure. The chaps with spears/flagpoles - are they meant to be bare or just waiting for appropriate banners?

    Looking forward to reading about your upcoming resounding victory!

    1. Dai, those bare flagpoles are awaiting their distribution of pennons.

      As for the upcoming game, if Peter plays the Federals as cagily as Richard and Ray did, the Rebs could be in for Big Trouble.

  4. Another fine set of figures there Jon and should look even nicer with the pennons added. I look forward to seeing the horse holders too. I never used to bother with them but have added a few saddled horses without riders just to add to the visual effect.

    Good luck with the FtF game and await the outcome to see if you can garner a win...

    1. Thanks, Steve! Peter is a wily and lucky fellow. I will need some luck to beat his Federals today although I do believe the Rebels hold a slight advantage before the first shots are fired.

  5. They look great Jonathan. I had a look through the Blaze Away range which look superb and also the Kallistra figures. I think the latter are more like 12mm which I also quite like the thought of.

    1. Thanks! These Blaze Away dismounted cav. look to be about 11-12mm for the standing poses. If the rest of the ACW range is similar then Blaze Away may match up with Kallistra quite well.

  6. Nice looking 10mm troops and gaming, Jonathan!

  7. Keen to see the AU v US game report. Fosters v Bud. Barossa Valley v Napa Valley. Aussie Rules v NFL. Skippy v Lassie. Paul Hogan v Hulk Hogan. Dame Edna v ???? My money’s on the Aussies.
    Popcorn at the ready.

    1. The game was good and the casualties high. Not many brigadiers were left standing at the end.

  8. Nice looking dismounted cavalry Jonathan. I look forward to seeing your first day's fight when it is played,

    1. Thanks, Mark! It may be a while before I return to ACW. I have been neglecting my other collections for too long...

  9. Ooohhh. Federal dismounted cav. Me likes. 😀
    I have a smattering of cav in my ACW stuff but they hardly see the table.

    1. Good! Not sure how often my dismounted cav will see the table either. Still, good to have some on hand.

  10. Very nicely painted Jonathan. I am just fleshing out all my 19th century armies with dismounted cavalry units as well. Good to have them if you need them. Non wargamers probably wouldn't understand 😂

    1. PS. good luck against that wily Peter.

    2. Thanks! There are many things non-wargamers fail to fully understand.

      Yes, Peter is a wily opponent.

  11. Good to know that the Blaze Away figures are available from Lacashire Games. I have never seen item. In the flesh, but always assumed they were similar to the quality of Van Dyck and sharing their nicely sculpted proportions (slim).

    1. The figures are more robust than Van Dyke and easier to paint. Then again, I only have a few samples of Blaze Away with which to compare.

  12. Playing games always generates painting I find, lovely results with these chaps!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! With gaming and painting, too much of one decreases the other.

  13. They look great Jon and as you say, if you want to play the start of Gettysburg, you will need Bufords (?) cavalry on the Union side!
    There seem to be a lot of pennant bearers per capita....or were the Union still using pikemen in this era ? :)

    1. Thanks! There are a lot of flag bearers but each company had one and I paint what the pack offers. I will need to issue pennons one day.

  14. I did actually mean to add, I don't think Peter won (m)any of the Middle East campaign games, so you probably owe him a victory or two! 😀😃🙂

    1. Funny that you mention this. Peter and I discussed this before this week's game. We tend to see victory when the other fellow hosts. I think he has been beaten me in almost every game I have hosted and by a wide margin.

  15. Great looking units. I hope you do some of Day 1 at Gettysburg so that these fellows can show thier stuff. Good luck on the game with Peter.
