
Sunday, August 6, 2023

Adding Some Artillery

Having pushed out a handful of Hanoverian infantry regiments, I figured time to field a few guns to add variety to the painting queue.  Actually, painting production sagged badly in June and July so there was not much need for variety.  August is looking better on the painting front with work being accomplished in at least preparing a bunch of figures for painting.  Figures from many different projects are being given the black undercoat.  This prep work reminds me of my annual fall push to prep figures to hold out during the long winter months.  Perhaps this is the annual press only a few months early?
Anyway, off the painting desk today are six Hanoverian artillery pieces and crew for the SYW/WAS project.  Figures are Old Glory from 19th Century Miniatures.  This pack of six guns contains a mix of calibers.  Good looking models.  Quite functional.  More SYW/WAS figures are lingering on the painting desk awaiting their lick of paint.  Having focused mainly on 15/18mm figure painting thus far in the year, I am making an effort to get some 28mm figures prepped and pushed into the queue.  A return to Biblicals may be next.
On the gaming front, another rematch of the Gettysburg Hammerin' Sickles scenario is on deck this week. This week's game is number five in this series featuring a rematch for a four-player group from UK and France.  Some are swapping sides for the replay.  Should be interesting.


  1. Very nice, there are some competing strong colours there, even the brown on the artillery finds a voice. Weather here (uk) for mass priming is good, have you still got that humidity?

    1. Thanks! The gun carriages are actually red. The stain may give them a more "brownish" hue. Humidity Out West is very low. That is why the place tends to burn down during the heat of summer. Here, "that humidity" is often in the teens!

    2. Ahh, I see red when I click on the photo.

  2. Lovely looking additional!
    Warm regards

  3. Great looking additions to your artillery park,, lovely work!
    Best Iain

  4. Six Hanoverian pieces for HBM’s army should do very nicely.
    Tempted to repaint some of my Prussian guns having seen those.
    Looking forward to Wednesday’s game.

    1. Six guns are a good start, at least. I look forward to Wednesday's match-up as well. The first game was a real barn-burner.

  5. Superb work! I love the muted pastel colours which work a treat. Now I've 'discovered' brush priming, less of a rush before it gets too wet, but I still prefer to spray prime AFV's, so need to remember to prioritise those, if I remember!

    1. Thanks, Steve! Happy to see you approve of my choice of color palette. My only brush priming is when I miss a spot or two with the spray to touch up.

  6. I am very pleased, Jonathan, that your magnificent Hanoverian battalions will receive such worthy artillery support on the gaming table!

  7. Fine looking pieces there Jonathan.

  8. That is a very eye-catching uniform. Beautifully done Jonathan. I always feel like I have achieved something when the figures get to the back undercoat stage. I am then motivated enough to get stuck in before a layer of dust appears.

    1. It is a handsome uniform. For me, the black undercoat step is only a preliminary situation. This can be a signal for nothing. Units can remain in the box with a coat of black primer almost forever. Keeping them in the box prevents a layer of dust accumulation too! I did pull out three dozen FRW infantry and am pushing them into the painting queue. These fellows have been in the black undercoat state for more than a year.

  9. Nice looking artillery Jon and looking forward to JBM and his mates refighting your Gettysburg scenario yet again!

  10. Good show, great guns and gunners.

  11. That’s a very colorful artillery park.
    These guys knew how to dress for war. 😀

  12. Excellent.

    Hopefully the Hallett fire is not having a major effect - do not see much about it over here.


    1. No major effect from that fire in Spokane. Last week, there were plenty of fires EVERYWHERE.

  13. Big hats all over the place. I love it. Lovely battery mate

  14. Artillery in black powder eras: they always seem to be something of a special case or challenge compared to the other arms. But always worth the effort in the end for any era in which the term "artillery park" is in use. Lovely, Jonathan!
