
Monday, July 17, 2023

Two More Hanoverian Infantry Rgts

A second pair of Hanoverian infantry regiments debouches from the confines of the painting desk.  Like their comrades before, these 46 figures are Blue Moon infantry led by Eureka mounted colonels.  Regiments are Alt Zastrow (yellow trim) and Knesebeck (white trim).
Work continues slowly on producing more Hanoverians.  Next out of the gates will likely be a half-dozen guns and crew.

Before more figures march out from the painting desk, I have been distracted again.  This time, the distraction consisted of a small terrain building diversion.

Following the long run of First Manassas games, I wanted to maintain the momentum of both rules and period development by bringing another battle or two to the table.  

Having recently included three days at Gettysburg in my May ACW battlefield tours, restaging some of the Gettysburg action seemed reasonable if not warranted.  First sector of the battle to investigate is Hood's attack on the Round Tops on July 2nd.  As I began laying out the hex tiles, I soon discovered that the table required a handful more hill hexes.  While I was at it, I could use some brown tiles as well.  Having gone this far, I may as well finish off the remainder of the four-inch hexes from my Wood Pile.

That I did.

This week, work concentrates on putting together a scenario to refight a part of Longstreet’s Gettysburg action.  Table is set and details are being tuned.  The first game is scheduled for Thursday with the group fresh off victory (or defeat) in some of the recent, remote First Manassas battles.

Battle briefings likely to go out later today.

As a non sequitur, I rediscovered the game photo below from a past gaming high point.  The photo shows my American pilot taking out a pair of StuGs in 1944 Germany.  Great fun!  I wonder if I have any more photos from that game?  I never made it to the point of writing up a battle report.  Well, at least one photo was not lost.


  1. Look forward to the hexed ACW. Always nice to come across a photo that takes you right back to the moment.

    1. Norm, I have really grown fond of playing on a hex grid. So much becomes less complicated and fuzzy. Hood's attack will present different challenges to the players than did the series on First Manassas.

  2. Those Hanovarians look superb and looking forward to seeing the battle report for Hoods attack on the Roundtops

    1. Thanks, Neil! I, too, look forward to seeing how the players come to grips with Hood's attacks.

  3. You have been busy on several fronts there Jon...great work as always on the Hanovarians and the Gettysburg actions are something to look forward to....having seen the Ted Turner film several times, including at an actual cinema about twenty five years ago, it's one ACW battle I have at least a passing knowledge of!

    1. Busy on several fronts but less painting than typical. Creating, hosting, and writing about these games consume large chunks of time.

      A passing knowledge of the action is all you need. Details will be present in the battle reports.

  4. The Hanoverians are progressing at a decent rate and with your usual excellent quality too:). I'm looking forward to your Gettysburg refight and the addtional tiles look good. Love the photo of the P-47 taking out the Stugs, which is very evocative.

    1. Progressing at a decent rate, for sure. On the painting desk, I seem to be in the midst of my summer doldrums. We will see what happens in the fall.

      I hope the Gettysburg scenario provides some entertainment for the players. I expect several playings before packing it in and moving on to another topic. Seeing the airstrike photo brought back memories of the jubilation when destroying those tanks.

  5. Lovely Hanoverians. I love the uniforms with the black cuffs etc. too chosing the regiment Hugo. I have the "Alt Zastrow" regiment too. I once had the chance to meet a Mr. "von Zastrow" in a very nice way and it was easy to remember his name due to his ancestors in the Hanoverian and other German armies.

    1. Thanks, André! I have more Hanoverians to come and some Spanish guns too!

  6. Great looking Hanoverians and terrain tiles!
    Best Iain

  7. Lots of preparation for Gettysburg, it will be interesting to see how you approach it. Surprised to see a WW2 photo as we do not often see WW2 on you blog.

    1. Recreating historical scenarios always requires a lot of work. For me, there are no short cuts. It has been a long time since I played a WWII came so you are correct. WWII not often seen here! I should fix that.

  8. Looking forward to the whole Gettysburg shebang. A lot of prep going on in the background for it, so it should be ace!

    1. I look forward to the whole shebang too! Battle Briefing should be in your Inbox. I like your new avatar photo.

  9. Another two splendidly turned battalions Jonathan, nice work on the hexes too. If the Gettysburg game turns out like your Manassas one they will be real humdingers I'm sure.

    1. Thanks so much, Phil! My hope with these scenarios is that besides providing challenges and fun for the players, I get to exercise the rules and explore history a bit.

  10. Impressive output! Looking forward to the Roundtops battle. Hurrah for the Bonny Blue Flag!

    1. Chris, it will be fun to have you at the table and in command again. Will you be taking on the role of General Hood or will that responsibility fall upon the shoulders of your colleague?

  11. Nicely done Hanoverians, such a nice force. Your work for the second day of Gettysburg is commendable. More hexes for flexible terrain, superb use of your time.
    Email me if you're even mildly interested in gaming WW2. Perhaps it will propel me to an on Iine game. 😲😳

    1. Thanks, Joe! More Hanoverians to come. I am interested in most things. Email on the way.

  12. Lovely work on the Hanoverians Jonathan. How do you rank Blue Moon in terms of quality against other manufacturers? They certainly come up beautifully under your brush.

    1. You are very kind! You ask a question that has become a conundrum for me as I paint these SYW/WAS armies. When I paint Blue Moon, I think Old Glory are better. When I paint Old Glory, I think Blue Moon are better. I have similar discussions with myself about Eureka and Lancashire too.

  13. Good to see the Hanoverians, a very nice looking unit.

  14. Would make sense if you’re gonna have both round tops on the board that you would need more hill tiles. And hexes are super efficient at recreating a battlefield. 😀

    Looking forward to the Gettysburg stuff. And I GUESS the Hanoverians are alright too.

    1. Stew, I figured the Gettysburg stuff would be of more interest than the SYW stuff. Hexes are efficient in battlefield building especially for delivering an Impressionist style.

  15. Love the Hanoverians. As usual, you keep yourself busy.

  16. Fantastic work on the figures Jonathan! A great addition to the painted collection!

    Good luck with the Gettysburg game. No chance of the Hanoverians sneaking in I guess! 😊

    I am not surprised you kept that photo of the plane destroying the two Stugs. You must have been rolling the dice well that day!

    1. Thanks, Ben!

      No SYW Hanoverians at Gettysburg, this time. I recall smacking the Germans quite hard in that WWII game. The destruction of the StuGs was icing on a tasty cake.

  17. Lovely new toys Jonathan…as always.
    A grea looking picture of Stug destruction… If I had achieved that in a game I would have been singing it from the rooftops 😂.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! When those StuGs lit up, I was quite happy as you imagined.

  18. You have been a busy boy Jon, love the Hanavarians.

  19. Hexes and Hanovarians should have been the title of this post no? :)

    That P47 was indeed fortuitous to find those german Assault guns out in the open and in close formation like that. 2-for-1 is not a bad deal.

    1. You're right! I should have you write my copy. Yeah, getting those StuGs in the open was too good to resist.
