
Sunday, June 4, 2023

Time at the Table

After a busy week at the gaming table planning, hosting and participating, today's update is a brief recap amidst the confusion.  With a second Battle of Young's Branch on the docket for Monday, today will be spent resetting the table and getting all in order for the Monday gathering. 

The gaming front saw three remote games in the week past.  They were:

Tuesday: WWI Aerial Dogfight in 1/72 hosted by Richard.  Graham's battle report at Up in the Air.  All three German aircraft ended up on the ground.  Not a good result if you were a German!

Thursday: Punic Wars in 1/72 hosted by Peter.  Peter's battle report at Ancient Campaign Part 7.  If time permits, I may put together the account of the action from the Carthaginian perspective.
Saturday:  Battle of Young's Branch in 10mm hosted by myself.  Two player game against Stew from A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth.  This action saw Stew in his first remote game.  We experienced a couple of technical glitches through the six-hour session (whew!) but we made it through.  I will definitely be retelling my fight with Stew once the dust settles from Monday's replaying of this scenario.  For now, a couple of photos from early in the battle. 
Confederates race up in support
 of Evans on Matthews' Hill.
Hunter prepares his divisional assault
 against the Rebels on Matthews' Hill.
That is a wrap for now!


  1. Interesting games, look forward to seeing the battle reports

    1. All three games were very entertaining. I look forward to telling the Young's Branch tale.

  2. A very busy week gaming, and a win for Mago!

  3. A very busy week indeed, you have efficient time management to get all that in. Time appears to slip through my fingers most efficiently 🙂

    1. Time slips through my fingers just as efficiently.

  4. Agree, really interesting games Jonathan!

    1. Michal, happy to see these games are of interest to you!

  5. I understand Stews comment about hobby time on my blog! That is an impressive week of gaming, even by your busy standards, Jon! Hoefully you have time for an AAR or two down the track....

    1. Keith, three games prepping for and hosting one of them makes for a busy week by anyone's standards. with six hours on my feet running around the game table yesterday, I am feeling some fatigue. Definitely want to write up the battle with Stew. Even new to both remote gaming and rules, he was a shrewd opponent.

  6. There is a nice variety of games in the Jonathan. A very busy week indeed. I'll look forward to the full AARs when you have time, especially the Young's Branch game you hosted.

    1. A nice variety of games, for sure. There is much of interest in the Young's Branch battle that I plan to commit to writing. The result of that battle certainly would have changed the course of history.

  7. Good to see your ACW game went well. Six hours is quite some effort.

    1. At least we made it through! Whether it went well may be in the eyes of the beholder. Six hours is a long remote session, indeed.

  8. Always impressed by your work on the games you host, both tactically and visually. Three in a week, definitely a hat trick. Looking forward to the AAR'S as you can write them.

    1. I appreciate your encouragement, Joe! You have yet to see the Battle Briefings sent to the players. I plan on writing up the game with Stew but I have a second replay with a different group of players on tap for today.

  9. Nice games- yes by all means we need a battle report from the Carthaginian perspective- the damned Romans have a monopoly on those historically speaking!

    1. Thanks, John! The battle from the Carthaginian perspective would be good. I must sit down to the keyboard before memories fade. Actually, much history is written that way as distant afterthoughts.

  10. You have been a busy bee Jon, with a great mix of games as always. 6 hours on one game? I'm sure the time flew by and oyu must have both needed a mental and physical rest afterwards. I know I would.

    Luckily gardening is taking less time now (famous last words) so my mind is definitely turning back towards gaming, which is good, plus two days in a row out on the bike!

    1. Steve, the six-hour ACW game flew by but my legs felt it the next day. Mentally, I am still OK...

      Great to see that you are back out on the bike! Keep at it, my friend. Here, the weather is getting hot so a cool morning ride has become part of the daily routine.

  11. You have been busy, it all looks like great fun!
    Best Iain

  12. Quite a busy time you lucky so and so. I look forward to your reports.

    1. One game per week is easy. Three games is much more difficult to coordinate. Encouraged to see that you look forward to the battle reports. Occasionally, I wonder if they are worth the effort.

  13. umm, with all that cycling you should be able to walk around the table for 6 hours... says me; the guy who sat on his ass the whole time while eating potato chips dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with bacon. 😀

    You got lots going on. I REALLY enjoyed our remote game but I'll save the longer thoughts for another post. But thanks again for the good time. I hope you Monday refight went well. I'm sure our game worked out any kinks.

    1. You're right. I need to suck it up.

      Glad you enjoyed the game. I sure did too. Yes, you helped work out the kinks. Monday's game is rolling over to a second session on Wednesday. the Rebels may lost the battle of Matthews' Hill but there is still another battle to win.

  14. Great looking setup for Bull Run, still finding it hard to keep up with your pace of gaming !

  15. Busy, busy, busy! Those Masnassas pics are eye watering. Looking forward to the AAR.

    1. Thanks, Mike! Hopefully, I can get to work on the first AAR soon.

  16. O three remote reports to enjoy! All look like grand games too. Wish I could've joined in with Stew, but like I said in the email, wife's birthday weekend.... Actually she somehow managed to really make it spread out to a birthday month! (The brat!)

    1. Thanks! Dai, too bad you could not make the game with Stew. I am sure there will be other opportunities. You could have saved me from an inglorious defeat.
