
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Grenadiers de France

I can only speak for myself but after having been away for more than a week, finding time to sit down for meaningful painting sessions has been challenging. Yard work beckons and so does the bike. Even without the commitment to a game or two fails to free up much time. Games are on the horizon, however.
Anyway, off the painting table today is a regiment of Grenadiers de France for the SYW project. The 23 figures field Blue Moon foot led by a Eureka mounted colonel. Flags are by David at Not By Appointment. David has been providing me with a steady stream of flags for the lads. Some Piedmontese are in the works.

I have not hosted a game in a few weeks but that will change soon.  On deck, plans are formulating to host an ACW battle.  Fresh off my battlefield tours, I am inspired to field a few of the battles visited on the gaming table.  First up will be the 1861 Battle of First Manassas.  As scenario work progresses, I have at least three games lining up.  One looks to muster five players for a remote game.  Several others may see me fighting it out against an opponent in a one-on-one setting.  More details as plans and scenario solidify.  Much work remains to accomplish.

On the cycling front, mileage picks up again after a week away from the bike.  Despite a seemingly unending string of thunderstorms, I have been out daily.  On Saturday's ride, I was unfortunately caught out in a localized cloud burst and spent much of the two-hour ride in the rain.  The bike and I returned home a mud-caked mess.

I end on a selection of photos from my recent cycling outings.

The Pavilion
Upper Falls with river near flood stage
Spokane's de facto furry mascot: The marmot.
This rodent is about 8 lbs. 


  1. Fine little chaps there. I always enjoy seeing folks' landscape pictures too, a kind of vicarious tourism.

    1. Thanks, David! I enjoy seeing others' landscape photos as well.

  2. Superb looking regiment and great to see the countryside

    1. Thanks, Neil! Hopefully, I will come home less soggy from today's ride.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! Your recent Bavarian parade was an impressive sight.

  4. Very nice grenadiers and some lovely scenery as always. I am not sure I have ever heard of a marmot before! Is it common to see them out and about?

    1. Thanks, Keith! You might refer to as a marmot as a groundhog or rock chuck. I see these animals out along the river and among rock piles all of the time.

    2. Ah, right.....I have at least heard of a groundhog, as in Groundhog Day. As to the actual animal, I am not much the wiser!

  5. Fab looking unit Jonathan and the scenery looks nice too.

  6. Grand grenadiers there Jonathan and your outdoor shots are always welcome.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Happy to see you have not tired of the local scenery yet.

  7. Another fine unit Jonathan. Yard work are the two words that full me full of dread as it normally means the forfeit of a day's hobby time.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! When I am away for a week plus in late spring, there is much to do outside when I return. Just one of the costs of going away.

  8. Well done for getting a unit painted. The tasks always seem to mount up after trips away.

    1. Thanks! Work certainly piles up while I am away.

  9. Another lovely unit Jonathan…
    I can’t see me getting bored with your lovely local scenery.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Much appreciated! Out West, there is always room for one more.

  10. Fantastic work on the figures Jonathan.
    The scenery is great nice and it must be great to be able to ride around seeing it all.
    Good to see the wild life is out and about and not afraid of the occasional human.

    1. Ben, you are very kind. Pleasant scenery diverts my mind from the suffering. When cycling, coming upon a marmot is no worry. Running into a moose presents a bigger challenge.

  11. barely any time to paint and STILL cranking out the miniatures. nice job. I keep meaning to copy the mounted officer inside the infantry bc I like that look so much.

    looking forward to ACW! 😁

    1. Thanks, Stew! May output will see a marked drop in productivity over prior 2023 months but then May and early summer often experience a similar fall in production.

      I look forward to getting the ACW onto the table. Working out details for a First Manassas battle.

  12. Smashing looking unit Jonathan. A joy to see the area around you.

  13. As always Jon a lovely unit to behold, with David's flags looking great too. After a cold and wet spring, we finally have some wonderful weather here, which means all my time is being spent outside, to the detriment of any gaming related activity. At least the finger has healed enough to get on the bike again, but boy do I need to crank up the miles to get some stamina back!

    1. You are most kind!

      Good to see you are on the receiving end of good weather. The transition from indoor to outdoor activities takes a toll on the hobby, for sure. As for stamina, two weeks of solid effort on the bike ought to see noticeable improvement especially if you maintained activity during the winter.

    2. Sadly a cold and wet Winter here meant precious little road time, so stamina and muscles need some work to get 'match fit' again!

    3. Some would suggest an indoor turbo trainer for winter cycling workouts.

  14. Good to see you back home and painting, plotting, pedal pushing etc al.

  15. Oops, should be et al. Sticky fingers. Really good work on the Grenadiers. Another trip to Piedmont after the ACW games? Bummer about the yardwork, same problem here. Grass keeps growing.

    1. Thanks! You are correct. Yard work is never done. Grass and weeds keep on growing.

      Another trip to Piedmont? Certainly a possibility. I expect ACW to remain on table for a while, though.

  16. Lovely pics. Both models and scenery. Good effort doing 2 hours of cycling each session!
    I’ve just looked up the Grenadiers de France on Kronoskaf - I keep getting them mixed up with the Grenadiers Royaux, despite having panted the G de F last year! Interesting unit command structure, with 24 colonels for 48 companies, each taking a 2-month stint as CO. Must have been a nightmare!

    1. On cycling, 1-1/2 to 2 hours out on the bike is the sweet spot for me for a daily ride. I can get out and return before anyone realizes I am missing.

      When many units cross over the painting desk, it is very easy to forget who is who.

  17. Beautiful landscapes and yet another immaculate unit. Great stuff Jon! Bad luck about that downpour, hope you didn’t catch anything bad afterwards.

    1. Thanks, Mike!

      The wet weather only dampened my spirits temporarily. No ill effects from exposure.

  18. Blogger really tries my patience with comments, anyhoo, lovely troops once more Jonathan.

  19. Excellent looking unit and delightful terrain, just had a long weekend all spent in the garden!
    Best Iain

  20. Nice work there on the Grenadiers Jonathan- looking forward to your ACW Battle Games. All the best. KEV.

    1. Thanks, KEV! I look forward to the ACW battles too. First game is slated for Saturday with a second playing on Monday.

  21. Fine looking Grenadiers and some real lovely scenery!


  22. Grenadiers are a lovely bunch and I feel you put a bit more effort into their uniforms than others perhaps?

    Cycling in the rain is good for one's character. Growing up in ever wet Wales and owning no car, I had to cycle or walk everywhere and frequently suffered the elements like this. I am sure that and the under-aged drinking made me the man I am today! :)

    1. Thank you! I know only one way to paint so, perhaps, you like the look of the Blue Moon figures better than the more animated Old Glory figures?

      I will try to remember that cycling in the rain builds character...

  23. Wow! Very nice grenadiers de France!

    You are very lucky to make such a photo. We were too slowly when we saw a wild hare, a wild rabbit, a mouse and a deer in the Thuringian Forest. We only made a photo of a wild cat - but it's too dark. You are such a great photographer, Jon! Although to see wild animals in the woods is not to be outbit by a good photo.

    1. Thank you!
      One must be lucky and quick to take a wildlife photo. I did not make it in time to see this marmot standing on its hind legs.
