
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

A Little Diversion

Given the rapid-fire pace of games followed closely by the chronicling of the action, not much work has been accomplished at the painting desk.  What painting has been accomplished concentrated mainly on WAS/SYW figures.  This pattern remained in place though much of the New Year.  Perhaps I could re-energize work at the paint table by switching up periods?  Recently, I have been considering a return to refighting an ACW battle or two.  These thoughts prompted a dig through The Lead Pile in search of 10mm infantry.  Adding to the ACW collection could provide a little diversion at the painting desk.
Looking back at the Painting Log, no 10mm ACW units have mustered out from the painting table since December 2021.  That is a long time.  With a glimmer of motivation and figures still left in The Lead Pile, 150 Confederate infantry (five regiments of 30 figures each) were pushed into the production line hopping over a number of units already waiting in the painting queue.  Figures are Old Glory 10mm.
Having pushed this chunk of lead through the queue, painting priorities return to WAS/SYW tasks.  Seeing Reconquista figures out on the table for a couple of games, I expect to see a Christian unit or two sneaking into the painting queue.  Rummaging through The Lead Pile, I was surprised to see more heavy cavalry in waiting than I may know what to do with.  Given the results of the Reconquista games, the Spanish could use a few choice reinforcements.
I hosted Mark and Steve for a second Battle of Huesca on Monday.  Mark reversed his role in Game #1 as Ali to tackle the battle from the Spanish side of the table.  The battle was full of drama featuring an unexpected run to end the battle.  Details, I save for another time.

While rumblings of bringing the 10mm ACW armies to the table grow, the next table action may see a return to the ECW in a requested encore of the Battle of Montgomery.  

Stay tuned...


  1. Hehe, as we many projects, so little time. And I am much worse than you on that. It all sounds good, looking forward to all your work.

    1. Quite right! So many projects so little time. All good fun.

  2. Very nice …. You don’t do things by halves :-) To further inspire your ACW brush, the following post might interest you. It is the 5th game in the bloggers mini campaign.


    1. Thanks, Norm. By coincidence, Port Republic is one of the Shenandoah battles I have been considering to refight. I have fought the battle before but one of my remote gaming compadres has an interest in both the war and the campaign. Having walked the ground, it is a battle of special interest.

  3. Great stuff as always, Jon, lots going in in your gaming world! The 10mm OG figures look nice....I did consider them for my potential foray into the Alamo era ....also looked at Bluemoon 15/18mm as well as the actual OG 25mm....and I still have not decided if I will actually proceed with this or not....maybe I should just get Ebor GNW Russians to fight my Swedes?? As Joe implies....decisions, decisions....!

    1. Thanks, Keith!

      The OG 10s are terrific value and look very good en masse to my eye. 10mm is a perfect scale for fighting the larger battles of the ACW.

      Give OG 10s a try especially for your solo gaming on a smaller table.

  4. Nice job Jonathan, I doubt I could manage 15mm now.

    1. Thank you, George! You may be surprised what you can manage.

  5. Good to see some more additions to your ACW forces Jon. I'm struggling to find the mojo for painting or gaming at present, probably due to us finally getting OK weather to be outside, after a very wet Winter here.

    Looking forward to the AAR of the recent game and a copy of Lion Rampant 2nd edition arriving yesterday has thrown a slight curve ball in my 'plans', as I'm now pondering digging out my primed 'Medieval' troops...

    1. Even though I have plenty of figures in this collection, always good to add in a few more. It also reduces The Lead Pile a bit too!

      Monday's game was really a good one with much drama. I hope I can tell the tale justly.

      Looking forward to your dive into LR and Medievals! Good luck!

      Weather still not so good here...

  6. Great as always Jonathan!
    Best regards

  7. Nothing better than mixing up the painting queues. Nice Confederates and look forward to seeing some Christian knights

    1. I agree! I have been working on 46 15mm WAS Spanish that seem to taking Forever with all of the other gaming distractions.

  8. Excellent. This reminds me that I have plenty of other projects that need attention.

    1. Thanks! Happy to provide a reminder but, really, we are not alone in having many irons in the fire, are we?

  9. Great looking "little diversion", Jonathan!

    1. Thanks, Dean! I have yet to make it over to check on your latest handiworks.

  10. 10mm ACW sounds great - what rules are you using?

    1. Good! Another period of possible gameable interest! For remote games, I use a version of the same rules you played at Shoemaker's Bridge. Your learning curve will be practically flat although tactics change a bit.

  11. The figures look great Jonathan.

  12. Great additions to your collection Jonathan. Oh the joys of a busy Leadpile! I do like it when you find something in the pile that you've forgotten you'd bought.

    1. One can rarely have enough ACW infantry. These figures were not forgotten; simply never made it up to the top of my painting queue until I saw more ACW gaming on the horizon. Instant motivation!

  13. You are certainly never short of varied things to choose from, a plentiful and varied stash the sign of a true wargamer.

    1. Phil, I am the very model of a miniature major general.

  14. You certainly don't let the grass grow under your feet Jon. That's a big batch of troops to get through.

    1. I try to keep busy! 150 is almost too many even in 10mm.

  15. That is quite a chunk of figures to push through the production line. Beautifully done Jonathan. There is nothing like an impending game to fir up the motivation.

    1. It is a chunk of figures for me. You tackle 100 plus figures routinely.

  16. Nice looking rebs Jonathan and looking forward to see how the Impetus re-match went.


    1. Thanks, Christopher! I need to sit down and hammer out the BatRep.

  17. I love that phrase “rummaging through the lead pile…”! Mine never get the rummaging state, although the order of placement in the production line frequently is rearranged.

    1. Mark, if you saw my pile o'lead you would understand "rummaging" as a means to an end.

    2. I don’t rummage… it’s more like an archeological dig.

    3. For the figures laying on the surface and just under the surface, rummaging is fine. For deeper explorations, an archaeological dig is appropriate.

  18. Lovely little men Jonathan…

    All the best. Aly

  19. dude, we must be on the same wave length... as I have been thinking about the ACW again too. Course, I haven't done anything about it.... yet. Now you provide some extra motivation. 😀

    1. Happy to provide some motivation, Stew! After a few ECW games, the plan is to get ACW back out onto the table.

  20. Lovely little ACW chaps, I'm being distracted from Napoleonics which makes sense as I've done virtually two years straight of Napoleonics so I could do with a bit of a distraction!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Yes, time to put some variety back into your painting queue.

  21. These look beaut Jonathan. You have achieved a lot of detail on these small figs.
    Regards, James

  22. Looking good; as much as I love my 25's, I think 10's make great sense for the ACW I didn't enjoy painting AXW (or anything else, really) in 15 mm in the past...

    1. Thanks! for me, 10mm ACW works perfectly for refighting the large battles.
