
Saturday, March 18, 2023

Even More Spanish!

Two more Spanish foot regiments muster out from the painting desk. With the addition of this pair, my fledgling Spanish Army can field a half dozen foot regiments.  Today's recruits march out as Saboya (blue facing/white trim) and Cordoba (red facing/yellow trim).  Foot figures are Old Glory led by a Eureka mounted colonel.  Flags are created by David from by Not by Appointment

On the painting desk are more Piedmontese, French, and Hanoverians for the WAS/SYW project expansion.  Several handfuls of 10mm ACW Confederates are being readied as well.  Once the Sumerian armies are cleared away, we may see an ACW battle out on the gaming table. 

Following up on Monday's severe beating in the Sumerian battle (see: A Loss of Pre-Biblical Proportions), the Sumerians and I took to battle a second time on Thursday.  In this contest, I played a rare, F2F game.  The result was close.  Very close.  With both Army Breakpoint Clocks teetering on collapse, I managed to gain a victory of the smallest margins.  Had initiative flipped to my opponent or a failed pursuit had succeeded, my army would have likely gone down in defeat.

Moment before Red Army collapse.
The battle was good fun. Very enjoyable to get in a F2F game with an old friend. With the rules forming-up in my mind, two more Sumerian battles are scheduled for next week to reinforce the rules and, perhaps, improve my tactics.

Finally, after a very long winter, I took the bike off the trainer and ventured outdoors.  Still cool and snow along the road in places, I popped out for a 25-miler.  While a few minutes slower than last fall, initial report shows that body and bike have survived the winter.  Still a lot of grit on the road but overall, the roads were in good shape.  Maybe a couple more days of outdoor cycling before rain returns.

I plan to be back out on the bike later today once the temperatures warm to "tolerable."


  1. Ay caramba! Obviously all that white hasn't slowed you down...

  2. I like the look of those Spanish

  3. Another cracking unit Jonathan. Units with two standards in the battalion always look good.

    1. Thank you, Mark! Two units! A battalion with two standards does look good. Not all of my units carry too, though.

  4. Splendid Spanish additions and a turnaround in your fortunes in the FtF game to boot. The fine blue sky in the outdoors shots disguises the temperature.

    1. Thank you, Phil! Yes, Game #2 was a completely different outcome. Still, it was undecided until the very end and could have tipped for my opponent. Blue skies do not necessarily equate to warm temperatures. Well, here at least.

  5. Great looking new units Jon and congrats on the close fought victory....I am sure it must be good to get in the occasional F2F game! The weather and scenery look spectacular ..... I sometimes think a bike might be a good idea, but not sure I have anywhere to store one!

    1. Thank you, Keith!

      Getting in the occasional F2F is good, indeed, and helps remind me that I still have local friends...

      As for hesitating on a bike purchase, do you consider where you will store more miniatures before you buy them? A bike has other benefits too.

  6. Great work on the Spanish Jonathan, and another exciting chariot game by the sounds of it. Those close games are usually the most exciting and memorable.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence!

      This game was quite exciting and it was back-and-forth throughout. I am surprised that my opponent (Kevin) has not lobbied for a rematch. Close games are memorable, for sure, but so are blow-outs. I have one still fresh in mind...

  7. Lovely looking unit Jonathan. Glad to see you back out on the road.

    1. Thanks, Richard! It is good to back out on the road. Today, though, I ran into patches of snow and ice on the roadway. Very treacherous.

  8. A mix of activities this week. Looking forward to the remote Sumerian game this week.

    1. A nice mix, I think. I look forward to our match later in the week too. Hopefully, you will enjoy a taste of Sumerian turf wars.

  9. Strange...I definitely already commented on your new additions and how nice it must have been to hav an FtF game for a change.....obviously succumbed to the curse of Blogger! The scenery and weather looks glorious...I have often considered getting a bike, but I don't think I have any room to store one.....

    1. Ah, Blogger saw to it to treat your original reply as SPAM. Why not the same treatment for this comment is a puzzle. Thanks for your perseverance!

  10. Great looking figures and good gaming as always, Jonathan. It's great to see sunshine again too!

    1. Thanks! It is very good to see sun and feel some warmth in the air. Looks like you had a good gaming weekend.

  11. Excellent work on the Spanish Jonathan. Well done on making it through winter in good shape. 25 miles on the bike is a good ride.

    1. Thanks! A long winter is tough on the body. I have some Winter Weight to drop.

  12. 25 miles first outing, that is impressive. The Spanish look very good ; your win in an FtF game....really a three-bagger week.

    1. Thanks, Joe. You are overlooking my crushing defeat on Monday but I did get another 25 miles into my legs today.

  13. ¡Qué bonita infantería española!
    Your progress on the various Tricone units remains most impressive. Good to see you got a FTF game in for once, as well as eaking out a win!

    1. Yes, a steady stream of Tricorne units passing across the workbench. Just barely eked out a win. Another game on deck for Sunday. Let’s see if my one game streak grows.

  14. Superb Spanish Jonathan, well done...and VERY impressive ride!

  15. Always had an affinity for that "other" Bourbon army in white of the tricorne era (ie, the Spaniards)--nicely done! Three weeks ago, I bought a pair of new running shoes to start getting out & into power walking, but then the late season Nor'easterns came through. Still shaking off winter here, in other words, but on the verge of a shift.

    1. Thank you! I have enjoyed fielding the Spaniards too. Expect to see more as sights turn toward WAS. More Piedmontese are in work as well.

      Winter was still upon us last week too. Six inches of new snow the Friday before last. I think we turned the corner too with temps reaching mid-50s yesterday. Good luck on your power walking exploits.

  16. Excellent replenishment, Jonathan, of your wonderful armies! I look forward to the start of hostilities on the battlefields of the 18th century.

    1. Thanks, Valentine! You have missed a few War of Austrian Succession games but more will be coming.

  17. Some great additions to your growing collection Jon. Good to see that your back out on your bike again too.

    1. Thank you, Ray! Yes, very good to be back out on the bike.

  18. These Spanish are looking excellent. I love Davids flags. The unit with the blue cuffs are especially nice. Do you plan Piacenza?

    1. Thanks! I like David’s flags too. He provides a great service to the 18th Century wargamer. Yes, Piacenza is on the To Do list.

  19. Good looking miniatures yes yes
    Played a F2F game, great!
    Went outside? Crazy. 😀

    1. To quote Meatloaf, "Two out of three ain't bad."

    2. Now "that" is a random Meatloaf quote.

    3. Yes, it is! Once heard, somethings are never forgotten.

  20. Congrats on squeaking out that win in the replay and also on getting a ftf game in!

    Be safe on those roads mate.

    1. Thank you! It was a very narrow squeak. The result could have easily gone the other way.

  21. Your Spaniards look amazing, very crisp and warlike, and those flags! I have a 6mm Napoleonic Spanish army from Baccus just arrived in the mail that I am inspired to work on now. A few more weeks for cycling weather here in Ontario. Cheers, Michael

    1. Thanks! Flags are David’s work from Not By Appointment blog.

      Here, rain is arriving on Thursday. One more day outside on the bike for me until forced back inside on the trainer.

  22. More fine units coming off the painting desk there Jon! Cycling is still a bit hit and miss here as it has been rather wet this month. Looking forward to getting out more as and when the weather and family time allow.

    1. Thank you! More SYW/WAS units coming up too.

      Hope you can get out for some exercise when time and weather permits. I was out yesterday and will be out again later today once the temperatures warm. We see a return to a bit of rain on Thursday.

  23. Lovely looking Spanish, your non 28mm numbers are going to be up this year!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! Yes, I think 2023 may be another year of 18mm output.
