
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

More Spanish Infantry

Despite a steady run of games, I am still maintaining progress at the painting desk. Keeping the WAS/SYW focus, two more Spanish regiments muster out.  Foot figures are Old Glory, mounted officer is Eureka, and flags by Not by Appointment.

When I mentioned I was planning to field Spanish infantry, David (the generous fellow that he is) set to work on flagsets for a handful of Spanish regiments.  I have six Spanish flagsets in hand now.  Rumor has it that he may be working on flags for some Piedmontese infantry that I am working on.  No hurry.  My first tranche of Piedmontese will likely call to arms without colors but that is fine.  Flags from the quartermaster will likely catch up to them some day.

The two, 23 figure Spanish regiments in today's offering are Regiments Galicia and Zamora.  A third pair of Spanish infantry is in work.
Regiment Galicia
Regiment Zamora
As mentioned, two more Spanish infantry are on the painting desk along with more SYW infantry.  Following the next Spanish infantry, I expect to see French Grenadiers de France and the first Hanoverians.  After these, maybe more Piedmontese.  Lots of WAS/SYW infantry coming up.

On the order front, it seems like the Royal Mail has unjammed itself from the problems it faced at year-end.  Orders placed in December to Lancashire Games and QRF arrived this week as did the January sale order from Newline Designs.  Yippee!  One last minute, second order was sent off to Newline Designs making it just under their sale cut off.  Whew!

Gaming this week saw me lead the Americans to victory in 1944 France against a strong German counterattack on Monday.  Thursday sees a return to Montebello for another match.  This time, I get the luxury of commanding one of the armies.  Saturday may see either Napoleonics or Ancients.   


  1. Another fine addition there Jonathan, more games too, it's all systems go at the Freitag Fortress

  2. Excellent looking Spanish infantry, more painted units to come and a plethora of games in a myriad of periods on the way , all sounds good!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. Only three games this week seems a bit of a downshift from recent weeks.

  3. Another couple of fine additions. Pleased the Royal mail issues are sorted for you

    1. Thanks! Yes, very pleased to see the arrival of orders from the UK. It was a long wait.

  4. Nice new units to Jon your Spanish force, Jon. Glad your UK stock has finally arrived....perhaps mine will do likewise soon?

    1. Thanks, Keith! I hope your restocks from the UK are on the way.

  5. Nicely done steady progress on the Spanish 👍 sounds like you have ordered quite a lot of figures ! I guess you won’t run out at least 😀

    1. Thanks! As you well know, steady progress is the way toward fielding big armies. Not a lot of figures just a lot of orders. Well, the annual Newline orders were fair sized.

  6. Good looking figures, nice to see the mustering moves along despite your gaming activities.

  7. Lots of gaming and lots of painting, a panacea of hobby balance. The white coats look good, as yours always do, I am still not settled on my Austrian whites!

    1. Sometimes, it is a tough balancing act not always without hazard. Cutting back the number of games this week helped to see some more painting.

  8. The figure poses look quite lively. You have painted lots of detail on those 18mm figures?

    1. Old Glory figures are well known for their animated sculpting poses. The variety gives a unit a lot of vitality.

  9. Again, as a mere wargaming mortal (and a soloist at that), one wonders and is amazed by your commitment, production-rate, and posting frequency. FWIW, I vote for Ancients on Saturday. Napoleonics is so early 18th century.

    1. Chris, amazement is a two way street! I am constantly amazed at your long form prose in your battle reports. Every one is a footnoted thesis. Ancients on Saturday? Maybe. I am not a fan of the rules being used in the Saturday offering.

  10. Fine units as always Jon and good of David to work on some flags for you. At least you are able to game and paint despite being snowed in, so there is a silver lining and all that.

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, David is a remarkable talent and friend.

      As for being snowed in, another six inches overnight and it is still snowing hard this morning. We are snowed in, for sure! Unfortunately, all of this snow meant I had to cancel today's scheduled F2F game across the border in Idaho today.

    2. We never really get much snow nor bad Winters here in Bristol, so hard to imagine what a 'proper' Winter is like. As mentioned before, almostSpring like at times and tomorrow is the first day of Spring for us, but still cold. I hope you get an early thaw and can get out on the bike.

    3. Even though Meteorological Spring begins tomorrow on March 1, it looks very much like the depths of winter here. For now, I cycle indoors.

  11. Wonderful! And thanks for the kind mentions... :-) Your productivity and activity in the hobby is, as always, impressive and impossible to emulate...



  12. I'm really enjoying seeing your Spanish Jonathan. The flags are very nice as well, and it struck me how little (if at all) they change by the time the Napoleonic era comes around.

    1. Good you enjoy seeing Spanish infantry, Lawrence. More still to come. The Spanish were not alone in having their flags remain mostly unchanged to the Napoleonic wars and even later.

  13. Happy to see more Spaniards to add to the collection and to read that you are still gaming so frequently! Will we get a post for that WW2 game?

    1. Glad you like seeing more Spanish. More yet to come. In the WWII game, I played against three attackers. They kept me busy so I do not think I captured many screenshots. I will verify. There might be enough to cobble together a battle report. There was a good Hollywood moment or two in the game that would be fun to detail.

  14. Nice work on the Spanish! Always had a soft spot for them. Limited use in the SYW, but essential for the WAS in Italy v Austrians. Of course what you need are some Irish for the Spanish army....

    1. Thanks, Neil! Yes, these Spaniards will see service during the WAS in Italy. Seems every army had some foreign regiments. The Spanish will be no different.

  15. All these games and painting, living the dream Jonathan.

    1. George, you seem to remain just as busy on the hobby front. Sure beats the workaday life.

  16. Great looking figures Jonathan, I'm surprised you get any time for painting with all tbe games you're involved in.

  17. nice job all around. good luck in your future commands! 😀
    the flags do look nice. (and the miniatures)

  18. Lovely looking unit. Nicely done sir!

  19. Although looking very much the same: I love both units. It's stunning how much you work although it seems to me, that it is boring to paint the same uniform again and again. I'm very much interested in the continuation of your work especially waiting for the cavalry. I find the older uniforms more beautiful.
    I have a question: why are my new posts of my blog not on your list at the side of your blog (blogs followed)?

    1. Thanks! Boring means I can paint more of them. To prevent boredom from setting in, I try to alternate units. As for cavalry, did you miss all of my French cavalry units from last year? I do need to get cracking on some horse for Spain and Piedmont.

      On my blogger list, your blog still appears but it shows as not having been updated for three weeks. I will investigate. Perhaps the feed stopped working?

    2. Your post is now appearing. I think there was a lag between posting and appearing in the blogger list widget.

  20. A pair of lovely Spanish infantry units, Jon! Excellent progress,. especially considering the busy gaming schedule!
