
Monday, February 6, 2023

Here Come the Spanish!

After a lot of gaming and several diversions at the painting desk tackling figures for other projects, finally, more units for the 18mm SYW project begin to muster out.

The initial group emerging out from the photo booth is a pair of white coated Spanish infantry regiments.  Foot figures are Old Glory led by a Eureka mounted colonel.  Flags are by David's at Not by Appointment.
First up is Regiment Castilla with its blue facings and yellow trim.  Fine looking regiment with Old Glory's typically energetic poses.  
Second, Regiment Soria with its red facings, waistcoat, and white trim marches out.  Another fine regiment as I begin to build a Spanish contingent for the War of Austrian Succession.  Four more are in work.
On deck are more Spanish infantry, a pair of Reicharmee regiments, and several Piedmontese.  On the painting desk is a first dip into painting Hanoverians.  Lots of SYW/WAS troops planned for work in 2023.

With a little luck, more of these regiments can work themselves into the posting rotation in between other topics. 

Later today sees the conclusion of the Montebello battle with a half-dozen Rejects from the UK.  Halfway through the battle, the outcome still looks undecided to my eye.  With every pass by the gaming table since last Monday's first session, I stop, survey the battlefield and army dispositions, and imagine what lays ahead.  Looking forward to seeing what surprises are in store.


  1. Splendid additions and good to see some Spanish units which one doesn't often see.

    1. Thanks, Phil! No, we do not often see Spanish armies.

  2. Two more fine bodies of men there Jon and as always, David's flags look superb:). I can imagine I would do the same thing if I could leave a game set up half way through the action. In BBB there are night intervals which sort of facilitate this in allowing both sides to re-align units etc within limits, with Gettysburg being a notable example. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what the action has in store and eagerly await the AAR.

    1. Thank you, Steve! David's flagwork is terrific every time.

      Having the ability to leave a battle in progress set out on the table for days or weeks or even months at a time is a great joy. This is especially true for the solo gamer unable to carve out huge blocks of time.

  3. Lovely looking work Jon, hope the resolution to Montebello goes well πŸ‘

    1. Much appreciated, Matt! I hope Part 2 of the battle goes well too...

  4. You don't often see Spanish for the 7YW, are you planning battles in Havanna or the Philippines?

    1. Ray, my plan with the Spanish is to fight WAS battles in Italy and perhaps the Lowlands.

  5. Lovely units Jonathan. Not the usual troops seen for SYW.

    1. Thank you! Not the usual SYW fare, for sure. These Spaniards will see action during the WAS.

  6. Nice troops, so much easier than the British and very good looking.

    1. Much easier than painting British! I just began work on Hanoverians. I will have to alternate with French and Spanish regiments to maintain a reasonable production schedule.

  7. Another great looking stuff Jonathan!

  8. Nice work. These miniatures make the unit look in motion rather than the neat and orderly look rank and file units often have.

    1. Thanks, Pascal! Old Glory figures are well-known for their animated and dynamic poses. Quite different style from either Blue Moon or Eureka.

  9. These Spaniards look great Jon, something about the all white uniform with a splash of colour on the facings is particularly attractive. Looking forward to reading about the conclusion of the clash of the Rejects!

    1. Thank you, Keith!

      I await the resumption of hostilities with the Rejects. Report to follow...

  10. As others have pointed out, it’s rare to see Spanish for this period. In fact I can’t remember seeing any before. With Austrians, French, Spanish, and soon Piedmontese, are you not a bit bored with white? πŸ˜‰


    1. Not bored yet. Besides, not all French, Spanish, and Piedmontese wear white.

  11. Very nice indeed. White isn't easy but you have pulled it off nicely.

  12. Oooh - great to see these! Troops (and flags) look splendid... :-) And yes, I will get to work on those Piedmontese flags soon, I hope. Hanoverian flags (so complex and varied) - well, I'm thinking about it! ;-) Good to hear WAS and SYW figure largely in your plans.

    All the best,


    1. I figured you would enjoy seeing your Spanish flags. Maybe a couple of Franconian units next?

      Yes, plenty of paintwork planned for the WAS/SYW in 2023. I may try to focus on those periods painting-wise, but you know how it goes.

  13. These look superb as usual Jonathan. I liked your comment about passing by the table mid-game and envisaging the various outcomes. Our Napoleonic games ran for several weeks and I liked doing the same if I arrived early, which would always build the sense of anticipation and excitement for me. The Not by Appointment blog looks like a great resource for the SYW.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      No matter which battle is out on the table, I always stop to have a gander. I am in good company! David' flags are great and he takes special requests too.

  14. Looking superb as usual Jonathan. It's good to see more SYW/WAS units appearing, I'm hoping to make a start on my SYW this year, time is so short at the moment.

    1. Thanks, Meic! I hope you get time to start your SYW project.

  15. Great looking Spanish troops, Jon! As in the Napoleonic era, the Spanish are often overlooked. 2023 is looking to have a very 7YW look on the painting table!

    1. Thanks, Peter! My focus for these Spanish will be toward the WAS since they were more active in these theaters.

  16. 5 games a week and still cranking out the nice looking infantry in the fancy uniforms??!! You're my miniature wargaming role model.😁

    1. You will not be seeing another five games in a week anytime soon. I am still in recovery mode...

  17. Very nice Jonathan. I have always likes the Spanish armies.

  18. It's really impressive for me to see you painting even the Spanish army. You have my respect expecially on the day when I uploaded my posting about the battle of Campo Santo (and I have Spanish dragoons only). Great work and I wish you a lot of success with your new units!

    1. Thank you, AndrΓ©! Yes, your work in the WAS has prompted me to look into this conflict with gusto. First French and now beginning to build Spanish, Piedmontese, Reichsamree, and Hanoverain units. I am off to read your Campo Santo account.

    2. Thank you. I think that the Piedmont army is very interesting and not too large. Some batallions and 3-4 cavalry are enough for my scale of battles. I'm very much interested in your upcoming Spanish army and all those excellent flags by NBA.

  19. Spanish units, nice! But... More white uniforms? Going to get confusing on the tabletop when they face those French white uniforms.

    1. Well, the French and Spanish will be allied but they may get confused when fighting against Austrians and Piedmontese.

    2. At least the flags are pretty distinctive so that should help differentiate! :-)

  20. Gorgeous looking Spanish troops!
    Best Iain
