
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Climbing to New Heights

After many years of solid service, the French colonel blogger avatar image is moving into retirement.  In its place is a fine piece of artwork from Tim at Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog.  Not only does Tim keep himself busy with wargaming activities but he is also an avid cyclist (see Tim's Bike Blog) and talented artist (see Tim's Art Blog).

Last fall, Tim made a call-out for participants in his October Critters on Bikes Drawing Challenge.  In this challenge, Tim stated that he liked drawing critters, bicycles, and critters on bicycles but sometimes lacked inspiration to put all of these details together.  That is where his selected participants came in.  Armed with some information, Tim would set out to draw 31 bicycle-riding friends during the month of October.

For ideas to help trigger his artistic inspiration, he asked three questions and my answers were:

  • If you were a critter of some sort, what would you be? Mountain goat.  I like to climb.
  • What is your favorite bike to ride? Specialized Roubaix.
  • What do you wear while out riding it?  Many choices but I simply submitted what I wore on that day's ride.
Well, without wasting a minute's time, I asked Nancy to snap a photo or two from a recent ride with me in my kit and bike and off the email went to Tim.

After a few weeks, Tim posted the result of his efforts based upon his interpretation of photo and answers.  The result can be seen at Jonathan as Mountain Goat and in the photo above.  This link also shows some of Tim's in progress sketches.

Here I am as an anthropomorphic mountain goat riding my trusted Roubaix.  Great stuff, no?

Tim, thanks for an outstanding caricature that will maintain a special place.


  1. Lovely looking new avatar! Although I will miss the Napoleonic Colonel!
    Best Iain

    1. I may miss the colonel too. He has been with me through thick and thin.

  2. mountain goat cyclists shave their legs to reduce wind resistance?
    Concerned readers want to know! ☺

    1. Not necessary at the speed this mountain goat rides.

  3. I too will miss the Colonel but I love the new avatar. The mountain goat is a great choice.

    1. Perhaps the colonel will come back some day? Tim's work on the caricature is terrific.

  4. Well, I've never had even a casual personal relationship with a mountain goat but the various domestic goats I've met have been inquisitive, like to see what's going and who's doing what, friendly and like to climb, so.....close enough.

    1. In the wild, mountain goats are amazing to watch scrambling over rocky precipices. A bit more exotic than a domestic goat, I think.

  5. Very cool but that climb looks daunting to me and my asthma would not like it one bit;)!

  6. great to have a thing that someone else has invested personal effort in to create a gift. Art always has that sense that someone has given something of themself.

  7. Heh heh! That's brilliant. Had a peak at some of Tim's other Critters on Bikes. Great idea. Talented guy.

    1. I am very pleased with the result. Tim is a very talented fellow on many fronts.

  8. wait, so that NOT you on the bike... 😁 even after not shaving for awhile?

    that's a terrific bit of fun; nice job on Tim. It should make a good avatar

    1. Upon close inspection, it is not me. I am pale but not that pale and my beard is still red. Good fun and a Great job by Tim.

    2. Still red!? I have been cheated in the follicle department as I’m sure you have a few years on me yet my beard grows out embarrassingly as white as snow!

    3. Well, it still looks red when I shave. Perhaps I should grow it out to confirm?

    4. I always endorse another man’s facial growth efforts!

  9. Very nice Jon…you’d love it around here nothing but hills I long for some flat ground !

    1. Thanks! Here, there is a variety of terrain, so all systems get a workout. Well, at least they get a workout when the weather is good. More snow today with cold, biting wind.

  10. This visual will surely increase the speed at which you climb.

  11. You have been immortalised now, Jon! Not sure I woukd have chosen to be represented by a Goa, but each to his own 😆

    1. Which animal would you have chosen, Keith? Over here, GOAT is an acronym for something else too.

  12. Lovely look. As a Capricorn I approve. Goats rule! I will check out the link.

    1. Neat site, you friend is very talented.

    2. I am a Capricorn as well! Yeah, Tim is very talented.

  13. As very fine job by Tim, and a fitting new Avatar!

  14. That is a very nice gift from your friend and an appropriate avatar given the info you provided to him.

  15. Greatest Of All Time eh? I see where your ego lies Jon ;)

    I think it’s a lovely and charming piece of art and unique enough to be very worthy of it’s new place as blog avatar.

    We’re I to answer the same questions, I’d respond with Orca, kid’s Big Wheel, cargo shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt invariably too small for my gut.

    1. Actually I am a simple and humble guy. The GOAT reference was in response to Keith’s disparaging my choice of critter.

      I am envisioning your combination of choices. I would enjoy seeing Tim take a crack at that combo!

  16. Lovely stuff Jonathan, although I would have thought after recent encounters a moose might have been in order!

    1. A moose was definitely under consideration but the antlers offer too much wind resistance. I hate wind!

  17. What a lovely 'gift' from Tim. The most individual and special avatar going around!
    Regards, James
