
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Four Battles in Four Days!

This has been a busy week at the gaming table.  I managed a mini marathon of four battles in four successive days. Four hosts presenting four battles from four different periods provide great variety in scope.  While I published a battle report on one of the four (Cropredy Bridge), three more are yet be chronicled here.  In the meantime, below is a recap of the gaming activities with links to battle reports where available.

MONDAY:  Battle of Cropredy Bridge, 1644.

The week kicked off with a replay of ECW Battle of Cropredy Bridge.  In this edition, the Royalists pulled out a decisive victory.

Jon's Battle Report at: Cropredy Bridge Redux

TUESDAY: Battle on Moncontour, 1569

Tuesday's game saw players fighting it out in France during the French Wars of Religion.  The battle was closely contested until the internet went out at the host site.  We may have to draw our own conclusions on the outcome since the battle was cut short. 

Graham's Battle Report at: Battle of Moncontour 1569 

WEDNESDAY: Battle on Plataea, 479BCE

Wednesday saw Matt and I punch it out over the fields of Plataea in a hotly contested and very exciting battle.

Matt's Battle Report at: The Battle of Plataea

THURSDAY: Battle on Auberoche 1345

Thursday saw Peter and I lock horns on the fields of Auberoche as the French are caught in ambush by the English.  Another battle that came down to the wire.

Peter's Battle Report at: Battle of Auberoche 


I could use a rest.


  1. Quite the week! Looks like you are reaping what you've sowed.

  2. An incredible week of gaming. Just a pity that there wasn't a conclusion to the Moncontour game. Plataea seemed like a game you and Matt will remember for a long time.

    1. On the Moncontour battle, the outnumbered and outclassed Huguenots’ objective was to give the Catholics a bloody nose. We did that in spades. I think Mission Accomplished.

      Yeah, Matt’s Plataea is one for the Archives.

  3. Four in a week is approaching heaven, some great gaming there. Introducing Matt to Chain of Command today, it will be interesting to see what he thinks.

    1. George, four games in four days approaches overload!

      Matt and I briefly discussed your upcoming CoC campaign. He is excited about giving it a go and seeing all of your kit you have assembled. I look forward to seeing your battle accounts and Matt's First Impressions.

  4. Exhausted but happy. Living the dream.

    1. Richard, actually not so exhausted. One gets accustomed to regularly gaming sessions and it becomes second nature especially when we share the hosting load.

  5. Impressive Johnathan, you colonialists always doing things bigger.

    1. Thanks, Robbie! If I was a Texan, I would agree with your doing things bigger sentiment.

  6. But did you paint anything! - just kidding, 4 games is a very full plate, especially as it four different systems and periods, but in a world in which many gamers are exasperated by not getting to the table enough, it is a great testimony as to what can be done with a little focus / emphasis, but also a nod to the size and type of game that allows that to happen more easily.

    A great pre-Christmas game fest without doubt.

    1. Did I paint anything? Well, I did begin work on two dozen WotR bowmen this week and began working on basing some more Sumerians. I guess the answer is really no.

      On gaming frequency and focus, you are correct. Some discipline and planning are required. But, once you get into the rhythm of playing games remotely, it becomes easy to set aside 2-3 hours out of the day for a game. When your gaming friends share the workload, it is not much different than making time to enjoy a long lunch and chat with a friend.

      Preparation is important especially when hosting. With so many rules in play, even a participant has homework to allow time to scan the rules, QRS, and scenario details before play.

  7. Will be interested to read the Auberoche write up. Not an easy one to refight, I think, so be interested to see how it was tackled and how it panned out.

    1. Anthony, as the French player, the first three turns I figured the French had no chance as my levy melted away before the hail of arrows. The situation stabilized and I was able to recover and then go on the attack on one front while falling back on another. Turned out to be a very well-balanced scenario. Details forthcoming...

  8. Hi Jon - that's a remarkable week's work - compliments and respect! I have done battles on two successive days in the recent past, but I'd have to recover afterwards. Well done, dear fellow!

    1. Hi Tony! Yes, this was a game-filled week, no doubt.

      My table has been cleared of ECW armies and anew battle is formulating. Working on rules and scenario now for a planned game on Tuesday. something Hollywood and light-hearted for the holidays.

      Drop me an email when you are ready to return to action.

      Thanks for your encouragement!

  9. Four games in four days? Well done! I'm jealous. That's half a year of gaming for me!

    1. Thank you, John! Before my discovery of gaming remotely, my gaming frequency was not unlike your own. I was lucky to get in one game per month.

  10. I’m tired just thinking about it Jon. Glad to be part of your gamathon

    1. Matt, you have your own gameathon in your battling with George today.

  11. Cramming them in there Jonathan, some fine gaming indeed.

  12. so many games…it’s hard to keep up!

  13. You are the closest thing to a full time wargamer. More power to your elbow!

  14. One day I'll be retired and able to enjoy this lavish glitzy gaming extravagance too!
    (I won't - this late life Dad will be working until he drops dead at his desk to provide for his bratty children.)

    1. Retirement is the first step, for sure. Lavish? Glitzy? Hardly. Fun? Definitely!

  15. That’s a lot of gaming to pack into a week!

  16. Great stuff Jon! I think I once managed three FtF games in one week a few years back but of late, our group seems to have slowed a bit. I am off to the last Sunday game of the year a Barry's tomorrow, so that will be good.
    Of course, when we were able to do the Wargaming Week down in Tarawera a few years back, we did five games in five days....but not sure if we will get that opportunity again, sadly.

    1. Thanks, Keith! Have fun in your game tomorrow.
      Your wargaming week in Tarawera was really a private wargaming retreat. One would expect non-stop gaming. You guys played for five days? You were living the Good Life. Hope those days return for you.

  17. Gosh a lot of games, I've had three in two weeks and that's smashed my average!
    Best Iain

    1. Three games in two weeks is a very good and sustainable pace.

  18. You have been a busy bee Jon and I can see why you need a rest so to speak. Plenty of ideas this side of the pond but sturggling to find time and space to get a game in now the Xmas break is upon us.

    1. Hi Steve! Hope you find some time and space for gaming over the holidays.

  19. Impressive games, it's great to see you gaming and having fun. I need to get myself more organised in the new year and play more games.



    1. Yes, I am getting in a lot of gaming. All good fun.

  20. Four battles in four days sounds very impressive. I'm a bit jealous. But I hope to play in the first weeks of 2023.

    1. Here’s to getting a game in within the first weeks of 2023.

  21. What a week Jonathan…
    You must be exhausted you poor thing 😂

    All the best. Aly
