
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Down But Not Out

October saw a regular circulation of the Battle of Ucles out on the table.  By my recollection, four battles were fought over several weeks.  The four games were fought with three different sets of players.

Today's episode looks at Game #4 in the series pitting a rematch between Steve and David.  In Game #3, Steve and David faced off.  In Game #4, they meet again.  This time, they switch sides.  Steve commands the Christians.  David commands the Muslims.

Sometimes, the battle is never over until it is over.  This is one such instance.

Let's see how the battle played out. (Arrows: White=move; Yellow=retreat; Red=melee).

The battle lines are drawn.

Battle opens with both armies advancing.
Christian knights throw caution to the wind
and charge into the Muslim center.
The knights crash into the Muslim line.
The shock of impact sends Muslim cavalry to the rear.
Pursuit is only stopped by intervention of heavy foot.
The white knights are put to flight
as the camel lancers move up.
While the Muslims attack on the left,
two more Christian knights prepare to attack.
Two bodies of knights ready the charge.
The knights charge into the heavy Muslim foot
 and the infantry are pushed back. 
The knight's momentum is stopped by Muslim camel
lancers moving to protect their brethren.
The continuing Christian pursuit carries it into the camels.
The leftmost knight is repulsed when it charges
a steady large unit of heavy infantry. 
The camel lancers are driven off.
The Christian right comes under attack from light cavalry.
While the Christian knights continue to dominate
the center of the battle, Muslim light cavalry cut down
    skirmishers and sweep around the flank. 
Two knights head to the rear!
Still, the knights continue their rampage
 deep into the enemy center.
Scattering the enemy in pursuit,
the knights are wreaking great destruction.
Another Muslim cavalry units meets it ends.
Victory looks within Christian grasp.
The only concern for the Christians is that their left is
weakening.  Units are wearing down from hard fighting.
A closer look reveals that the Christian left
is in flight save for a few skirmishers. 
Like the rise of Phoenix, the Muslims strike back.
Brushing aside the Christian skirmishers, the two units of horse archers attack the rear of the retreating Christians.  In quick succession, three units of retreating Christians are cut down and their baggage sacked.  

The Muslims have snatched victory from the jaws of defeat!

What a miraculous comeback!  Only a breath away from almost certain defeat, the Muslims capitalize upon the crumbling Christian left and sweep it away while capturing the baggage.  History repeats itself.

Wow!  What an exciting finish.

Congratulations to David on a last-minute victory.  Steve and I watched, stunned, as David pulled this one out of the fire.

Well done!


  1. A stunning looking game and great to see it go down to the wire

    1. Thanks, Neil! The decision went down to the wire, no doubt. So very, very close. It was heartbreak for the vanquished and jubilation for the victor.

  2. As ever a spectacular looking and sounding set to, bravo!

  3. An excellent combat, you are the king of remote gaming Jonathan.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the action! King? I am not sure. Seasoned Veteran, at least.

  4. Quite the game, such a tabletop spectacle! Hard fought and well laid out. Jonathan you really are getting aces at this remote gaming.

    1. Thanks, Joe! While practice and repetition may not make perfect, they certainly lead toward improvement.

  5. Replies
    1. Remote gaming has definitely increased the number of games played and expanded my gaming universe,

  6. I like that the game turned on breaking into the rear and hitting retreating units / sacking the baggage - it just seems a solid narrative basis for a (great) victory to flow from.

    1. Victory at the last gasp certainly provided a lot of excitement, drama, and despair.

  7. Good to see the Muslims win even if they nearly blew it 👍

    1. Matt, this was really a near-run thing. Steve and I both thought the Christians had sealed a victory.

  8. As you say, that looked like an almost certain victory for the Christians, but all those successive charges must have worn them out.

    1. Successive "pursuits until you fail" in Impetvs can create huge holes in a line or turn a flank.

  9. As always eye's candies battle!
    Best regards

  10. A great looking game Jon and nice to see the Muslims could replicate history....a sign of a good rule set, in my opinion. It can be hard winning with the lighter Muslim armies....the trick is usually having about twice as many of them, to offset the heavy knights of the Franks!

    1. Thanks, Keith! since the Muslims won this battle, historically, they ought to have a chance to duplicate that feat. The players learned in the last two battles of the series and the Muslims came out victorious in both. I agree that the Muslims typically need more troops and at least one open flank.

  11. Eye catching game, and a classic match between power and finesse. Nice to see that a dramatic turn of events like this was not the product of freak die rolls (at least if it was I missed it).

    1. Thanks, Ed! No freak die rolling here. The horse archers caught the Christians in retreat and took them out one after the other.

  12. Lovely nip and tuck game. Always nice to see a close fought one with a sting in the tail.

    1. Thanks, Richard! David really pulled this one out at the last minute. You should have heard the jubilation!

  13. Another fine game Jon and what a sudden and dramatic swing of fortune in favour of the Muslim armies!

    1. Glad you liked the game recap, Steve. This contest saw a dramatic swing of fortune at the last minute without doubt. Great fun! Well, especially for the Muslim army.

  14. A splendid looking and sounding game Jonathan…
    I do enjoy a game that takes it right to the wire… which is a rare thing for me 😁

    All the best. Aly

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! It was an enjoyable game to watch unfold. Very close contest.

  15. Great batrep Jonathan and what a steal for the Muslim's army, if only I could manage the same just once.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thank you! The Muslim Army pulled victory out of bag at the last minute in this one.

  16. Nothing like a fun game that yields a great story!

  17. Great looking game and a really surprising result!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! Yes, this was a surprising turn-around at the last moment.

  18. An excellent looking game with a surprising twist.
