
Friday, October 14, 2022

Busy But No Painting

These past seven days have been an active one but not at the painting desk.  The paintbrush has been idle for almost an entire week.  Hopefully, I pick up the brush today.  There are plenty of items needing attention.

With friends in town from Seattle for the long weekend, Nancy and I were busy entertaining our guests.  No time for a meaningful painting session over the weekend.  I did offer a tour of my library, show off the game room, explain the concept of remote gaming, and point out the current situation of the Solferino battle that still raged on across the table.

The defense of San Cassiano
On Saturday we climbed Mount Spokane and took a few photos from the top.  At nearly 6,000 feet. Mount Spokane is the highest point in the county.  It juts 3,500 feet above the valley below. Quite a climb and quite spectacular views.
View from top of Mount Spokane
View from top of Mount Spokane
On Sunday, we made the loop around downtown including walks along both banks of the falls and a gondola ride across and below the lower falls.  The falls look much different in fall than they did earlier this summer.
Lower Spokane Falls
Lower Spokane Falls
Monday saw the conclusion of the Attack on San Cassiano as the finale in a three-part remote session with the Rejects.  By the conclusion, I reckon we put in about thirteen hours of playing time.  Battle reports are on my To Do list.  With such a large and lengthy battle, I expect battle reports will make their appearance in a series to breakdown the action and not overwhelm readers (and me!).
The battle from behind Austrian lines.
Tuesday saw Richard host the 1424 HYW Battle of Verneuil in a hybrid game where some players were F2F and others were remote.  In a bit of luck, history actually repeated itself!  For Graham's account of the battle, please visit, A Second Agincourt.
Battle of Verneuil
With the Solferino fought to a conclusion on Monday, Wednesday saw the table cleared and a new battle setup in its place.  Which battle?  Stay tuned! 

Thursday witnessed a second moose encounter on the bike for me.  This time, it was the female that was blocking my path.  While the images are dark from the shadows, the following photos show her on the path if you look really hard.
Another moose encounter.
Another Moose encounter.
Next time, either some figures mustering out from the painting desk, a sneak peek of next Tuesday's game, the first in a series of reports on the action at Solferino, or maybe something completely different!

Thanks for the robust engagement on the GWS Preferred Materials analyses.  Another topic is in work.


  1. Fabulous views Jonathan. It looks like alot of posts are lining themselves up. Can't wait.

    1. To me, this is beautiful country. Yes, lots of stuff simmering away on a number of backburners.

  2. Splendid scenic shots Jonathan, looking forward to the Solferino write ups it looks to be a fine old tussle.

    1. Glad you like the views! The action at Solferino was a fine old tussle, no doubt. Just ask the participants.

  3. Some stunning views Jonathan. Looking forward to the Solferino write up

    1. Stunning views, indeed! Neil, the problem with battle reports is that they do not write themselves.

  4. Replies
    1. Great views but a lot of effort to make it to the top of the mountain.

  5. Busy indeed! BTW I think you need to change your seems to be attracting moose! ☺

    1. Neil, I have seen more moose in the last week than I have seen in the last year. I do not think it the aftershave, though since I don't wear any.

  6. Some great scenic views Jon and the Solferino game will be interesting to read up on. Under your "Next Time" heading, I was expecting an even closer Moose encounter! Maybe you need to stick to main roads where the only hazards are dumb drivers rather than dumb animals!

    1. The weather here has been ideal for fall. Great to get out and fully appreciate it before the cold of winter descends upon us. Solferino was a bloody affair. Not sure I can fully capture all of the activity over the three sessions before my memory fades. I never take enough photos at the right time either.

      I think I prefer dumb animals over dumb drivers...

  7. "Moose on the Highway" by Nancy White

    1. Good one! Nothing is so scary as a bull moose on the road. For sure!

  8. Lovely scenery and lovely looking battle, I look forward to the write up!
    Best Iain

  9. So much to choose from: I have to say that the summit views were top of the list (sorry, couldn't help it). I guess you must have rolled another 1 on the moose dice--what are the odds?

    1. Ed, the views from the summit were the tops, for sure. It is still bit hazy from lingering wild fires. Moose must be like buses. You never see one and then two come along at the same time!

  10. Thank you again for running the Solferino game for the Rejects. It was indeed a right old tussle and was fought tooth and nail to the very end. I think I speak for all involved when I say this was a hugely enjoyable game and we are all in awe of your stamina and patience as a host!

    I've written up the understandably biased Austrian perspective of the battle and this went up on my Blog in the last hour. I wish I had made more detailed notes during the game but it took so much concentration just keeping track of what was happening, there wasn't time for anything else!

    1. Running the game for you guys was a real pleasure. I had great fun, for sure.

      I visited your post-game battle report and enjoyed the account and view from the Austrian perspective very much. Great job. Is it biased? What isn't? Since you had little knowledge of your enemy, the challenges they faced, or their battle plan providing your perspective is all we can ask and expect. You delivered!

      Looking forward to doing this again.

  11. I can see why you'd rather be out and about in pleasant weather and stunning landscapes than stuck indoors painting figures, moose and mad drivers notwithstanding! There'll be plenty of time for that when the weather clamps down, presumably... Well done on running the Solferino saga. It sounds like a good time was had by all.



    1. Yes, winter will close in upon us soon enough. In fact, with the chill in the air, I ought to begin planning for my annual figure primering blitz before the snows fly and the temperatures drop.

      For me, the Solferino game was great fun. I think the players enjoyed thmselves as much as you did in your multiplayer Bassignana battle.

  12. Great looking terrain Jon can we assume it is the same Moose ? I would love a tour of your gaming room 😀

    1. It may not compare to your rugged Lakes District but it is what I have 40 minutes away.

      The first encounter was bull and cow. Second was cow and calf. They were about five miles apart. I was not close ewnough to spot any distinguishing features on the cow...

      You know, you are welcome to stop in for a vist to the game room anytime.

  13. The moose are definitely out and about this time of year it seems. It is always nice to have people visit, and the return to painting and gaming after the have left often seems so much sweeter.

    1. Yes, it is that time of year that the Big Game are on the move. Funny that I have seen them much more frequently this year. Being away from the painting desk for a few days reignites interest although that interest is yet to kick into gear.

  14. Great scenery in your part of the world Jon! Seems wise to enjoy it as much as possible before winter sets in. Looking forward to the Solferino AAR!

    1. The landscapes are much different here than on Malta. For a teaser on the battle, see Big Lee’s link in his comment above.

  15. Superb views and countryside there Jon and I can see why you'd want to get as much outdoor activity in whilst you can before Winter arrives. I'm trying to do the same here as the Autumn has been very mild so far and also Summer like at times, which is rather bizarre, given we are in mid-October. It does mean gaming and painting has taken a hit though.

    No such wildlife encounters on a recent long bike ride (22 miles which is long for me) other than loads of American grey squirrels running across the paths. Early morning you might encounter deer, but they scarper before you can get close to them in the main.

    Looking forward to the Solferino reports to see how things went and might check Lee's Blog for a sneak preview as it were.

    1. To everything there is a season. Weather has been unseasonably warm here too. Perfect for outdoor activities and adventures. Great to see you got in a serious piece of road work into the legs. Riding 22 miles is a good distance especially if you do not do it everyday.

      Lee does a good recap of the battle from the Austrian perspective. So good that I am wondering if I need to create one.

    2. I normally manage around 5-10 miles when I get out due to time of day, time pressures etc, so it was nice to be able to get a long ride in for once, even if it did leave me rather tired! Lee's report is good, so maybe you could link to that and give some overviews of the game from your perspective as GM?

    3. With your domestic duties, I reckon finding time for a long ride is an infrequent luxury. Good to see you got some mileage in. One needs to take care of oneself too.

      I plan to provide Solferino background and setup as a start to laying the groundwork for what each team faced. After that, I will see what follows.

  16. Beautiful landscape pictures there Jonathan. It seems you are becoming the Moose Man of Spokane?

    1. David, glad you enjoyed glimpses of the local landscapes. Moose Man of Spokane? Hmm. I hope that moniker does not stick.

  17. Spectacular pictures Jonathan. I too am looking forward to the Solferino write up, it is one of my favourite 19th Century battles. You seem to be attracting a lot of moose lately, maybe a change of aftershave is in order?

    1. On Solferino, we only explored MacMahon's attack against San Cassiano and Cavriana in the center of the battlefield. Even with that limitation, the battle was still quite large when fought at the battalion level. No aftershave. I must be lucky!

  18. Triple Ah-Ha! The moose are after you. 😀

  19. Mt Spokane is a beautiful place for sure. We haven't been there in many years now. We have Stony Peak and Dunn's Mountain out our back yard so they have been our goto view spots over the years. And we have moose, deer, turkey, coyotes, fox and bobcats in the yard here so we don't have to go anywhere to see them, which is convenient when you're lazy like me, haha.

    1. I have not been to Stony Peak or Dunn's Mountain. I must check them out one day. Deer and wild turkey seem to be EVERYWHERE these days. I see turkey in flocks out on the streets of Spokane almost every time I am out. Have not seen a bobcat in the wilds around here yet.

  20. I'm busy and have no time to paint too. I love your photos. Could not do something similar.

    1. André, last week saw a return to the painting table. This week, a mix of painting and gaming.
