
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ten Years Before the Screen

The Palouse Wargaming Journal (PWJ) marches across its tenth anniversary.

It is said that a habit is formed in 21 days.

Publishing a blog for ten years, with regularity, must represent a lifestyle.

With 1,458 blog posts, blogging as a lifestyle decision seems applicable.

With nearly 40,000 comments (OK, half are mine!), this has become a wargaming community and outreach program for me.

What are ten take-aways from ten years of blogging?

  • Averaging about 10 posts per month, I have yet to run out of content.  When I began, I worried that potential material would soon become exhausted.  To the contrary and to my surprise, more ideas and topics pop into my head than there is time to write up.  My list of draft topics is long.
  • Blogging has enhanced my hobby enjoyment. 
  • Perservance.  Keep at it and write regularly.  Regular updates are key to engagement.
  • PWJ seems to attract readers and regular commenters of a similar demographic with similar interests.  How did this self-selection happen?
  • The blogging community is generous and polite.
  • Readers tend to follow the principle of if you cannot say anything nice, don't say anything.  My painting may not be the best nor my games the most handsome but you would never know it from commentary here.
  • I gained new wargaming acquaintances and friends from all over the world.  Many with whom I have even enjoyed a game or two.  Amazing, really.
  • Blogging opened up new possibilities and a venue to share thoughts on gaming, collecting, and wargaming in general with (mostly) likeminded wargamers.
  • Following other bloggers’ works and reader commentary are both motivational and inspirational.
  • I am grateful to anyone who happens to stop in to read my work and doubly grateful for those readers who regularly offer up a comment or two. 
Thank you for your patronage and friendship.

Now for a little contest!

As a small token of my appreciation for my valued readers, I offer up a gift voucher to one reader's favorite wargaming shop or bookseller.  The only constraints are that the vendor must allow for an electronic gift voucher purchase from the USA and the winner must supply an email address.

The Rules:
  1. Create a Haiku observing the traditional three lines of text having 5, 7, and 5 syllables each. 
  2. Theme: What draws you to checking in on actvities at the PWJ?
  3. Enter as many times as you like by leaving your Haiku as a comment to this post.
  4. One Haiku will be selected randomly from my favorite entries.
  5. Gift Voucher amount will be determined by the number of responses.
Below are two examples to prime the creative pump:

Paint desk is busy
Armies march into battle

Thoughts swirl and wander
Inspires; encourages
Quite habit forming.

Contest will close 30SEP2022.


  1. Congratulations on a decade of blogging, Jon! A Haiku, eh? Will give that some thought......😀

    1. Thanks, Keith! Yes, please a haiku some thought. Submit early and often!

  2. Well done on a decade of Blogging Jon :)! I think your thoughts sum things up quite nicely. As in life, I think we tend to congregate with those of a similar age, interests etc, so probably not surpising that this happens via Blogging too. Looking forward to many more posts from you over the next ten years.

    A Haiku is well beyoned me I'm afraid, but look forward to those submitted with more talent than I.

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! A Haiku is not beyond you. Give I a try if you wish.

  3. Congratulations!
    Alan Tradgardland

  4. Congratulations on your tenth year of blogging! I'm impressed by your comment rate; I've only managed 5,000 in the same time-period. Perhaps my audience is more select :)

  5. Congratulations! And long may it continue. I think point 6 is hugely important because on the whole, wargamers tend to appreciate the effort others put in to the hobby. Even if your figures look like they’ve been painted by a toddler with a six inch brush, you’ve put effort in and that should be recognised.

  6. Oh, and a haiku ...

    I follow the blog
    Paulouse Wargaming Journal
    Why? I recall not ...

  7. Wait! I remember!
    The Battle of Southam played
    Three different ways

  8. Congratulations Jonathan. I have found your posts enjoyable, thought provoking, and inspiring. Here's to 10 more.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Richard! Much appreciated.

  9. Congratulations 🎉 on the tenth. Your bullet points are spot on, look forward to the onward journey.

  10. Hello there Jonathan,

    Many congratulations on the decade of excellence! I will raise an iced one or two to the next ten!

    All the best,
    From across the foaming sea
    Good wishes and cheer


  11. Congratulations Jon on ten years, the numbers of comments is amazing and reflects how enjoyable PWJ is to follow.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I am always grateful for the generous comments.

  12. Congratulations Jon. Personally, I'm impressed by the quality and volume of your painting and think you dress a very fine table . And you've given me an appreciation of the Washington landscape I wouldn't otherwise have had. Carry on blogging, old chap.

    1. Thanks, Anthony! Glad I could expose some of the landscapes in my part of the world. I appreciate your encouragement.

  13. Congratulations and well done Jonathan. There is always something interesting to see here, so keep it up. I'll have to give that Haiku some thought though as rhyming couplets of questionable taste are more my thing.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Pleased to see that you find something frequently of interest. Yes, give Haiku some thought. Plenty of time to come up with a few.

  14. Hi Jonathan, congratulations on 10 years of running a blog, but I think of equal accolade is the support that you give to the blogs of others.

    Agree with your points and importantly, the blogosphere is a friendly and creative space to inhabit and share the hobby.

    A Haiku hey! not even sure this is right.

    Research, deploy
    Play for pleasure not to win
    It’s only a game

    I don’t want to win because I have already been kindly gifted by you in the past, so if my name is drawn, please randomly re-allocate to one of those who regularly comment enough to make your list of top 10.

    1. Thanks, Norm! You continue to be a cornerstone for support and interesting content in the blogosphere too. If your name is drawn. I will try again. You are close Haiku unless “research” is three syllables in British English.

  15. Congratulations! You'll never run out of posts because you keep adapting to change and doing new things. I started reading after seeing a post about painting totals probably six years ago. Looking forward to the next 10.

    1. Thanks, Dan! Thanks for the confidence boost that adaptation will allow a never ending stream of content.

  16. so much enjoyment
    palouse wargaming journal
    a prodigious blog

    codsticker at gmail dot com

  17. Backlog is too big
    Real life does not provide time
    To paint this Mountain

    I'm not here for prizes though and this is the first haiku I've written since I was a child I think. :) Just wanted to congratulate you on 10 years Jon. Glad I found your blog - continue to be motivating and inspiring for the rest of us.

  18. Checking updates often,
    Always something interesting seen,
    Prodigious output.

  19. You are attacked
    Charged by all our forces
    The Shedquarters way

  20. Congratulations on the 10 years. Your volume of daily posts is greater than mine. Alas I have fallen into a rhythm of once per week, unless severely provoked or I play another game. All I would say is that I am glad you started blogging, otherwise most likely we would never have encountered each other.

    1. Thanks, Graham! Had we never connected, it would have been a great missed opportunity for me.

    2. And yet our tactics still seem to astonish you. Perhaps it should read:
      You are attacked
      Charged by all our forces
      Why is Jon surprised?

    3. This is another good one! Why am I surprised? Slow learner?

  21. Ten years? Here is to another decade.

    "Jon writes a blog for
    Playing games remotely with
    People enjoying them."

    I hate the haiku
    Form tortures my thought and words,
    Changing their meaning.

  22. Congratulations on 10 years Jonathan. Keep it coming.

  23. Congratulations and very happy to be a small part in that community. Will have to look up the Haiku thingy ?

    1. Haiku thingy

      Your depth of knowledge
      More painting inspiration
      Hexes can be fun

    2. Thanks, Matt! Getting to know you has been a real pleasure and our games have been a highlight on my gaming calendar.

  24. Congratulations on the 10 year milestone. Yours is one of the blogs I check regularly. Here's to the next 10 years

  25. Happy 10th Blogiversary Jonathan!

  26. Congrats and here’s to another ten! Certainly one of the most followed blogs in the wargaming community thanks to your inventiveness, variety and for being such a nice bloke! Thank you for everything Sir!

    My first ever haiku is in honour of your great online games

    Across the Palouse
    Miniature armies gather
    To clash remotey

  27. dashing frequent brush
    quickly, fastly painting figs:
    Jon at his paint desk

    days go by quickly
    another army posted:
    on Johnathon's blog

    has been so for years
    three times a week a visit
    From my online friend

    10 years at the screen
    A decade of achievement
    The glory is yours

    And I congratulate
    And I applaud and I cheer
    For your large milestone.

    1. On a serious note:
      Congrats on 10 years. Your support of others blogs including my lame one and endless painting output and games played and genuine sense of positivity really set you apart. I’m happy to be a member of your online club. 😀

    2. Stew! Are you trying to stuff the ballot box? Thanks for your submissions. Keep ‘em coming!

    3. Thanks, Stew! Though not as funny as you, glad you find something here to keep you returning.

    4. Just trying to convey my enthusiasm. 😀

  28. Got no poetry to offer right now, but can express both congrats and an appreciation as a follower of your excellent blog--one of the inspirations that started my own blogging habit. Here's to the next decade!

    1. Ed, you are very kind! Send a Haiku or two if the inspiration strikes.

  29. Congratulations on your 10th blogoversary. Inspiring output (quantity AND quality) including the cycle trip photos. Thanks Jon!

  30. Congratulations, Jon! Thank you for the inspiration and the (so far) one game I've played under you - here's hoping for much more!

    I will say that commentary on my own blog helps keep me going. If people are interested enough to respond, you're doing something right... right?

    Reading all the posts
    Wargaming at its finest
    True inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! We will get another game.

      Commentary from readers is a terrific motivational tool. Having readers respond provides encouragement to continue.

      Excellent Haiku submission.

  31. Congratulations Jonathan, an excellent achievement.

  32. Congratulations on the milestone Jonathan. As a long time blogger myself I can echo your sentiments, Blogging is definitely a habit forming lifestyle choice.

    Relaxing evening
    A bristle, tiny brush paints
    Over the model

    1. Thank you, Lee! Regular blogging does seem a lifestyle choice. A good Haiku entry!

  33. Congratulations on 10 years blogging and here's to the next 10!!!

    Here's a Haiku from me.....

    Paulouse is his home
    Blogging is in his nature
    We all say, thank you!

    And another stolen from you Jonathan

    I am still away
    Deep in the heart of Texas
    Back on Saturday

  34. Posts swiftly cycle
    Comments many enthralling
    through hobby, Friendship

    Congratulations, Jon!

  35. Congratulations Jonathan. I am certain that the reason you have developed such a following, and in an organic manner, is that you are so supportive on other blogs in the community. I am forever surprised when I visit some obscure wargaming blog that you are commenting on it!

    1. Thanks, Mark! There are a lot of interesting Wargaming blogs. Some are more visited than others.

  36. Congratulations! I'll pass on poetry, although some of the figures I previously won in one of your competitions have at least been primed! Consistent high quality productivity and entertaining AARs are I'm sure what brings us all back!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Good to see that the figures have at least been primed!

  37. Congratulations on 10 years of your blog! I don't think my poetic skills are up to a Haiku; more of a prose man! I look forward to 10 more years of your blog and more besides. :-)



  38. Congratulations for your very inspiring work and your talent to interact with your readers. Looking forward to 10 years more!
