
Monday, September 26, 2022

Battle Day!

Battle as viewed from aerial observation balloon
Battle lines are drawn, armies deployed, and orders sent out to all of the commanders.

Later today the battle for control of the Solferino center sector begins.  With a large, seven player game, played remotely, it would be surprising if the battle is decided in one session.  In an inter-Reject rivalry, who will claim victory?

Final preparations for the game are winding down with the last of the new recruits making it to the field of battle.  As mentioned in an earlier post, the French have seen limited action in my earlier battles so they lacked a full complement of commanders.  On the eve of battle this shortfall has been addressed.  Left to-do is the affixing of unit labels.  Then, I can sit back and relax.  At least until game time, that is.

Off the painting desk today are 15 French mounted officers.  They are split between four Corp/Divisional stands and seven brigade commanders.  Figures are Old Glory 15s.
Let the battle begin!


  1. That is a cracking overhead shot - I a imagining ladders and scaffolding :-)

    Nice officer batch with a good bit of variation - Old Glory serve you well.

    1. Glad you like the view from above! For photo, a ladder was involved. Old Glory figures are mostly, good, solid sculpts.

  2. Fine and speedy additions ready for the big day there Jonathan, a titanic tussle looks on the cards some mighty figure and player wrangling ahead for you.

    1. Thank you, Phil! On the game, I hope the fellas enjoy themselves.

  3. I quite like the look of the Austrian position in this one Jonathan. Looks like it is set to be an interesting encounter. A nice group of officers there as well. I see your thumbnail has reappeared on other blogs - is that editing the html again?

    1. I like the look of the Austrian position too. The terrain and their resolve did not help them historically, though.

      Yes, the thumbnail reappeared a couple of posts ago following a Blogger change a couple of months back. To get it to return required html changes (as you guessed) and some other trickery.

  4. Looking forward to seeing the outcome of this battle

  5. Productive as ever Jon looking forward to seeing the battle unfold

    1. Painting output picked up in August and September. The players often offer up surprises so it is a difficult one to predict how the battle may unfold.

  6. Great looking figures Jonathan, which ones me?
    Looking forward to the game tonight and kicking some Austrian butt...........vive la France!

    1. Thanks, Ray! Which one is you? I need to look up my pre-battle notes!

  7. Spoken like a true Englishman, Ray....NOT! Looking forward to seeing how this one goes looks like a Command and Colors type layout...but I am picking you are using a different rule set? Actually, looking at your tags, I can SEE you are using Fields of Honor??

    1. Keith, I anticipate the battle too. Last time, at San Martino battle the Rejects were a fun group to stage manage.

      Rules are a heaviliy adapted version of the 2000 edition of the AWI Fields of Honor.

  8. Impressive set up. Looking forward to the AAR. Go Froggies!

    1. Thanks, Joseph! OK, two votes lean for the French in victory. Is there no love for the White Menace?

  9. Nothing like the approach of battle to inspire a surge in recruitment.

  10. Great overhead view Jon and as always I'm rooting for the Austrians! Great to have enough commanders and I often leave them to the last minute to paint, which is not ideal.

    1. The photo offers a truly, birdseye view of the battle. The Austrians are in good defensive ground to start the battle. The question is, can they hold it?

      The last minute painting requirement is a good motivator to give these figures a slap of paint. Glad they are done and dusted.

      As for having enough commanders, I originaly had scheduled the game for six but a late request added a seventh. The more the merrier!

  11. Great teaser shot of the battle and additions of some good targets I mean brave officers. 😀
    Good luck managing 7 players remotely.

    1. Yeah, lots of targets for Austrian artillery and rifle fire. On Day 1 of battle, no leaders have fallen yet.

      The Rejects are really quite the polite group even when they come in a pack of seven!

  12. Certainly looks crowded down there! Good luck to all players and especially to you Jon - won’t be easy to handle this one!

    1. Mike it certainly is crowded down there! Some would say that it presents a target rich environment. Ask Ray...

    2. For now, all I will say is that Ray repeatedly found himself as target.

  13. Looks like a blood bath is in the offing. Can't wait to see the reports in the press. I hear there's an American correspondent there, writing for something called the Palouse & Spokane Logger. Should be interesting.

    I'm a fan of the Hungry-Ostriches. Don't know why. But hurrah for the Kaiserlicks!

    1. A bloodbath looks like a reasonably assured outcome. It may be the last one standing in this stand-up fight. Not much room for fancy maneuvers.

      There might be a press release or two coming from the front. Day 1 of battle is in the books but an accurate account is still in work.

      I like the Austrians too but I also like the French!

  14. An impressive sight Jonathan and some nice officers.
