
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Back to the Brushes

After a week away from the painting desk, work resumes.  After a few ECW painting distractions, the painting station sees a return to fielding French units for the WAS/SYW.

Off the painting desk today is a 23-figure battalion of Frenchmen from Regiment Boulonnais.  Foot figures are from Old Glory, mounted officer from Eureka, and flags by Not by Appointment.

A number of other French infantry regiments are in the painting queue along with one more French cavalry regiment.  The Lead Pile is running low on Frenchmen so an order from 19th Century Miniatures is on its way.  Soon hopefully! 
The game table has seen no action since the Sumerian game two weeks ago.  Activity is ramping up to host the next remote battle.  On the docket is a recreation of the center sector of the Battle of Solferino pitting the French 2nd Corps against the Austrian I Corps.  I will be hosting the UK-based Rejects in a remote game one week from yesterday as we return to action in the Franco-Austrian War (FAW) of 1859.  Last time (back in May) we tackled San Martino.  Seven players have signed on for the game.

Having the FAW collection out on the table primarily in refights with the Sardinians v Austrians, the French army has seen only limited action in a couple of replays of the Montebello battle.  What I did not realize was that elements of the Imperial Guard supported MacMahon's 2nd Corps at Solferino.  While I could field three battalions of Guard Grenadiers, no Guard Voltigeurs could muster out for the battle.  A quick disruption of the painting queue pushed three battalions of voltigeurs ahead of all else.  My expectation is that Guard Voltigeurs will be ready for action by game day.  I need to order more Guard infantry... 

This week will be busy preparing for the Solferino game.


  1. Another stately regiment in white/pearl white from the Age of Reason: always a welcome sight. As far as the upcoming game, what better motivation could there be to paint up a unit than to fit a space in the line (we've all been there)?

    1. Thanks, Ed! An upcoming game and a pressing need for more troops is always a great motivator. Why do we always need to paint troops at the last minute? This axiom seems especially true for convention games.

    2. Tell me about it for convention games, LOL! This last Historicon was one of the few were I wasn't still doing some last minute work after arriving Wednesday afternoon! The corollary is that the game inevitably either needs some obscure unit, or just a few more units than you already have, especially when it comes to otherwise seldom used Guard troops! :-)

    3. Yep. Been there. Done that. I have the T-shirt. It is always something, isn’t it?

  2. As always, you have the whites bang on and the flag (green) is a great eye catcher. A certain calmness on your gaming table is probably helpful at this point, especially in view of what the brush needs to do over the next week.

    1. Norm, you are very kind! Yes, good to see the gaming front calmer this week, The weekly remote game was cancelled this week, too, so I have extra time to devote to painting tasks and scenario development. Whew.

  3. Another great looking unit Jonathan!
    Warm regards

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ray! Hope you are eager for battle next week.

  5. Great to see more Frenchmen completed and look forward to the upcoming AARs

    1. One can never have too many Frenchmen and I still have plenty to do. I look foreward to nest week's battle too.

  6. Super stuff, the figures are rather fine too, they appear very paint friendly?

    1. Thanks! Yes, with little equipment or webbing, they paint up quickly.

  7. Lovely unit there Jon! There’s always something to order isn’t there? 😉

  8. Very nice, and a distinctive flag. Perhaps what the Union flag may have looked like if Ireland had invaded England, instead of the other way around.

    1. The French have so many wonderfully distinctive flags. David does a fab job on creating each one of them. Ireland invading England? Think of the ramifications besides flag changes.

  9. Replies
    1. Much appreciated, Mike! I enjoyed your recent Hittite v Mitanni clash.

  10. That is quite a big gap between games by your more recent standards, Jon. The newly minted French infantry look great, and the Battle of Solferino will be a great game to see you tackle, lets home the newly painted guardsmen don't succumb to the usual first game curse!

    1. You’re right! Nearly three weeks between games almost unheard of in the age of remote gaming. I am only presenting the center fight at Solferino and even that sector is a big battle. Since I will not be taking an active command in the battle, it matters not how they perform in battle.

  11. Another tidy unit, I love the flags for that period.

    1. I am a sucker for a handsome flag and David does fab work on his SYW French flags.

  12. Another fine looking unit there Jon, with David's flags adding a lovely finishing touch as it were. I'm currently 'rushing' to finish units for a game on Sunday and hope that they do not succumb to the first game curse. Maybe the Die Gods will be kind as we had hoped to debut you them just before Covid hit in January 2020.

    I'm certainly looking forward to the Solferino game, as the central section of the battle should make for a fine spectacle. Fingers crossed that the Guard make it for the game.

    1. Thanks, Steve! Seems like for large games, there is always “just one more unit” to paint. The Guard Voltiguers will make their debut, for sure. Painting is finished. Now I need to Matt varnish and base. No sweat! I have added two dozen French mounted command into the painting queue. Hopefully, they can make it too.

      Good luck in your Sunday game. Looking forward to seeing what you put out for your fellow gaming friends.

  13. Another lovely looking unit Jonathan…

    I am looking forward to seeing your Solferino game.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks! I await the Solferino action as well. With seven players and over 100 BMUs, I will be busy.

  14. The Wargame Machine is always hungry for more men and equipment! ( Luckily for us.)

    1. Nice! My Wargame Machine has an insatiable appetite.

  15. Looks good Jonathan. Is that 1 long base? Must be heavy. 😀

    1. Thanks! Yes, one long (120mm) base. With each battalion/regiment equalling one BMU, I prefer moving one piece to many.

  16. Splendid! More French infantry - and more to come plus cavalry! And always good to see my flags in use too... :-)



    1. Yes, more French infantry carrying your colors! French infantry regiments are stacking up in the photo queue. A slight diversion this week as I switch gears toward 1859 French.

  17. Another beautiful regiment Jonathan. Like others, I can't wait for the Solferino game either.

    1. Thanks, Richard! Solferino will be a large affair with hopefully just enough challenges for the players.

  18. Great looking regiment. Looking forward to more aar's.

    1. Thank you! With seven confirmed players and a table packed with troops, hopefully I can snap some photos at critical points in the battle.

  19. All the Rejects are looking forward to the game on Monday. Our second bite of the Solferino apple.

    1. Great to see, Lee! Hope you are developing a viable path toward victory.

  20. Wonderful stuff, Jon. I am enjoying witnessing the expansion of your French troops, whilst rep[eating myself that I am NOT going to do 7 YW beyond the one small unit of Prussian infantry I painted up 30+ years ago!.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I am glad you enjoy watching the French expansion. Plenty more French units planned so we will see if your resolve weakens.

  21. Very nice unit. I love the flag. Is the regiment attacking and before "croissez les bayonets?".

    1. Thank you! Yes, the regiment looks like it is ready for the attack.

  22. Splendid looking French regulars and nice flag!
    Best Iain
