
Tuesday, August 2, 2022

2022 Great Wargaming Survey is Live!

The 2022 edition of Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy Magazine's The Great Wargaming Survey is active at the following link: 

GWS 2022

The 2022 survey sees one or two new questions and an improved ranked-choice UI.  I found the survey only took a few minutes to complete. 

If interested, I encourage readers to take a few minutes out of their day to complete the survey.  If my post-survey analyses are of interest, jot down your responses for later reference when I present summaries and inferences.  All responses are anonymized and reported as summaries only.

Survey runs through 31 August.

Thank you.



  1. Has it really been a year? Just completed it and it was very easy. I don't believe my responses have changed from last year, which is comforting in its predictability.

    1. Indeed, it has! My responses remain consistent too although some of the ranking questions always give me pause in picking a Top 3.

  2. Good God has it been a year already? I imagine my answers might be similar but some will be markedly different, such as amount spent on the hobby. Thanks for the 'heads up' and maybe I might win a prize this year...

    1. Yes, it has been a year! Perhaps with my regular analyses, it seems the survey is always fresh in mind? I hope you do win a prize. I have yet to score one as well.

  3. Done - An interesting question is about intended upcoming spend, one assumes that this year (cost of living pressures) will generally be downwards with the implications that fall from that. Most of my buying is impulse based, so perhaps in the real world there will be a gap between what I quote as intended and what becomes actual spend.

    1. Thanks, Norm. There is often a difference between expectations and actuals, isn't there?

      The new question of interest to me is the question on changes in game genre preference over time. Is there a migration toward historical or fantasy/sci-fi over time? Survey results repeatedly demonstrate that younger gamers tend to enter toward the fantasy/sci-fi end of the continuum. Do these younger gamers migrate toward historicals as they age or do they remain in the genre in which they entered the hobby?

  4. All completed. Didn't take very long

    1. Great! To me, the interface seemed much improved this year.

  5. Completed it yesterday so all up to date.


  6. Sunrise, sunset. I’ll get to it eventually. Thanks for the heads up. I really enjoy your dives into the data. 😀

    1. Don’t forget! Good to see you continue to enjoy the data dives.

  7. All done, thanks, seemed easier to do this year?
    Best Iain

  8. Survey done! It is always interesting to see your analysis of the data afterward.

    And on a completely unrelated note - something you might find intriguing:

    Those dang mathematicians ;)

    1. Thanks, Greg! Expect more of the same once 2022 results are compiled. I still have a few topics remaining to explore from the 2021 and 2020 surveys.

      On your cryptography link, what brought this into your browser feed? Are you interested in the topic, in software encryption, software development, IT, or something else? My first exposure to software encryption/algorithms was when reading an article in Popular Science (or was it maybe Popular Computing?) magazine in the very early 1980s. Fascinating topic.

    2. Although I do not understand the nuts-and-bolts operation of many subjects, I do try to read broadly, and Ars is one of my daily stops. It caught my eye by calling out mathematicians and thought you might be interested.

  9. Thank you for the link Jon, I have entered my data into the survey for the first time.

    If more 1st time entries come, perhaps that data may shift the final results?


    1. You’re welcome!

      Interesting point on first timers. Each year, about half of respondents are first timers. I think that odd that there are not more repeats.

      Even given this turn-over, main results remain quite stable.

  10. Been there, done that.....but no t shirt! Actually, they emailed me with a link, I assume because I did it last year. Coupe if new questions about experience of or intention to try online gaming....your influence at all??!

    1. Good! Yes, my influence can be seen in an increasing number of the questions.

    2. Well, you and your blog featured in one of my replies - something along the lines of "Do you have anything further to add" and I said "It's always interesting to see the in-depth analysis of this survey on PWJ blog" are welcome!

    3. Thank you! Very much appreciated!

  11. There were a few questions I had difficulty answering, mostly because three answers isn't enough! They also didn't list plexi as a modelling material, which I bought a lot of this year from Wofun.

    1. Plexiglass! Something to add into next year’s survey.

    2. Now that Wofun are converting the 10mms with very thin plastic, I am also reminded that roleplaying games (read: 1-1 fantasy skirmishes) have had single flexible plastic flats available for a few years now. They're available at most game stores. I know this survey doesn't lean towards fantasy RPGs, but given their origin in traditional wargaming they probably ought to at least be an option.

    3. Having played with WoFun figures over the last year or two, I wish I would have thought to include that option in this year’s survey.

  12. I saw a promo of it on another blog (can't recall whose it was though) at the beginning of the month and was able to do it there and then. I got my email from Karwansary a few days later; having been a data point for several years now.

    I like to chip in to add another data point for 1/72, 1/32 (54 mm) and 2 mm.
    [If you have influence Jonathan, could you please try to get 1/72 listed specifically, even if grouped with 20 mm and 1/76? There are a lot of people wargaming in the scale, as you know too well from blogs.]

    Like all such questionnaires, it’s fun to do. This year's was especially enjoyable and easy to complete. I liked the clever bit of programming around the top three. As a few others have commented, sometimes my precise answer was not an option, so I had to select the best available. Having 'other (specify)...' as an option would help this.

    I look forward to seeing the results when they are produced on the Karwansaray website and no doubt this blog too!

    Cheers, James

  13. Thanks for your comments and suggestions, James. I always figured 1/72 was the same as 20mm. If not, I will asked for the choices to be expanded. 54mm? I will see if that choice can introduced too. Remind me next May!
