
Monday, July 11, 2022

On the Table Today Is...

the Battle of Bassignana, 1745.

When the build-up of a small French army began in earnest at the start of the year, the immediate goal was to forge a French force large enough to field the combined French and Spanish armies at Bassignana.  With that goal completed, time to get the troops onto the table.  First playing of the scenario will see action in a remote game on Tuesday.  If the scenario and I survive first contact, I expect another series of replays of this interesting and asymmetrical action.

Since Bassignana is a War of Austrian succession battle and my SYW armies are modeled on the SYW, the table will see Spanish played by French troops and the Piedmontese will played by Austrians and Swiss.  If battles in this earlier war catch-on, perhaps, Piedmontese and Spanish armies will be recruited? 

Historical Background
Rather than fight as separate armies as seen in the previous year, the Bourbon armies decided to coordinate their activities on the Italian front in 1745.  Opting against an approach on Piedmont-Sardinia from the southwest, they would advance from the southeast in order to threaten either Piedmont-Sardinia or Lombardy and keep the Worms’ alliance guessing.  Bourbon strategists figured this approach may encourage the Piedmontese and Austrian armies to split with the Piedmontese retiring to protect Turin and the Austrians retiring to protect Milan.

When Pavia fell to the Gallispans on 22 September, the Austrians reacted.  Commander of the Austrian army, Count Schulenburg, decamped from the wedge of land between the Po and Tanaro where the two armies were situated near Bassignana.  The Austrians were sent to the north bank of the Po toward Vigevano to counter the increasing threat to Lombardy.  Charles Emmanuel III and his army were left alone on the south bank of the Po in the triangle formed by the confluence of the Po and Tanaro rivers.
Thin line of Piedmontese ready for the attack.
As soon as the Gallispans received word of Schulenburg’s retreat, plans were put in place to attack the Piedmontese who were left confined within the wedge near the fortress of Bassignana.  If the Pietmontese could be defeated, the north Italian plain would be open for the taking.  With Piedmontese and Austrians armies now split and Schulenburg marching northwards, Charles Emmanuel and his capable Piedmontese army found themselves heavily outnumbered.

Could Schulenburg be convinced to return to the south bank of the Po to fight before his Piedmontese ally is overwhelmed?  Historically, no, but it may happen today.

The Piedmontese begin battle with their army thinly positioned strewn along the high ground on the banks of the Tanaro River.  The Bourbons are ready to strike. De Gages is positioned to attack from the southeast toward the fortress of Bassignana, itself, while Maillebois has the weight of his command poised against the Piedmontese center.
Bassignana - Initial dispositions
Historical Outcome
The French, under Maillebois, attacked the Piedmontese center vigorously.  Despite a tenacious defense from the Piedmontese guard and grenadiers, D’aix’s position was ruptured and the Piedmontese position split.  Concerned with being trapped in the wedge at Bassignana, Emmanuel gave up Bassignana to Gages.  When Gages destroyed the pontoon bridge over the Po, Emmanuel would see no relief from Schulenburg.  Emmanuel ordered a full retreat toward Casale.

Scenario Notes
  • Po can only be crossed via the pontoon bridge to the north of Bassignana.
  • Tanaro River is fordable everywhere unless the approach is covered in woods.
  • High ground is Rough. Stream banks offer Soft Cover.
  • All BUAs offer Hard Cover.
  • De Gages’ command has initiative on Turn 1.
  • Po pontoon bridge may be destroyed on a 6+ after one turn adjacent and stationary.
  • Schulenburg/Neuhaus and Schulenburg/Vogtern (each roll separately) arrive on south side of Po at pontoon bridge on,
Turn 5: 8+
Turn 6: 6+
Turn 7: 3+

Game Length: 8 Turns plus variable end.
Rules: amended Fields of Honor
Figures: 15mm
Victory Conditions:
  • Sudden Death:
    • Army Breakpoint Reached.
  • Major: Hold all towns north of Tanaro River.
  • Minor: Hold Bassignana and 3 of the 5 remaining towns north of Tanaro River.
  • Otherwise: Draw.
Looking forward to battle.  Let's see if the Austro-Piedmontese army can reverse history.


  1. Looks and sounds like this will be a great game.

  2. I completely agree with Ray...the table looks stunning and the scenario seems set to produce a fascinating encounter.

    1. Thanks, Keith! Very good to have your approval for the look of the battle. Whether it will be a fascinating encounter will be left to the players. If the Piedmontese can improve upon their historical performance, I think they can claim a moral victory, at least.

  3. An intersting looking battle. Look forward to see how this one turns out in the re-fight

    1. Thanks, Neil. The historical situation put Emmanuel and his army in a bit of a pickle especially when the Austrians retired back across the Po.

  4. The setup looks great as usual Jonathan, and the game promises to be another entertaining one. I'd love to see what you would do with some Spanish figures if you turned your attention toward them. Hopefully their uniforms of the period would be better documented than trying to unravel what happened in various stages of the Napoleonic wars.

    1. Thanks! Historically, the Piedmontese were forced to retire before being cut off. With luck, maybe the Austrians will march to the sound of the guns?

      The Spanish seemed to follow the French in fashion. Line infantry wore white coats while foreigners and guards wore colored coats.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Roger, and thank you for the visit and comment!

  6. Fantastic looking battlefield and an interesting scenario - looking forward to the report

  7. Great looking game set up, I look forward to the game!
    Best Iain

    1. I look forward to the game too. Glad you approve of the set up.

  8. Splendid looking set up there Jon and what looks to be an interesting challenge, especially for the Franco-Spanish trying to crss the Tanaro river. As far as I can see, there are very few places where they might be able to. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one pans out.

    1. Ooops, just spotted the woods, so plenty of crossing places for the F-S! Covid still slowing me down somewhat:(.

    2. Thanks! Yes, the woods will restrict movement only near the confluence. The Tanaro was only waste deep in most places.

      Hope you are recovering from COVID.

  9. My goodness this is exciting. Your table and terrain are first class and the figures excellent! Looking forward to the game very much.

    1. Thanks, Mark! One purpose of these On The Table posts is to build some excitement for the game.

  10. An interesting looking scenario Jonathan…
    And a period that my butterfly has been fluttering around since Flags of War started to do their new range…🦋🦋🦋

    All the best. Aly

    1. I hope the game is as interesting as the situation. Let your inner butterfly free, Aly!

  11. Well, the table is set for a splendid feast of Lace Wars goodness!

    1. Let’s hope the meal is just as tasty. Thank you!

  12. That is looking like an excellent table. I'm excited how the battle will turn out. Your light troops are visible from the start?

    1. Thank you! The battlefield should look quite familiar to you.

      I will allow the players to place the light infantry wherever they wish upon firing. That will keep some drama for a while.

  13. Looking very good indeed!

    These not quite 15mm or 20mm SYW battles look like "Proper" wargames. (If you'll excuse the expression..)
    Makes one a bit nostaligic if one isn't careful.

  14. Great Setup Jon. Looking forward to the battle!

    1. Mike, the battle was really good fun. Lots of attacks, repulses, and destruction. Amazing how when set up well, a wargame scenario can replicate the historical outcome.

  15. Nice set up and the scenario seems to have good objectives; close to the history but with some wiggle room in how to achieve them.

    I’m sure by now you’ve had the game. Probably was awesome. 😀

    1. You make a good summary of the scenario, Stew. The best we can do is offer up a scenario with choices that may mirror the decisions made by the original combatants. Yes, the outcome of battle is in the books and it was awesome...

  16. Impressive gaming as always, Jonathan. Interesting to hear how you were able to swap out existing troops.

    1. Thanks, Dean. If I continue expanding SYW gaming to the WAS, I will likely expand my armies too.
