
Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hey buddy, can you spare some time?

One of our comrades in arms finds himself squarely facing the realities of blogging, validation, and Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches as he celebrates five years of blogging.  

For a humorous glance into how Stew's mind works, please visit his post on blogging at,

The 5 Year Bump 

on A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth.

Whether you agree with Stew's assessment on the state of blogging, I wager you find it entertaining.  Blogging offers the choice to write and publish whatever and whenever you wish.  Blogging on wargaming is no different.  Find what motivates you and remember why you began the venture in the first place.  There may be no right or wrong way to tackle the media, only your way.  Some of us are content to be PB&J bloggers.  

Spare a few minutes to pay your respects to Stew, leave a comment, and add his fine blog to your list of Followed Blogs.

You will be glad you did.

Oh, and tell him Jon sent you...


  1. Very wise words and a pleasant gesture.

  2. I saw this earlier today and meant to return and leave a comment. I'll do so this afternoon.

  3. Bloody Cheek....tell him KEITH sent you first....LOL😄

  4. I like his style and thoughts too, so have left a comment and started following his Blog. I wish I was as erudite and witty as he! Oh and I did this due to Keith's post;).

    1. Stew will like seeing the number climb. Keith who???

  5. Bloggers in reflective mood - Stew’s post interested me from the perspective that I picked up a ‘moment in time’ type thing and that is, there are those who actively blog and support blogs and those that don’t and the mistake is to be concerned with the latter group.

    Rather it is the smaller band of the first group that provides the pulse and buzz of the blog community and Steve J hit the nail on the head when he said that blogging in essence allows him to keep in touch with a group of like minded gamers around the world.

    1. Totally agree Norm and I am surprised I kept going in the early years sometimes - I look at my 58 posts between Aug 2016 and Dec 2016 (the year I started blogging) and there are 33 comments - 16 of which are my replies - it's a wonder I didn't take the hint that no one was interested and give up! And funnily, in some ways, the posts back then were more interesting, in my opinion, as they were a catalogue of all my collections, plus a few AAR's - hardly any painting progress reports, which is the staple of my posting nowadays....odd really.

    2. Exactly right, Norm (and Steve and Keith). My hobby is much richer through blogging and the friendships gained.

    3. Here is another odd/ironic thing you are, posting about supporting another blogger, how important it is to make comments, etc etc...and after 24 hours, you only have 15 comments! Normally, on your blog, if you posted half a dozen pics of a newly painted Sumerian chariot, after 24 hours, you would have 28 - 34 comments....isn't that a bit strange, particularly given that last time I checked, Stew had 60+!!

    4. Hi Keith. Is it so odd? This post is about Stew. I hope everyone reading this post uses their energies to visit the link to Stew’s post and makes a show of support there.

    5. I guess that's the explanation Jon!

    6. Well, this is my hypothesis and I’m sticking to it!

  6. A fine bit of a bump there Jon!

    I am seeing this in a different light however (as always)! My intention is to use these posts and comments as a clear reminder that I need to crack on with my blog posting, even with PB&J stuff, or maybe beans on toast for the English, and to remember to comment!

    I am also finding new folks to follow; just need to remember to comment...

    1. Thanks! Good to see you stopping in to leave a comment, Greg!

      If Stew's essay inspires you then so much the better!

  7. You sir, are an officer and a gentleman. Thanks for the bump. I appreciate it. I expect a big increase in traffic from you as we all know your blog is well followed and read. As it should be. 😀

    1. You are welcome! I hope you see a bump in visitors. I see a bump in your followers already.

      Funny, Blogger thought your comment was SPAM and I had to retrieve it from Junk folder.

  8. An interesting idea highlighting other blogs, and to improve the connection between wargaming bloggers. Yes, I did pop over to Stew's blog and follow - Thanks Peter

    1. Yes, an interesting idea, indeed. Perhaps we ought to try this more often to highlight blogs? Glad you are following, Stew. He will appreciate that. Thank you.

  9. Very nice and timely Stew bump there Jon!
