
Friday, June 24, 2022

Summer Arrives!

Barracades in place for Hoopfest.
Downtown Spokane.

Finally!  For now, the rain has stopped and temperatures are beginning to rise.  With sunny skies and warming temperatures, mileage on the bike increases.  This week may see 200 miles put into the legs.

Another harbinger to the arrival of summer is the annual return of Hoopfest to Spokane.  Well, almost annual.  Having been canceled the last two years due to COVID, many are happy to see its return.  Billed as the largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament in the world, set up was well underway on Thursday as I cycled through Riverfront Park.  

With much work this week on the Homefront including landscaping and major house-painting oversight, precious little time was spent at the painting desk.  I did manage to knock out another dozen Sumerian javelinmen.  Figures are Wargames Foundry.  Back to painting SYW French when time permits.  

With a burst of outdoor activities on tap, painting effort may be curtailed.  An average of three hours daily for cycling coupled with domestic duties suggests hobby time must shrink.  Hopefully, meaningful painting sessions can be squeezed into the schedule.

On the gaming front, Game #3 of the Battle of San Martino began on Tuesday.  This coming Tuesday, the battle will continue to fight to a conclusion.  Both armies are taking a pounding but the outcome is still in question.  At least I think victory is up for grabs.  For an overview of Session #1 from the Austrian perspective, please visit,

The Italian Unification Job on Graham's blog.

Austrians prepare to attack
I plan to put together a consolidated battle report of the two-session game following the conclusion of battle.

Finally, two more Great Wargaming Survey analyses are in work.  Preliminary data crunching is complete.  Next up is to study the results to uncover an interesting tendency or two. The two topics to address look at material preference and why we wargame. 


  1. Those Javelinmen look great. Also looking forward to seeing the 3rd battle report

    1. Thanks, Neil! If you want a preview, go off to Graham's blog for first half account.

  2. 200 miles??? Wow Jon, I wouldn’t even manage a couple for sure!

    1. You might surprise yourself, Mike. Your photos from Sicily show you very fit.

  3. Nice work Jonathan. How many Sumerians do you have left to go now? It really is quite a collection.

    1. Thanks! Sumerians? Quite a few but I believe I have enough to field my first game. Well, maybe I need few more…

  4. A nice pot pourris of topics Jon...the tower in the first pic has a very Italian look to it. Another nice batch of Sumerians and I too am looking forward to seeing how the San Martino replay pans out. As to your data analysis, the last question is going to be a very interesting one.....why DO we wargame indeed?!

    1. Yes, a mix-up of topics today with limited time to address any!

      The current San Martino is developing somewhat differently than the two prior games. Still a close call as to who will come out on top. My hunch is that we may see an army break before the clock runs out. Reminds me of the oracle in Delphi. One can imagine King Victor Emmanuel being told by the Oracle that “if you attack the Austrians, a great army will be destroyed.” The question is, which one?

      Yes, survey results coming up once I figure out a spin.

  5. Wow! 200 miles is amazing. And the painted javelin men look great!

  6. Great to see the weather has improved for you Jon. I'm trying to get out on my bike more, but something seems to crop up each day to scupper my plans, so only a couple of times a week at present:(. The spearmen look great and I eagerly await the outcome of the battle, which is finely balanced at present.

    1. Yes, weather improving here, for sure. For me, I must commit the time for cycling or it gets swallowed up by something else.

      I, too, look forward to the conclusion of the current San Martino battle.

  7. You're a tease Jonathan! Now I have to wait for a battle report and a survey analysis.!

  8. It’s been summer in my parts for ages! Everyday this week is at least 100. It’s the pits.
    I’ve also had a lot of extra family and work and chores so I’ve barely done any painting. Glad you’re still able to pump out some more spearmen. 😀

    1. We will hit 80F this week for the first time this year. As Den (below) notes the West Side of WA is finally seeing dome sun too.

      Well, if you are extra busy, my estimate on how long to finish off 100 figures is improving!

  9. Great looking javelin men, Jonathan. And, yes Summer is making a showing - even here in the Sound. We finally will get above 80 degrees this weekend.

  10. Speaking of summer, the "Sumerian" javelineers are right on time!

  11. A lovely unit and hopeful signs of normality. We have had summer for a week here in the North.

    1. Hopeful signs of normality return. For now, at least.

  12. Love the javelinmen. Any particular correlations you're looking at re: material / motivation?

    1. Thanks, Markus! I will begin looking at the standard breakdowns based on age, primary Wargaming interest, spending, etc..

  13. Great looking javelin men, glad the weather is improving for you!
    Best Iain

    1. Glad you approve, Iain! Weather is terrific (now)!

  14. The javelins look the part Jonathan, a perfect unit for your Biblical armies.

    Cheers, Ross

  15. Always nice when summer comes!

    1. Indeed, especially following a long, cool, wet spring.

  16. Good to see the weather improving, it can't make its mind up here, nothing new though. Splendid Sumerian additions Jonathan.

    1. Phil, for now, the weather decided that it is, indeed, summer here! Glad you like the Sumerians. A battle cart for the project is on the construction table now.
