
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

One More Sumerian Battle Cart

I managed to push out one more Sumerian battle cart before month end.  Now, effort at the painting desk returns back to working on SYW French.  I may slip in a random Sumerian unit or two while I work on the SYW project but I really want to focus some attention on French cavalry and artillery.  There are a number of War of Austrian Succession scenarios in mind and I need some French to complete these scenarios.

What is coming up on the Sumerian front?  Well, work begins on a couple of units of bowmen and then followed by javelin skirmishers.  Oh, this battle cart and crew are from Newline Designs.

With Las Guasimas on the gaming table and the game later today, thoughts have been unsurprisingly directed back toward the SAW project.  The scenario called for a Colt Machine Gun.  I thought, for sure, there was one already painted.  Wrong!  Not only was there not one painted but I did not even have a model in The Lead Pile.  Such an oversight.  Today's role of a Colt MG will be played by a Gatling Gun. Hmm.  Where did I see a Gatling Gun on display?  I recall seeing one on display in a store/museum somewhere.  But where?  Rummaging through travel photos, I discovered the gun was in a store in Ketchikan, Alaska.  A couple of photos of the weapon below:

I wonder if this piece originally came mounted on a wooden tripod?  I suppose if one planned to display this piece in the parlor, there is not enough space for the wheeled carriage.  One or two US Hotchkiss field pieces would be useful to add to the collection too.  Time to thumb through the Old Glory catalog.


  1. I always enjoy seeing you latest Sumerians Jonathan. The Sumerian battle carts really are terrific, lovely models and painting. If that Gattling gun had been mounted on a wooden tripod then it may have seen action with the circular rug underneath, as they do go very nicely together.

    1. Thanks!
      Yes, I think the rug makes a terrific battle accoutrement to the gun!

  2. Nice cart for the Sumerians. You have quite the force in that army. Very pretty Gatling Gun. If the gun was produced at Colt in Hartford, the serial number can be researched (sadly for a fee) and the original configuration obtained. Of course, after it leaves the factory, documenting equipage is best left to Sisyphus.

    1. Thanks! The Sumerian armies are growing; slowly but surely perhaps.

      Interesting detail on the Gatling, Joe! I did not know such things were tracked.

  3. I am pleased to see that I have won the car/cart argument with you, possibly without you even realising it.

    1. Well, first-in often captures the market. In this case, I saw "cart" in your rules first and that stuck. Looking at Impetvs, I see these vehicles labeled as "cars." Hmm. These are called "cars" in To the Strongest! too. Do I need to revise my thinking?

  4. Love the battle cart, beautifully done; thinking Newline will be my next stop when funds allow for Summerians.



    1. Thank you and thanks for leaving a comment!
      Newline Sumerians are really nice sculpts.

  5. Nice work on the Sumerians once again Jon and I am looking forward to seeing the SAW game very soon!

  6. Looking good on the Sumerians. Any sense of how heavy the gatling would be? Could it be muscled around?

    1. Thank you!

      I did not try to pick it up but it looked pretty damn heavy to me. But then, I am somewhat of a weakling...

  7. Another fine war cart to add to your Sumerian army, Jonathan. That Gatling Gun looks so perfect displayed in that room with old furniture and colorful rug.

    1. Thank you, Dean! Seeing the Gatling in the store was a surprise, for sure.

  8. Great work on the battle cart Jonathan! It looks the nuts! as does the Gatling Gun, not too sure about that carpet though?

    1. Thanks, Ray! If I ever get a Gatling for display, I will make sure I also procure a rug like this for the library.

  9. Great looking battle cart and nice decorative gatling gun!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks on the cart! I had nothing to do with the gun!

    2. No but you did supply some nice photos!
      Best Iain

  10. Another great car/cart there Jon and those Newline sculpts are really rather nice. I'm looking forward to seeing some French units for the WAS, as and when time allows. You certainly are a busy man!

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! I like the Newline figures a lot. French units coming along soonish.

  11. I love these Summerian battle carts. Another top notch model

  12. Another exceptional looking cart Jonathan. When all of these are deployed on the table it is going to look spectacular.

    1. Thanks, Richard! Someday, there will be large armies. Not yey, though...

  13. Superb Sumerian there Jonathan and an interesting weapon.

    1. Thank you, George! The Gatling gun is not as interesting as some of WWII kit your friend collects.

  14. Battle cart, battle cart
    How fine thou art
    I wish I may
    Throw my dart
    From this awesome battle cart.

  15. A fine addition to the Sumerian Panzer Division 🙂

  16. They look great with or with out the "t"! :-)
