
Thursday, April 21, 2022

Back to Ancient Sumeria

After a steady diet of gaming and painting SYW units over the last thirty days, the workbench finally sees an additional Sumerian battle cart move out.  One more of these large, weighty beasts is slowly working its way through the production line to bring the total battle cart count up to five. After that, I dig into The Lead Pile to rediscover the three more that I believe are stashed away somewhere.  Figures are 28mm Newline Designs.

Having four gaming sessions last week, I figured I could use a slight break on the gaming front.

This week saw one game with the regular Tuesday gaming group.  On Sunday, Matt hosts another contest in our long-running AWI Rebels & Patriots campaign.  

Tuesday's action saw a return to the Russian Civil War in a playtest as Graham works on developing his new rules.  The scenario featured a meeting engagement between two mainly cavalry forces.  As White CiC, I led an unruly lot.  Getting subordinates to carry out orders was almost by chance.  The game ended in a near MAD outcome.  Few were left standing.

RCW cavalry action
For today, I expect a solid painting session sandwiched between other tasks. On the workbench are more SYW French and Sumerians. Let's see how those plans work out.


  1. I do like those Sumerian battle wagons.

  2. I do love the muted colours you use for these and other Ancients figures. They look lovely and have a nice feel to them; not too bright or brash a la Hollywood sowrd and sandal epics of yesteryear. Your certainly getting plenty of games in and on a wide historical front too:).

    1. Glad you approve of the palette choices!

      Plenty of gaming with plenty of variety, no doubt. I spent this morning clearing the gaming table (no solid painting session yet) to prepare for the next series of games. We will be seeing a project not out on the table in a very long time...and a new set of rules!

  3. That's another very nice addition to your Sumerian collection Jon! The gaming schedule is very impressive literally play mare games in on week than I have played so far this year! Hopefully, our group can start gaming again soon.

    1. Thanks, Keith! Having four game sessions last week was a handful. Who knew that play could be such hard work? Hope to see your group back at the table soon.

  4. Lovely cart, nice colours, you are a busy man. I have still not quite got back to normal gaming wise after my break and map work is now catching up with me.

    1. Thanks, George! You look like you are quite busy with all of your map making projects. I enjoyed your latest CoC game if though you lost.

  5. The cart certainly looks good. Glad to see 'four is enough, you need to paint.

    1. Thank you! Current plan is to field eight carts before considering more. That makes me at the halfway point as far as mustering battle carts.

  6. Nice looking carts. Sorry to hear about your subordinates not doing as they're told. That's the problem with Cossacks. You need a bit of Socialist Discipline.

    1. Thanks! There really is little need to add more friction into the game via DA/NYET! tests when the players provide more than enough friction themselves.

      Sometimes, it is fun to watch plans go awry. Ian overrode my suggestion and Patrick forgot he was tasked with supporting the guns!

  7. I always enjoy your additions to your expanding Sumerian collection Jonathan. Eight battle carts will look very impressive indeed. Terrific work.

    1. Glad you like them, Lawrence! More Sumerians are on the way. Thank you!

  8. French and Sumerians are a good combo. The cart turned out well. Might actually have some traction on SYW out here, fingers crossed.

    1. Thanks! Good to see you getting some traction on your fine SYW project.

  9. Great looking battle cart,Russian civil war is definitely an interesting period!
    Best Iain

  10. Beautifully painted battle cart Jonathan. Four games in a week. That's what I call living the dream!

    1. Thanks, Richard! Four games in a week I call exhaustion...

  11. 4 games in a week? You are livin the good life my friend! 😀

    Nice job on the chariot as well.

    1. It's a busy wargaming life for now! Something new and not seen before set on the gaming table today. Details later.

  12. Another splendid addition to your Sumerians Jonathan…
    You are certainly keeping busy…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! You know what they say about idle hands...

  13. Okay all caught up now. Am hoping my comments posted successfully too?

    1. All caught up? Great to see! Yes, your post on Foz d'Arouce posted successfully. After three days, I set moderation to "on" to cut down on SPAM. If you comment after three days, it may not appear right away until I approve.

  14. Great looking Sumerians, Jonathan. Besides the great looking chariot - love the look of the animal skin kilts!
