
Friday, March 25, 2022

Sumerian Battle Cart plus more

No, this is not a photo from the playtest of Rein-Bow Warriors mentioned in the last post.  That battle was fought but details are yet to filter back to HQ for analysis, conclusions, and thoughts on wargame design.  I will state that the battle witnessed significant casualties for the Egyptian Army.  Hittite chariots dominated the field and skirmishers proved their value on the field.  By the end of the day, most Egyptian chariots were in the Dead Pile and skirmishers had been scattered to the winds.  Very bloody contest.  More on this action awaits another time.  Yes, I am slipping behind in chronicling a variety of topics.   

In the meantime, the painting desk gives up the first of three Sumerian battle carts and crew.  Figures are 28mm Newline Designs.  With a steady stream of SYW French marching out from the workbench, I interjected something different.  That something different sees a return to the Sumerian project, albeit briefly.  More SYW French are making their way through the production line with all three arms making progress.  Next off the painting desk expect another pair of French infantry regiments.

Having set out the Biblical armies for a playtest this week, I expected to leave the table in situ.  I figured I may get more than one playtest session in the books before packing it all up to prepare for the next game.  Well, that next game comes faster than expected.  With Graham and Richard out of the hosting rotation next week, I will be hosting the remote, UK MNG game on Tuesday.

A battle needs to be decided quickly, briefings prepared, and table set out before Tuesday.  This does not provide much lead time but I have some thoughts on topic and battle.  A return to Napoleonics in 28mm with a Peninsular War action seems appropriate.  The battle will likely entertain a near-anniversary battle.  Hmmm.  I wonder what it could be?

Another anniversary battle is planned for Mid-April but from the War of Austrian Succession.  With a victory under his belt at Moys and having survived his first remote wargame, David will be back for more.  I may tempt others in too.

I made it out on the bike Thursday to put another 31+ miles into the legs.  The temperatures were cool (almost 50F) but sky clear.  Unfortunately, I picked up a big speck on the camera during the ride so most of the photos are not worth sharing.  An example of the splotch below as I make my way through one of the railroad cuts.  With a good weather forecast, I expect to be out again on Friday.  This time, sporting a clean camera lense.  I need to drop some winter weight in time to tackle the Going-to-the-Sun Road in late May.

By the way, since fighting began in Ukraine, I have had ZERO spammers.  Coincidence?


  1. A splendid rendition of the battle cart, it looks great!
    The bicycle run sounds excellent.

  2. That battle cart is rather lovely. Every time I see it I think that as a former field archer, what a tempting target those Onagers make! I imagine they must have had a cloud of skirmishers to help protect them from incoming arrows, slings etc. I certainly look forward to your post game thoughts.

    Anyway, some nice other projects lined up painting and games wise and look forward to seeing some pics etc.

    I've been out on the bike for some smallish rides but picked up a puncture a few days ago. Like you I feel the need to shed some Winter insulation!

    1. It does seem a tempting target, doesn't it? One reason each cart required runners to guard against such attacks from the flank.

      Good to see you back out on the bike. I try to be careful wrt diet over the winter but it gets more difficult with each passing year.

  3. Lovely looking cart they are a big piece of kit. We know how you work well under pressure so I’m sure you can sort a battle. Heading out for a ride today a balmy 15C plus and sunshine, we will pay for it later in the year though. Sadly I have had one really annoying bot/spammer who posted dozen of comments which I am gradually removing 🙁

    1. The battle carts are HUGE, Matt! It may reach 15C here today but skies are expected to be overcast.

      Oh, I have a battle in mind. Historical details require a bit of tweaking to fit it into the session time allotment and table size.

  4. Another great looking battle cart. A change in painting periods always helps I find

    1. Thank you! Yes, I was getting a little tired of painting French infantry.

  5. A nice piece Jonathan, another day inside for me hoping customers can’t park and go somewhere else.

  6. That's a fine looking piece there Jonathan. Good to see that the weather is allowing a return to cycling, shame about the Macbeth effect on your photos. I shall look forward to reading the battle report especially the skirmishers tale.

    1. Thanks, Phil! "Macbeth on the photo" is a great observation!

  7. Looks excellent. I haven't done much biblical gaming but Trojan Wars is a possibility at some point

    1. Thanks! I would enjoy seeing you tackle Trojan Wars. I have piles of figures but waiting for the proper time to launch a new project.

  8. The Hittite chariots look good and also performed well by the sounds of it.

    1. The Hittite chariots performed admirably. Ian was a little disappointed in the Hittite success since he usually commands Hittites but on this day commanded Egyptians!

  9. Another lovely addition to the Biblical armies Jon and the Spring has obviously sprung, as this is the second bike ride recently!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Second ride recently with more expected. Perhaps Spring has finally arrived although it did snow briefly early in the week.

  10. That's a lovely model and paint job Jonathan. It would be nice to get out in one those battle carts instead of on a bike once in a while... would certainly be noticed by the neighbours.

    1. Thanks, Richard! The neighbors would certainly notice this beast trundling down the road. Where do I find a quartet of equids?

  11. Nice work again Jonathan. And in answer to your question on Richard's blog, I'd definitely be in for another email game, if you can summon up the energy again. Reading his reports of Rivoli brings back many happy memories...

    1. Thanks! On email games, I have been pondering what would make a good encore. Yes, Richard’s Rivoli work brings back many happy memories for me too.

  12. Love the cart, and will keenly anticipate the upcoming action.

    1. Glad you like it, Markus! Which action? This week’s Biblical play test or the game on Tuesday?

  13. Nice looking piece! Thanks for picking up the baton for next week.

    1. Thanks! With my table occupied with SYW armies the last few weeks, it is my turn at the helm.

  14. Beautiful work as always Jonathan!
    Best regards

  15. Spamming war propaganda for either side is far more time consuming.

    Oof, leading with a current-events-comment. Shame on me.

    Love the new cart! Are those feathers the drivers are wearing?

    Looking forward to some napoleonics!

    Be safe out on those roads mate.

    1. Thanks, Dai! The cart crew are sporting the latest in sheepskin fashion.

      Much more to do before Napoleonics can hit the table. Hopefully, I will have something ready by Tuesday since the game is then.

      Out on the bike, one must remain EVER VIGILANT.

  16. DavidMarch 25, 2022 at 2:48 PM

    Your energy in pursuing so many periods and games is always impressive! As someone very much focussed on the Horse and Musket periods I especially look forward to your Napoleonic game - and of course our WAS game next month! :-) It will be good to see more French too, although I can see that it might become a little tedious being the one producing so many in succession...

    Would like to do some cycling again too - but I don't think I ever covered as much ground as you manage on your trips!



    1. Thanks, David. The variety comes down to varied interests, easily distracted, and a fair bit of juggling.

      There is no rule that says you must stick to WAS/SYW. Once I post the scenario specifics for the Napoleonic battle, if you are interested in playing, let me know.

      On cycling, springtime is the time we assess how well we kept the fitness level up during the long winter. I managed 130 miles this week with one more day to count.

    2. Variety is good, however you manage it! :-)

      I'm very happy to stay with SYW/WAS for now - really want to master the Honours of War rules in practice too as I'm still very much a newbie with them. But would love to have a go at Napoleonics at some point, thanks.

      Fitness - ah, I think I had some of that quite a long time ago... ;-) I hope you were satisfied with the assessment.



    3. OK. Sticking to HoW for now. Very good!

      Both body and bike were working up to expectations despite carrying a little extra weight…

  17. Excellent cart Jonathan! Long may the spammers stay away!!

    1. Thanks, Mark! One unexpected benefit although perhaps Google has figured out how to stop some the repeat offenders?

  18. Never was much of a shopkeeper Jonathan, served me well but had enough now.

  19. Nice job on the chariot.
    I’m sure you’ll be able to sort out something for the upcoming game. In my imagination; you can stand in your game area with all your genres of painted troops around you and close you eyes and spin in a circle with one finger extended eventually stopping on one. 😀😀

    I’ve gotten two spam comments in the last week. I guess they all can’t be Russian bots.

    1. Thank you, Stew!

      You are on to me!

      Sometimes, I look at the calendar and wonder which battle has an anniversary date approaching.

  20. Your output always impresses me. Quality and quantity. The Spring weather is tempting me to get the bike out, but I’ll probably stick with the swimming for now until I won’t stretch the Lycra so much!

    If you are still looking for volunteers for your April game I would happily step forward.

    1. Thanks! Painting seems to come in spurts. Some weeks are more productive than others. I am trying to get a dozen French cavalry finished before month end. Planning and hosting games can take a toll.

      On the planned mid-April battle, please send me an email with your contact info.

    2. Keep up the swimming at least until the biking shorts fit!

  21. That's a lovely war cart, Jonathan. I really like the colors for the donkeys - very realistic. Enjoy the weather too!

    1. Thanks! Still overcast on this side of the state but temps are starting to climb.

  22. That cart is massive beast, including the four beasts. I'm slowly working my way backwards through your blog, and this post, plus my gathering curiosity about your Rein Bow warriors fight, is making me want to return to my own ancients project.
    We had a few days last of early spring here in SW Ontario last week, but snow and cold are making March going out like it's own beast.
    Cheers, MikeP

    1. Michael, this cart is a beast, indeed! Quite a heavy object to plop down onto the table.

      Yes, you should return to your ancients project!

      Looks like spring has arrived here with winter snow melt racing through the river gorge that bifurcates Spokane and over the falls. A favorite time of year to take a river walk.

    2. I hope you enjoy your meander through my old blog posts!

  23. Great looking battle cart!
    Best Iain
