
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

French Regiments Beauvoisis and La Marine

Off from the painting desk this week are two more regiments of French infantry.  This time, Regiments Beauvoisis and La Marine march out of quarters.  Figures are Old Glory 15s and flags are from Not by Appointment.  Oh, mounted officer is from Eureka Miniatures.

Regiment Beauvoisis
Regiment La Marine
I am somewhat surprised that any units made it out from the painting desk this week.  With three games last week and four games scheduled for this week (three already in the books), time at the workbench has been limited.  Adding game prep for the hosted games along with the actual game play, itself, it is a wonder any painting took place.

Hopefully, I can chronicle a few of these games before they drift out of memory.  Some of the contests have been brilliant including a second Reconquista battle on Matt's table and two SYW sessions on my table refighting the Combat of Moys.  More on the Moy's battle another time.  Until then, below is a teaser photo from that game snapped from behind the Austrian lines.


  1. Lively looking units and red waistcoats certainly standout.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! The red on white looks good to me too.

  2. Great looking regiment. The whole arm looks excellent

  3. You are doing do much I have trouble keeping up. Great addition to the French army there.

  4. As always, superb whites! That last photo is very nice, quite a spectacle.

    1. Glad you like the white uniforms, Norm! There are many more equally inviting photos from the recent SYW game. For what I initially thought a small battle, Moys is HUGE!

  5. The two new regiments look grand Jonathan. Your painting output is inspiring, your worldwide net of players is impressive. Thanks again for sharing. Looking forward to the AAR's!

    1. Thanks, Joe! A special thanks for your kind words on productivity and gaming breadth. I look forward to putting together a BatRep on Moys too. I do have trouble taking photos at the right moment when in the heat of battle and GMing.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mark! There are two regiments here of one battalion each.

  7. Brilliant brushwork!
    One day when I grow up, I'm gonna play as many games as you in a week!

    1. Thanks, Ray!

      With internet, Zoom, and remote gaming, anyone capable of carving out about a three-hour block of time can add games to the week.

      If interested, drop me an email when you have a block of time.

  8. Love those French troops - and the flags, of course. ;-)

    And I am really looking forward to the AAR of our Moys battle too. :-) Thanks again for a terrific game.



    1. Thanks, David!

      As for the battle report, my drafts keep getting rejected by Prussian High Command...

      Seriously, I hope to set aside time on Friday to take a stab at the BatRep.

    2. Haha! I can imagine that Frederick is probably a bit miffed and telling his generals: Write me up a victory! Look forward to seeing the report when you have chance to write it. Thanks.



    3. I may suggest that Austrian firepower dominated that of the supposedly superior Prussian firepower.

    4. Yes, it did, didn't it? Reminds me of the Prussian reaction after the first battle of the SYW at Lobositz: "These are not the same old Austrians!" (that they'd beaten all too often in the WAS).



  9. Two great regiments once again Jon and with David's lovely flags too. You have been busy so well done on getting anything painted at all! The shot of the Battle of Moy looks fantastic and am eagerly awaiting the AAR:).

    1. Thanks, Steve! With some luck, I can churn out a battle report by the weekend. I don't know about you but I find writing battle reports hard work.

    2. The AAR's often take longer than the battle itself. I try to give enough info on the forces used, any scenario details that might be pertinent, the action itself and the some post-game thoughts. Trying to keep it succinct too is a challenge.

      Sometimes I wonder if it's worth the effort given how few replies I receive.

    3. Even though commentary is usually robust, I often wonder if the effort to benefit is time well spent. It is useful to chronicle the battles for posterity since I occasionally look back to old battle reports for inspiration and nostalgia.

  10. More great looking regiments. I can only dream of getting more than 1 game in, in a week

    1. Thanks, Neil! I could not have imagined gaming as much as I do now. The key for me was discovering remote gaming.

  11. Very nice, I don't mind painting the French, far easier than the British.

    1. Thanks! I don't mind painting French so much either. I do wish they had white webbing vs natural leather, though.

  12. They look great as usual Jonathan, and forty to fifty figures is a great effort when you have all that gaming going on.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence! If I can accomplish 100 figures per month of average, that is a very good pace for me. Still, The Lead Pile never seems to shrink...

  13. Lovely new regiments Jonathan…

    As always…

    All the best. Aly

  14. A very busy hobby schedule you got there. Still in the limited time you produced 2 fine looking regiments. Well done! Nothing can stop you!😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! Weather is starting to improve here. Good weather may impact painting when outdoor activities begin vying for my time.

  15. Very nice additions. They conjure visions of those great scenes of French v Prussians in Barry Lyndon.

    1. Thanks, Ed! Yes, France vs Prussia some day on a table near me.

  16. Good looking units Jon, the Moys battle looks jam packed , all those Austrians push in forward to get into the battle interested to see how it plays 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! Yes, the Moys battlefield is constrained with the Austrians jammed in between the the two waterways. As a teaser, the game produced the historical result. Quite precisely too.

  17. I am as surprised as you Jon, that you found time to produce another two fine looking units of French infantry, what with all that gaming going on! I do hope you manage to post a few game reports about your various exploits!

    1. My stack of unchronicled battle reports is beginning to rival my stack of unpainted figures in The Lead Pile! Some would not be surprised…

  18. Lovely units Jonathan, and quite a collection from what I can see. Where do you find the time? I stand in awe.

    1. Thanks, Richard! My 18mm SYW collection is one of my larger collections. Without counting, it may be the third or fourth largest with respect to figure count.

      Great to see you becoming a regular commentator! Keep it up!

  19. The figures look great, as always.

    No expert on the Austrian front of the SYW but I thought Moys was a relatively small battle? Even in 15mm I used to find it hard to squeeze SYW linear battles on a table, miles wide but rather thin.

    1. Thanks!

      Originally, I thought Moys to be a small action too. Turns out there were 32,000 Austrians to about 16,000 Prussians. Not so small!

  20. Splendid pair of units, lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  21. I love your new troops. I was surprised to see a flag on the La Marine regiment which is not so dark as for my La Marine regiment.

    1. Thanks! Are both the green and blue darker on your flag?

    2. Yes, checking back on my original flags they are much darker; perhaps your regiment has seen much service and the flags have faded in the sunlight and from general weathering? ;-)



    3. Good point! Perhaps fading; perhaps poor quality control at the supplier; perhaps simply a printer issue?

      Next time I make up another flag sheet, I will redo La Marine and see if I get a different result.

      I appreciate you both checking up on my work!

    4. :-) I wonder how long the flags stayed pristine in use; I don't think the French cased their flags the way the Prussians did, for instance, so presumably they did suffer rather from the elements (not to mention shot and shell). It will be interesting to see if your second printing looks much different... What printer do you use?


