
Monday, January 24, 2022

Sumerian Spearmen

Painting focus remains with fielding Sumerians.  Good progress of late as the armies grow!  Today, two, 12 figure stands of spearmen march out from the workbench.  Each stand has a front rank wielding the large shield and a second rank wearing the protective, studded cloak.  Figures are Wargames Foundry picked up during a recent sale.  Excellent figures and a pleasure to paint.  Still a lot more of these spearmen to field. 
For the Sumerian project, three battle carts, crew, and runners are beginning work at the painting desk.  It may be a while before work begins in earnest on these vehicles.  The cars have been assembled and given a coat of primer so that is a start.

Why the delay?  Well, I made a pledge to myself to push more 15mm figures into the production queue in 2022.  I lead off this pledge by moving the goal of fielding a SYW French army higher into the queue.  With infantry taking priority, let's see how many bags of figures I can turn out onto the table before I switch to something else.  

Why add French to my huge Austrian and Prussian armies?  Well, I have been following Andrè's (blog: Wackershofen Anno Domini) many scenarios and battle reports for both the War of Austrian Succession and the Wars of Polish Succession at Honours of War Forum (login required).  Many of these actions are fascinating and, of course, I need some French troops to recreate these actions.  Naturally, I may need some Spanish and Piedmontese too but first things first.        
On the gaming front, two games scheduled this week.  Both are on Tuesday's docket!

First up is a remote replay of the Battle of Bosworth seen a few weeks ago.  Rather than reprising my role as Henry Tudor, this time I switch sides and take on the role of King Richard.  Game 1 saw Richard III wounded and beaten.  Hopefully, I can avoid that same fate in the rematch.

The second game is also a replay.  In the second of the doubleheader, the Second Battle of Azukizaka is refought.  This battle is a remote rematch with Peter (Grid-based Wargaming) with sides reversed.  Peter will be commanding the Imagawa Clan while I step into the role of Nobuhide of the Oda Clan.  Should be fun.

On the Great Wargaming Survey analysis, time to draft up another study from the 2021 survey.  I lean toward taking a look at spending tendencies in 2021.  Something to work on this week after Tuesday's doubleheader is over.  


  1. Gee, you are a busy chap Jon! Lovely new recruits to the Sumerian armies and you also seem to have lots on the go in several areas of the hobby!

    1. Busy for sure. Never a dull moment here. Glad you like the latest Sumerians.

  2. More lovely toys Jonathan…
    I really like the earthy shades on these figures…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! Sumerians should be attired in earthly shades of clothing, no?

  3. Another fine addition to the blossoming Sumerian forces.

    1. Much appreciated, Phil! I ought to have enough for a small game by Spring.

  4. No peace for the wicked Jon;)! Once again a really nice unit and I love the big shields that these chaps carry. Whilst watching 'Troy' again I noticed that the Trojans arrayed in front of the city for the first battle had rather large shields like these.

    Looking forward to the game AARs and of course more breakdowns of the wargaming survey.

    1. Steve, the big shields present an impressive sight. Formidable wall of red, at the ready. Which version of Troy did you watch?

      On the GWS, I set myself a goal of one topic per month. We will see how that goes as the year progresses.

    2. The Brad Pitt one Jon, as it is a splendid spectacle and not too taxing on the brain!

    3. I think I have that version on the shelf. Maybe time to look at it again?

  5. Great Spearmen. Interesting take on self discipline in painting. Going to check out your 'why' sites.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Yes, do visit Andrè and HoW forum for inspiration.

  6. The look great! Those spear lines are very eye-pleasing.

  7. Great addition, Jonathan! I'm looking forward to the French in the 18th century, this is closer to me.

    1. Thank you, Valentin! My French will not be as handsome as your beautifully works but they will see service one day on the battlefield.

  8. The distinctive shields give these such a presence, very nice.

  9. Lovely Sumerians (huzzah for vicarious hobby!), and really looking forward to the French. I've got a mess of them in 6mm for SYW, but will enjoy seeing what you do with the larger figures.

    1. Glad you like them! With the inspiration from both Andrè and the HoW, I could resist no longer. You are not alone in admiring the works of others.

  10. More of these imposing looking spears over such heavy looking shields! Looking forward to seeing an army shot.

    1. I agree that they look imposing. a few more units to field and then a parade is possible.

  11. I really like the way you do your Sumerian spear Jonathan, and always think the colour combination works exceptionally well.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! They should be menacing but still pleasing to the eye...

  12. Nice work Jon I really don’t think we need to discuss spending tendencies !!!

    1. Thanks? No worries all data are anonymized so no one can pick YOUR spending out from the masses.

  13. Nice looking unit Jon! Keep ‘em coming!

  14. Very nice spearmen. It's looking interesting that the Sumerians had the same shields. I can remember a stone in a book from the 1980s with such spearmen. Great work as always, my friend.

  15. Splendid looking Sumerians!
    Best Iain

  16. Nice Sumarians there and good out pit from you. Good luck on your remote games. Looking forward to the hundreds of 15mm To come off your painting desk. We MUST honor our pledges or we are nothing! 😀

    1. Thank you! Playing two games in one day (about six hours of gaming) is exhausting!

      Yes, I envision hundreds of 15's coming off the painting desk...

  17. Great looking Sumerians, Jonathan. The Ancients range from Foundry are still some of the best around. Your 15mm SYW range is a labor of love, I can see. Also, best wishes on your future gaming - particular with the WotR and Senkogu games.

    1. Thank you, Dean! The Foundry figures are quite nice. Brilliant, really. The figures have stood up to the tests of time.

      Both Bosworth and Azukizaka are in the books after a long day of gaming on Tuesday. I am a bit fatigued this morning but planning for the next battle on Sunday.

  18. Blimey - you are busy! Lots of good projects and gaming there (I really hope Richard wins this time!) but I'm especially looking forward to the French... :-)



    1. David, you will be disappointed in the Bosworth battle. Richard still ends up in a Parking Lot!

      After a few more Sumerians make their debut, on to a handful of French. Perhaps, with a slight detour through some Samurai mounted archers.

    2. Poor old Richard! At least wargamer's Bosworth can be refought again and again, so one day he might not end up buried udner that car park!

      All that zig-zagging through different periods must keep the brain flexible... ;-) What French unit are you hoping to do first?



    3. David, there are five French regiments in work. They are:
      La Marine
      Cosse Brissac

  19. Splendid! I am really looking forward to these... :-) Good luck with all the painting etc....


