
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Sumerian Recruiting Drive

With games three days in five, painting has taken a backseat.  A very backseat.  Meaningful painting sessions have been few and far between.  I did manage to sit down Wednesday morning for a short session to work on two SYW French battalions while I reflected on the group game on Tuesday.  Keeping current on battle reports is posing a challenge too. 

Anyway, to break up the recent diet of battle reports, on tap today are two units of Sumerians recently completed.  First up is a dozen spearman from Newline Designs Miniatures.  These spearmen have protective cloak with no shield.  Fine sculpts and a pleasure to paint.  
Second up is the second Lugal stand to emerge from the painting desk.  Like the first command stand, the stand comprises Lugal, driver, three runners, and battle cart with team.  This is a weighty piece having plenty of heft.  Again, these figures are all Newline Design too.  Very fine figures. 

More Sumerians are in work after having received a small box of Foundry Sumerians.  Expect more spearmen and javelinmen.  Also in work are three battle carts from Newline Designs.

With no more games on the docket for the remainder of the week (I may sneak in a game on Saturday), perhaps, I can return to the painting desk or catch up on a battle report or two.  Who knows?  The recounting of annual Painting Log Summary awaits too.  The list is long.  


  1. Two very nice units Jon (those Newline sculpts are nice) and good to see you are able to get some painting in around your rather busy gaming schedule.

    1. Thanks, Steve! The gaming schedule begins the year with a bang. Always good to carve out some quiet time at the painting desk to reflect.

  2. Good work on the two units. You are juggling
    facets of the hobby well. Nice to have a backlog of article topics. Looking forward to your posts.

    1. Thank you, Joe! Juggling activities, for sure. The supply of post topic seems almost inexhaustible.

  3. Very nice, especially those Spearman. Keep forgetting how nice the Newline stuff is

    1. Thanks, Neil. The Newline figures are under-appreciated, I think. Great figures offered at a reasonable price.

  4. Very fine additions to the collection Jonathan. I must concur that the Newline figures look rather good, another manufacturer that tends to get overshadowed by the "big" boys.

    1. Thanks! Newline does seem overshadowed by the Big Boys but for those in the know, these figures offer great value.

  5. Another nice addition to your legions Jonathan.

  6. Both of those bases look heavy! But typical lovely finished units Jon. Especially like the spearmen, but feel they may have gotten scammed on those “protective cloaks”, only things I see them protecting against are the elements! A light “rain” of arrows could have otherwise deadly consequences…

    1. Both bases ARE heavy! The cloaks were either leather or a thick felt studded with copper disks. I am sure the cloak was quite heavy and offered some protection against arrows and blows.

  7. Two great looking units, gotta say I really like the pikemen.

    1. Thanks, Ray! The Newline spearmen are great. The angle of the photo makes the spears look a little longer than they actually are.

  8. They look great Jonathan. I'm still yet to play my first game for 2022, but you're off to an absolute flyer.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! You will get a game in soon, I bet. If you ever want to try a remote game...

  9. Nice bases as ever and the dip works very well with all the skin tones and earth colours. Newline might get over-shadowed on the 28mm front, but for 20mm they have much of the field to themselves.

    1. Thank you, Norm. The Minwax stain works especially well on earth and skintones. Had I not already been heavily committed to 28s with my 'bigger than 15mm collections', I was tempted to try some of their 20mm ranges.

  10. Another batch of very nice figures Jon. You really do need to change your "about me" comment implying you rarely play a's patently no longer true! So, even the Covid cloud has a silver lining, with the development of remote gaming!

    1. Thanks, Keith!

      You are right. I ought to change the byline but to what? My luck would be as soon as I make the change, remote gaming comes to an abrupt halt!

      For me, COVID has provided an awakening.

  11. Lovely stuff. I really like how you're including the runners with chariots.

    1. Thanks, Markus! Glad you approve of the chariot basing. For me, it works.

  12. Nice looking units just not enough time………to plan, and paint and game and blog. Will try and get Princeton written up this weekend 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt!

      Yeah, there simply is not enough time to tackle all we want. Sometimes we must pick and choose which hobby activity gets attention. It can be a difficult task to prioritize.

  13. I suppose there’s no rule that says that every game needs an AAR. Still, that’s an enviable position to be in with so much awesome hobbyness going on that the cup runnth over. Living in the promised land. 😀😀

    The Miniatures look good.

    1. Thank you, Stew! You always provide inspiration. Some will say that if the battle is not blogged, it did not happen.

      Glad you like the latest Sumerians.

  14. I do sympathise with the frustration of trying to fit it all in.
    Great work on the Sumerians, of course, being similarly afflicted, I would not state, surely you have enough already :)

    1. I appreciate your sympathy!

      Clearly, since I have yet to field enough Sumerians for a game, I do not have enough!

  15. Jonathan, your Biblical armies are a pleasure to watch hrow as you paint them.

    Venturing into the same period this weekend with 15mm Sargonid Assyrians for DBA and ADLG.

    Looking forward to the French SYW battalions when they are posted.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks so much, Ross!

      I await your Assyrians out on display.

      French SYW infantry will be off the painting desk soon but first more Sumerians are stacking up at the photo booth.

  16. Very fine additions, Jon. The Lugal base is especially nice!

  17. Gorgeous Jonathan. You have always been such a prolific painter. Now that you are playing more you come a bit closer to we mere mortals; 'though your output is still most impressive in terms of quantity (quality consistently superb!).
    Regards, James

    1. James, you are very kind. Thank you! Painting did not suffer too badly due to increased gaming.

  18. Great looking war cart and spearmen, Jonathan!

  19. Splendid looking Sumerians, both on foot and in cart,they look the business!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! They do look the business.

  20. I love how the units fit together. Fine work indeed.
