
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Lord Thomas Stanley

Inspired by a number of remote War of the Roses games, one new project for 2021 was building a War of the Roses collection in 28mm using Perry Miniatures' plastic figures.  My original goal at the start of the year was to field six Battles so that I had enough units to fight many of the standard, three Battles per side, engagements.  Each of my Battles would be composed of three lines of bow, bill, and MAA for a total unit strength of 52 figures.  Could I produce six such units in 2021?  I did not know but that was my goal. 
Off the painting desk today is Battle #6 in the project.  I made the goal with one day to spare.  That was a close one!   Like the five Battles before, figures are Perry Miniatures' 28mm plastics.  I had not worked with plastic figures since my youthful days of Airfix 1/72 or HO scale figures.  Multi-part plastics?  I had never worked with such.  I found a really enjoyed putting the figures together and found the assembly somewhat relaxing.

Battle #6 is Lord Thomas Stanley's Battle.  Back in January, the project began with fielding William Stanley's Battle.  In December, the project ends with another Stanley.

Is the project finished?  No.  A few boxes remain with probably enough figures to field at least one more three-line Battle and a couple of extra MAA battle lines.  With enough units present and under arms to fight many of the battles, there is no hurry to expand.

Whew!  Made it just under the wire.  Looking forward to seeing this collection in action on the table.


  1. Nice work Jon. Always good to complete something.

  2. Very beautiful! Perry's plastic is very good, and the painting is worthy!

    1. Thank you, Valentin! The Perry plastics are very good, indeed.

  3. They do look good. I'll take your word for it on the figure assembly. Just more faff getting in the way of finishing the figures to my mind, but what do I know?

    1. Thanks! Before I began, I heard grumblings about assembly too but I find it not so bad and actually kind of fun.

      Maybe in 2022, you will be commanding one of these Battles in a remote game near you?

  4. Lovely work and well done on achieving your goal

  5. Replies
    1. Of course! Perhaps, a New Years Day Parade is in order?

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, David! Your Test of Resolve game was among my motivating factors.

    2. Glad it helped. Do you expect to play ToR again?

    3. Sure, I would gladly play again. I have yet to spring for the rules, though.

  7. Great work on completing the project with a day to spare Jon! They do look very nice indeed and I look forward to the parade of all six battles then seeing them I action in 2022. Are you planning any cavalry at all? I know it wasn't a big feature in this era but the Perrys do make WotR cavalry packs.....?

    1. Thanks, Keith! Made it to the finish line with a day to spare. With luck, this collection will see action in 2022. What rules? Unknown. I plan to add a few cavalry units but have no figures in-house yet.

  8. Impressive numbers, getting all those done in the year. As far as plastics go, Perrys OWN Wars of the Roses. I have always been surprised that they didn’t do a ‘battle in the box’ set like they did with ACW, because they can fully service the era.

    1. Thanks! the 2021 WotR painting effort made up about 25% of my yearly painting production. Preliminary numbers suggest I painted more than I thought.

      The Perry WotR figures are very close to "Battles in a Box" for me since I can field both bow and bill elements for these Battles from one box of figures.

  9. Yet another very impressive battle Jon:). Having just finished reading 'The Hollow Crown' by Dan Jones, I now have a much better understanding of the WotR. I have some medieval figures based up and whilst not quite period accurate, they will do for me for this period. Something to try and get done for 2022!

    1. Thank you, Steve! A new 2022 project for you sounds great! Will you stick with the smaller scale figures?

  10. Very impressive Battle, Jonathan! Perry plastic is really great, it’s good that you include these miniatures to your collection. Have a great New Year!

    1. Thank you, Dmitry and Happy New Year to you!

      The Perry figures really are terrific, are they not?

  11. Fantastic work Jon amazing to get 6 battles done in the year very impressive 👍 I am a fan of the Perry plastics 👍

    1. Thank you, Matt! This project is nudging me ever so slightly away from being strictly a Metal Head.

  12. Lovely toys as always Jonathan…

    I look forward to seeing them in action…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks so much, Aly!

      I will make a point of getting these fellas stuck into battle in 2022.

  13. Very impressive Johnathan and only to be expected given your abilities.Like you I chose the Stanly affiliations, but that was purely because Pete of Pete's Flags had just released his wonderful Stanley flags.Probably not my favourite family especially given their later history in betraying Richard, but they seemed to always pick the winner hence their later elevations up the ladder.God, British history is a mish mash of murder and betrayal. All the best for the New Year.

    1. Thank you, Robbie! Pete's flags are terrific. All of Battles in this project are adorned with Pete's Flags.

      British history and WotR are confusing to the uninitiated but this project has brought with it some clarity for me.

      Happy New Year to you!

  14. I remember your musings on whether to embark upon this project, so six battles in the year must be very satisfying. Beautiful work.

    1. You have a good memory! Finishing this up in 2021 is satisfying, for sure.

  15. That's a super looking battle no doubt Jonathan! Have a Happy New Year!


  16. A nice job on a treacherous family Jonathan ;)

  17. Very nice work Jonathan. I really like the Perry WotR plastics, there is so much variety with the sets and so many parts are interchangeable.

  18. You've done a remarkable job on this project, over 300 figures assembled and painted. Not to mention your other work this year. Glad you had fun at it. That's important.

    1. I appreciate your support, Joe. Thank you! Yes, many other projects saw progress in 2021 but maybe not the diversity as in prior years. Having fun is important.

  19. Lovely colors, cracking job...and Happy New Year!

  20. Another lovely unit Jonathan, I am enjoying watching this army develop

    1. Thanks! Good to see others have enjoyed this army build up too.

  21. Another fine looking battle Jonathan, but will they decide to fight for you?

    1. Thank you, Phil! Will the Stanley's fight for me? Time will tell.

  22. A handsome battle indeed, Jon! Somewhat unexpectedly, I find myself with WotR figures in the painting plans for the first half of 2022.

    1. Thank you, Sir! Well! A surprise for the New Year. I look forward to seeing your WotR build. Will you be using Old Glory?

    2. Yes, I will be using Old Glory. I have no appetite to handle plastics at all, and the current shipping prices and the Army Card in hand mandate Old Glory as the choice. I am really painting them for Tim and David to use for Test of Resolve games at Historicon in July. I have quite a bit of the Old Glory WoTR cavalry, which I must confess, aren't among their better sculpts, so I am hoping the infantry are better. They will still dovetail nicely with my other late medieval forces - Hussites, Catholic "Crusaders" Teutonic Knights, and HYW English, plus another surprise project!

    3. Sounds great, Peter! How many figures must you paint by July?

  23. Another splendid battle and just under the wire? Well done!
    Best Iain

  24. Yer a better man than I, Jonathan, for doing plastics (and all that entails). Bravo on closing out the year "on schedule" with these (and doing so at such a high standard). Happy New Year (much to look forward to!).

    1. Happy New Year to you, Ed! I appreciate your support snd encouragement.

  25. These are lovely, I've just acquired three bags of Front Rank WoTR figs myself, thanks for the inspiration
