
Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Hittites Have a King!

After seeing the Hittites and Egyptians out in a seemingly, regular rotation on the gaming table of late, I figured time was due to provide the Hittites with a king.  An actual king.  Today, their king arrives!  Figures are 28mm Newline Designs.
Another round of playtesting for Rein-bow Warriors is planned next week.  Rules amendments and revised playsheets are coming in.  Very interested in seeing what Ian has in store and what modifications have been made since the last round of games.  Rumor is that scouting may make an appearance.  No idea what that may entail.  Before that action can take place, I must clear the table from a second playing of Brandywine with the Tuesday UK group.  Another very bloody affair played out in another four hour session.  With luck, I can compose a battle report this weekend.
On the painting front, more Biblicals are on the way including Sumerians and Hittites.  I have an incoming order of more Foundry Sumerians and Hittites reinforcements.  Enough figures in this incoming order to keep me busy over the winter months even if working on these figures alone.  Work on Battle #5 for the WotR project begins.  This time, John de la Pole.  Two units of Gaesatae are winding their way through the painting pipeline too.

Oh, and with winter descending, I ought to get a winter-sized batch of figures primered to last through the dark, cold months ahead.  Not today, though, it's raining with chance of snow.  Planning for the Winter Painting Offensive requires careful consideration.


  1. The king and retinue look awesome. It's a high time for parade!

  2. Nice to do a king piece …. And 5th WotR Battle, impressive.

    1. Thanks! With the start on #5, I am approaching my goal of six.

  3. That is very nice Jon and the muted colours help set off the gold sceptre and crown. You certainly have a lot planned both gaming and painting wise. The weather here still very warm for the time of year, with butterflies still on the wing!

    1. Thank you, Steve. I figure most colors would fade to more muted tones in the sun and hard campaigning.

      A lot going on in this casa at present including winding up of your enjoyable SCW campaign.

  4. Very nice Jonathan…
    And indeed… all hail to the king…

    Just don’t get him killed on his first outing… these succession affairs can get quite bloody you know…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly!

      Since Ian typically commands the Hittites, I hope he DOES go down in the next clash!

  5. O I like this one! The king looks suitably annoying and superior. That poor chariot driver must be sick of his elitism! Lol

    Please feel free to send some of that precipitation down here. Too darn dry still…

    1. Great! I am sure he is tired of driving the King around but there are plenty of worse jobs, I suspect.

      It has been very dry up here too. We can use a good soaking.

  6. What a great job Jonathan. I really like how you have managed to give him such a regal appearance, but without making him look garish.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence! Regal but not garish...hard to pull off successfully! His tailor's life probably depends upon it, though.

  7. Excellent Hittite king Jonathan, I have the same Newline figures.

  8. More great work Jon - your king looks great. Lots of new figures by the offing too, to keep you (and us) entertained through your northern winter!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith! Lots of figures in work although most seem to be Biblicals at present. I would like to return to some other projects but gaming is filling my schedule. Not a bad thing, though. With a long winter looming, I need to fill the larder with primered lead so we both can stay entertained.

  9. Great looking monarch and his ride! Excellent news about your pre winter priming,all I'm doing is priming,prep and rebasing it feels!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Ian! The onset of winter always requires preparation on many fronts.

  10. Nice you need a king …lots of prepping for winter 👍 do you buy figures by weight ?

    1. Yes, I need a King; probably two so that I can divide the Hittites into two groups so that they can battle one another. Buying figures by weight? Only if I get a bargain!

  11. Your Chariot stuff is just awesome!

  12. He looks quite regal, and I'm intrigued by the plans for expansion. I have similar challenges when it comes to spray priming. I tend to use brush on gesso in winter - though I prime in black, which may be a consideration.

    1. Good to keep you interested, Markus. I have never tried a brush on primer. Been a 'spray black primer' man most of my life...

  13. It's good to have a King, if better to be one!

    My own winter priming is well advanced..

    1. Yes, better to be King! What are you priming ahead of the long winter? Do you have another new project on the horizon?

    2. Classical Indians are the primary Winter project.

  14. Very nice job on the king. The whole base looks fantastic. I’m sure the army will fight better now that it has a leader watching with a critical eye. 😀

    1. Thanks! Since I only see Hittites from across the table as the enemy, I hope you are mistaken.

    2. Tactical error on your part then to give them a glorious king to fight for. 😀

  15. What a great commander in cheif! Great paintjob. Why not sign up for the Winter Painting Challenge?

    1. Thank you, Ray! With a contest, I might feel obligated to paint more than I ought. Thinking about it though.
