
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

2022 Caesar Awards

Yes, it is the time of year to submit your nominations for Little Wars TV's Caesar Awards.  Show support and encouragement for your favorite 2021 wargaming content by completing and submitting your choices via the official nomination form linked below:

Caesar Awards Nomination Form

As sometimes overheard in Boston and Chicago, Vote early and vote often!

Nominations are officially open through 31 DEC 2021.


  1. Vote early! Vote often! Always brings a smile.

  2. I see they want a specific video in each video category ….. off to do some research :-)

    1. Yes, more categories this year too make for more decisions and more research.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. I have posted a link on my blog too. The Blog category is sponsored by Baccus 6mm, so good on them for supporting the hobby.

    1. You’re welcome! Yes, kudos to Baccus for supporting this venture. Next year, perhaps, you could add your publishing empire into the list of sponsors? You could sponsor a “Best Wargame Rules” category.

  4. I just looked at last year's winners, and realised that you were only 'pipped' by a chap who was part of the excellent Poltava game at Salute the other week. Small world.. Best of luck this time!

    1. Yes, pipped at the line so to speak. As they say in Hollywood, even being nominated is an honor.

      Thanks! Will lightening strike twice?

  5. Apart from enjoying reading blogs this survey has brought home to me how little I engage with the other wargaming media. I find there aren't many Youtube articles etc. that hold my attention for more than ten or fifteen minutes and invariably find myself fast-forwarding through. I do enjoy video demonstrations on rulesets I'm interested in though, and can happily sit through an hour or so of that sort of content.

    1. Lawrence, I find myself in a similar situation. I much prefer the written word to video or Wargaming podcasts but do occasionally watch a small selection of videos if not too long in duration. Wargaming podcasts hold not much interest.
