
Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sumerian Slingers

In a steady march to fielding a pair of Sumerian armies, off the painting desk today steps two-dozen slingers.  Mounted across six bases, each slinger base forms one skirmish BMU for Impetvs or To the Strongest!.  Combined, these figures could form three, double-stand BMUs for other rules.  Figures are by Newline Designs.
How is this new for 2021 project faring?  Well, to date, the project approaches 100 painted figures with another 36 figures nearing completion.  No critical mass yet to field a game but once a few battle carts are added into the mix, a small game will not be far off.  Perhaps by Christmas a couple of battle carts can be mustered?  We will see.  

On the gaming front, gaming frequency has been brisk with the need to even turn down games this week.  Scheduled for Saturday is a remote game to refight the action at Brawner's Farm.  In this game, I will be playing a role reversal as I take command of the Rebels.  My opponent is a cunning one. 
Action at Brawner's Farm
After the Saturday Brawner's Farm game, I clear the table and prepare for a return to playtesting Ian's Rein-bow Warriors for at least one session during the week. 

Sunday sees a return to Norway for a remote Bolt Action clash hosted by Matt.  A long time has passed since we last battled way up north.

Looking forward to both!


  1. A good looking unit Jon interested to hear how Brawners farm goes 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! This batch will field a number of units. I look forward to seeing my Rebels fare today too.

  2. Another great looking set of units there Jon. You certainly are busy on the gaming front (one of the joys of retirement) and am looking forward to the AAR's on your games, especially the Norwegian one with Matt.

    1. Thank you! Quite busy on the hobby front at present, no doubt. Becoming difficult to fit in home chores...

      Matt and I have not fought a Bolt Action game in a long time. Looking forward to that match too!

  3. Stop it with the Sumerians!! It's giving me ideas about a new project! ( They do look great BTW!)

    1. John, you better look away then. More Sumerians coming soon.

      Glad you like them!

  4. Another great looking unit. Also keen to see how Brawners farm plays out

  5. A good looking unit and getting a consistent skin tone on that many figures must have been time consuming.

    1. Thank you, Peter! Consistent skin tone is primarily due to my friend Minwax stain.

  6. Fine additions, busy, busy, busy there Jonathan.

  7. Huzzah for chariot wars! I have a question for you. If you were going to restart the period, knowing what you know now, what force / culture / army would you choose, based solely on the nicest available 28mm figures. What is, in your opinion, the absolute best range for the period?

    1. Indeed!

      Markus, your question is not so simple and not so quickly answered. So many different criteria and so many choices.

      My response is much more than can be composed in a small comment box. You pose a good idea for a follow-up post after I have given this some careful consideration. Thanks for a topic on which to reflect.

    2. Jonathan, should you be able to put something together on that scale, I'd appreciate it. I quite like the period, but am at a point where if I'm going to do a project, I'd much prefer to be painting minis that make the process "joyful". For most periods, there's a range that stand out as being a little more lovely than the rest. That's what I'd be after.

  8. A full plate indeed, but in a good way. Your painting rate puts many of us to shame! The Sumerians are really coming along nicely. Newline do a nice sculpt.

    1. Full plate in a good way, for sure.

      My painting production was higher when I was not gaming so much but I will reach a respectable output for 2021 when the Painting Ledger closes on 31 DEC.

      Newline Designs' produce some wonderfully characterful sculpts that paint easily. I love 'em!

  9. Lovely looking toys Jonathan…
    I am looking forward to seeing the Sumerians out on the table.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Much appreciated, Aly!

      I look forward to seeing the Sumerians out on maneuvers one day too.

  10. A fine bunch of slingers. May you have outrageous fortune in your games this week.

    1. Thanks, Ross! Having willing and plentiful opponents provide fortune enough.

  11. Superb work, and also keen to see results from Brawner's Farm.

    1. Thank you! I am sure there will be a report if conditions are favorable.

  12. Nice Sumerians Jonathan. As it happens I think we are playing Sumerians in our next Saturday game (at least I think that's what we decided).

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Well, I look forward to seeing your Sumerians next week. What rules are you using?

  13. Very nice work Jon - now, these are DEFINITELY Sumerians, are they - a few of them look a bit like Hittites to me....LOL!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Some do look like Hittites. In fact, some played the role of Hittites in the Tell Dapur games!

    2. They won't actually be my Sumerians unfortunately. It will be another game of DBMM though, which are normally quite fast and enjoyable.

  14. Nice Sumerian slingers Jonathan!

  15. Great Sumerians Jonathan! Lots of character to them :)

    1. Thank you, Mark! Has your group played another Sumerian battle lately?

  16. SUperb Sumerian slingers, well done!

  17. Nice! 100+ figures for an army in a year ish is pretty good by most standards. Seems like the basing for these is super flexible so that will be a plus. 😀

    1. Thank you. Given all of the other projects passing across the painting desk, that number is pretty good especially when the year may end with about 150 of the little buggers painted. I may reach 900 figures painted in 2021 by year-end.

  18. Great looking slingers and nice to have some games lined up, I have one in December!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I await your report from your December game. No gaming until December?

  19. Lovely new units! Seems bald or pigtails is the uniform for these fellows?

    1. Thanks! They do seem to vacillate between two hair styles.

  20. Very handy additions to your summering Sumerian project!

  21. Some very nice additions to your growing collection. I do like the fact that your basing can be used in multiple rulesets.

    1. Thanks, Ray! I prefer flexibility although most basing schemes can be forced into working for most rules.
