
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Jasper Tudor's Battle

Finally! After a very long wait in the photo queue, Battle #4 of my 28mm WotR project lines up for a photo shoot.  Today's group of 52 figures comprises Jasper Tudor's Battle in all of its green and white glory.  Figures are from Perry Miniatures in plastic.  
While Battle #4 marches out from the painting desk, Battle #5 has a coat of primer and is plodding toward entering the painting queue.  Will I muster one more Battle before year-end?  It's possible but work is backing up at the workbench with a number of Biblical units gumming up the works.  At last count, there must be at least a half dozen Biblical units in various stages of completion at the painting desk.  Mostly Sumerians are seeing attention but Hittites are making appearances too.
Back to Tudor's Battle emergence from the painting table.  It is fitting that a WotR battle group marches off from the painting desk.  This Tuesday's UK group game will see Richard hosting a WotR battle.  My recollection is that the battle may be recreating Barnet but I could be mistaken.  Nevertheless, I have been placed in command of the Lancastrians for this clash.  We will see how I do.

Ian and I had another test game in his development of Rein-bow Warriors rules with Hittites v Egyptians taking to the field.  My Egyptians lost...More details on that fight in another post.

Oh, and I played four games this past week.  Not much time for concentrated painting sessions.  Maybe next week?  


  1. Very nice Jonathan! Makes me want to watch the old Richard III film with Lawrence Olivier!

  2. Lots of animated figures in this group, very nice.

    1. Glad you like them! With the multi-part plastics, variety is almost limitless.

  3. I also like the animation of the battle.

  4. A very fine looking group of warriors! Looking forward to seeing a group shot of all these battles.

  5. I can only echo previous comments Jon - you have done a lovely job on these figures

  6. Lovely …. and prolific! despite getting so much gaming in. That front flag is a bit of a beauty.

    1. Thanks! It has been a bit hectic this week with all of the gaming and gaming prep. The flags are real beauties by Pete's Flags.

  7. They look great, love the colors...

  8. That's a cracking looking unit Jon, with great colours and a nice dynamism to them. The flag sets the whole off very nicely. You certainly are a busy chap in retirement!

    1. Glad you like Tudor's Battle, Steve! The Perry figures are easy to fix in dynamic positions.

      On the 'Busy in Retirement' front, I did not even include the time spent with your fascinating SCW PBeM campaign. Speaking of that...

  9. Some nice pieces there of the bad guys ;)

    1. Thank you. Hmm. Do you suppose there is purpose to ALWAYS designating the sole American as a Lancastrian baddie commander when my regular UK group takes up a WotR battle? I think I see a pattern...

  10. TremEndous progress Jon, you call them a battle but really they are 2 if not three units in a block so don’t under sell them !

    1. Matt, you are right. There are actually three components to this Battle. There is a 24 figure bow unit, a 15 figure bill unit, and a 13 figure MMA unit. Your encouragement is much appreciated.

      Say, I just popped over to your Kolin battle. That is truly a magnificent display. Well done!

  11. A beautiful looking unit Jonathan. Only 4 games this week? That's more than I've had all year!

    1. Thank you, Ray! Yes, only four games this week NOT counting Steve's PBeM SCW campaign.

      We could change your gaming drought by getting you to a try remote game.

  12. These look superb Jonathan, really great work.

    1. Thanks, Oli! Given your beautiful works, your encouragement is greatly appreciated.

  13. Great looking Tudor troops, Jonathan!

  14. Beautiful! They look fantastic with all the bases together in depth.

    1. Thanks! A WotR Battle does look good with all of its components arrayed for battle.

  15. Welshmen are all well and good, but I await with bated breath the upcoming heroes of bronze ;)

    1. I see a long parade of Bronze Age figures marching out from the painting desk.

  16. Magnificent work Jonathan. I have some medieval English ahead of me and will return to these for some inspiration.

    1. Thank you so much, Lawrence! Your painting is inspirational.

  17. An impressive battle Jonathan…
    I have to admit that I would have given up half way through sticking the figures together… not my favourite thing to do…

    All the best. Aly

    1. You know, sticking the bits together offers a bit of pleasure and relaxation in its own way.

  18. A bostin looking battle there Jonathan.

    1. I believe it’s a colloquial term meaning… rather good…😁

    2. Thanks for the translation, Aly! I could use your talents at my weekly remote game with a group of your countrymen.

  19. Splendid looking battle! I hope you enjoy Barnet, there's still a few decent pubs there,especially the Mitre!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! If I ever stop in, I will be sure to visit the Mitre.

  20. Nice job! Is each battle of around 50 figures each? That would make a nice looking table. I think one day I will jump into WoTR. I like the look of the miniatures.

    4 games in a week? You are living the dream my friend. 😀

    1. Thank you! Yes, each Battle is roughly 50 figures. Some Battles may have three melee lines (as this one does) or two or four. With typically three Battles per side, the number of figures is not overwhelming. With 300 figures total, most battles can be fought. I have four Battles and two to go.

      Four games per week is really too many especially when designing and hosting games. One or two games per week is more ideal for me.

  21. Superb effort Jonathan. Great poses, painting and basing on this battle. Encouraging as I have a battle in 15mm waiting in the painting cue along with 20 odd 28mm figures base coated as the start of a Lion Rampant warband for Oxford.

    More Biblicals, excellent news really enjoy seeing these units as you sprint through them.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks much, Ross! I await to see what you do with your WotR project.

      More Biblicals from me for a small run, I think.

  22. I love your medieval troops. Great paintjob.

    1. Thanks, Andrè! Another Battle is in preparation. Maybe out by Christmas.
