
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

French Piemonte Regiment

After a lot of gaming in August (eleven games!), there has not been much in figure count crossing the finish line at the painting desk.  Meaningful painting sessions have been few and far between.  While a number of units are in process at the workbench, few made it to the point of mustering out in August.  Well, that is not quite true.  A couple of Sumerian units mustered out but have not reached the point of getting into the photo booth.   

Off the workbench today is a 23-figure regiment of French musketeers for the SYW project.  Following not too far behind the Normandie regiment off the workbench, today the Piemonte Regiment steps out from the paint desk.  Foot figures are from Blue Moon with a Eureka mounted officer leading on his men.

I mentioned that a couple of units of Sumerians are nearing completion.  Actually, several units for Biblical projects are in work.  On the workbench now are archers, javelinmen, and slingers.  A whole array of lightly armed troops are seeing some activity.  Many of these light-armed, skirmish infantry will be used to bolster skirmisher contingents for some Bronze Age playtesting.  That activity may begin soon.  In addition to the Biblicals, a fourth WotR Battle is about finished.  Battle #4 will be marching out as Jasper Tudor's retinue. 

On the cycling front, weather has improved with less heat and less smoke making cycling much more enjoyable.  August mileage remained consistent to May-July coming very close to 750 miles in the legs.  Had I been able to make it out on the bike Tuesday, that threshold would have been crossed. A few photos from a recent ride follow:

Next time, perhaps another painted unit, a battle report from the weekly Tuesday game, or something entirely unexpected.


  1. Beautiful looking Regiment Jonathan!
    Have a nice day!

  2. Very nice work! Great to see the biking is going well. Enjoy the first of September. Games, biking, painting that pays off--- sounds like a good August.

    1. Thank you! Yes, August was productive and enjoyable on many fronts. Hopefully, the weather remains pleasant for another month or two.

  3. Another great regiment Jonathan. Lovely scenery as always and nice to see some blue sky, as here in Bristol we've had a unusually cloudy August:(.

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! When the sky is not clogged with the smoke from summer wild fires, the sky is always a beautiful blue.

  4. A handsome regiment of the French! The figure of the equestrian officer is excellent. The 7 Years War is a very good topic. Will there be Russians?
    What a beautiful nature you have!

    1. Thank you, Valentine! The SYW is a very good topic. Russians? My gaming buddy has boxes of Russians. If you want to see some of our battles using Russians, search for Kunersdorf or Zorndorf on the this blog for battle reports.

  5. Nice regiment and weather, back to fairly cool and grey weather here despite the promise of a late 'heat wave'.

    1. Thanks, George. Beginning to cool here a bit but temperatures are ideal and no grey skies.

  6. The yellow tinted hat lace looks good against the all white uniform. 11 games is a lot of games, but of course you can probably at least double that gaming time to the blog write-ups that followed, so that is a lot of diversion from the painting table.

    1. The yellow hat lace provides extra zing to a mostly off-white coat.

      Yes, writing battle reports, as you know, is a terrific consumer of time. I often wonder if writing a BatRep is worth the effort. That may be a topic for a future post.

  7. Another nice looking unit Jon and sounds like an interesting mix is in work currently. I think someone else mentioned it, but you really are going to have to amend your by-line about rarely getting your troops into a fight! The lock downs and subsequent virtual gaming has been a real boon for you,,,every cloud, as they say! The scenes from your recent bike ride look stunning.

    1. An interesting mix in work, no doubt. Well, an interesting mix to me, at least!

      As for my by-line, you are absolutely correct. Perhaps I should change it but what if this is only a passing fad? Like consulting, one never knows if the current Zoom game may be the last...I do hope it continues. I may have to take a more active role in hosting to maintain momentum.

      On cycling, autumn and early fall cycling on the Palouse are my favorite times to be out. Daytime temperatures in the 60s-80s F and little chance of rain.

  8. Fine looking regiment Jonathan, well done. As always I admire your painting output and that you still find time to get outdoors. I imagine you will soon be busy crunching numbers for Jasper and the WSS survey.
    I must talk to you about biblical gaming sometime as I just pulled the trigger on a 15mm Syro-Canaanite army. Cheers, Michael

    1. Thanks, Michael! Everytime I see OaO or any of the 1914 series on my shelf, I am reminded of our wonderful VASSAL experience.

      Yes, the GWS ended on the 31st. Once the data are anonymized, the results ought to be packed off to me for analysis. Always a fun time.

      Let's hear more about your new Biblical project.

    2. Not much too say about the biblical project yet. The inspiration came from Tim Porter’s Mad Axeman website and podcast. The chosen scale is 15mm and the chosen rules are ADLG4. First army ordered is a Syro-Canaanite army which could also stand in as Judeans. Chosen time period is that covered by Isaiah and 2 Kings, so Israel/Judea, Syria, Egypt and Assyria.

    3. Sounds great Padre, love been an era that I’ve been interested in. Go forth and smite thine enemy!

  9. Another fine unit Jon. Reminds me I have a French army sized gap in my SYW collection.

    That lake is just crying out ‘swim in me’!

    1. I say, "plug that gap" in your SYW collection. As for swimming, the water is cold even in August.

  10. Another great looking SYW unit, Jonathan. Beautiful weather - nice to see no smoke in your area. I hope to add a few games to my count this weekend at Enfilade. Although attendance and games will be likely half of previous years. That's okay with the current conditions, though.

    1. Dean, it is really a relief to see all of the smoke FINALLY blow out of the area. It was very bad for a few weeks.

      Good luck at Enfilade this weekend. I expect attendance will be down. I know several gamers from this side of the State that will not be making the annual pilgrimage to the West Side and Enfilade.

  11. Splendid looking SYW unit!
    Best Iain

  12. 11 games in a month!!! You lucky boy!!! The figures look great btw.

    1. Thanks, Ray! Can one have too much of a good thing?

  13. So much gaming! Wow!

    The French look pristine! Very nice looking ranks Jon.

    Those pics of the lake are gorgeous!

  14. A very nicely French regiment there Jonathan. I have SYW Austrians and Prussians. I keep thinking I should have got the French.

    1. Thanks! I have Austrians and Prussians too and they are a good core to a SYW project. Now, I am expanding to French.

  15. Very smart indeed Jonathan. You don't see many uniforms with grey facings, and it looks great against the white.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence. The facings on this regiment and Normandie are shown as black but they may look grey in the photos.

  16. Good looking unit Jon and an impressive cycling tally. I just don’t seem to have enough energy ! Perhaps when I am working less ?

    1. Thanks, Matt. Perhaps working less will help? Even when I was working, I made it out daily. Cycling and painting are great ways to unwind from the stresses of the workplace.

  17. Even if reduced, neither gaming nor cycling is shutting down your painting! Fine looking Frenchies, Jon!

  18. French look spiffy (the mounted officer is a nice touch), and I'm looking forward to the biblicals.

  19. Lovely unit Jonathan and some superb scenery.

  20. Nice work on the regiment. Send them to battle soon:)

    1. Thanks! Not enough to send into battle yet. Plenty of Austrians and Prussians, though. Perhaps I should consider a SYW battle soon?

  21. That sounds very interesting. Your new unit is looking perfectly to me. You are a great artist. I love your photos.

  22. Lovely unit and even more glorious photos Jonathan.
    Regards, James
