
Sunday, August 1, 2021

It's Survey Time!

Yes, it is the first of August and time for the start of the annual The Great Wargaming Survey presented by Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy Magazine.

The 2021 edition of the survey may be found at,

The 2021 Great Wargaming Survey

A few changes from last year's survey are in place and I found the survey very quick to complete.  I encourage everyone to take a few minutes and complete the survey.  

I plan to dive into the survey results once the survey submissions close on 31 August.  As in prior years, expect a series of blog posts analyzing some aspect of the survey to follow throughout the year.  If you want to follow along and compare your preferences to the survey population, perhaps jot down your survey responses so that you can recall your answers later.  I know I have difficulty remembering exactly how I responded...


  1. Blimey, that's come around quickly! I'll complete soon and try and remember to note my responses so I can see how I compare when you break down the data.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. At least I've got a fairly good figure count this time.

    2. Time flies! I will try to remember my responses too!

    3. Graham, now that you have completed your painted figure reconciliation, you will be able to reply with authority. You are likely in the top category too!

  2. Thanks for bringing this to our attention Jon. I have never participated previously but will do so this time for sure!

    1. You are welcome! I look forward to reading your perspective when I beginning digging into the data.

    2. All done Jon and I have recorded my answers too :)

  3. Thanks and I think the new issue of the mag is about to hit the high street in the UK.

    1. You are welcome. I always appreciate your insights on the survey results.

    2. I thought the survey was very pertinent to this years covid situation, which has changed many things for wargamers, so the results will be very interesting.

  4. I'll complete this over the next day or so. I have no idea what my responses were last year, but imagine they will be roughly the same.

    1. Good! Some of my responses changed. Much more gaming than last year and I had to pick top three and bottom three rather than ranking each choice.

  5. Frankly it always strikes me as a pointless exercise.

    1. Pointless? Each year, I find the results produce a few interesting results although I enjoy exploring data.

    2. Yes, pointless. What does it matter to you or me what others are spending, gaming and the like?

    3. If manufacturers and marketers are paying attention to the these survey results, the survey could influence the direction of the hobby. That could affect the products receiving continued support and what new products come to market. If one is content then the results do not matter.

  6. It does come around fast doesn't it? Memory is a funny old thing!
    Best Iain

    1. It does! Perhaps seeing reports on survey results throughout the year compresses the perceived time between surveys?

  7. Wow it seems like I just did this! Time sure flies, but I'll head over and do it and looking forward to your detailed breakdowns.


  8. Jot down my responses??! Great idea! ....... pity I answered last night...... Next year then.

  9. Feel like this just came out last year. Completed tho and my wife distracted me and so I forgot to record and include my results here!

    1. It did come out last year! When we begin the analysis discussions, perhaps, you will recall how you responded?

    2. I’ll certainly do my best mate. Seems there were fewer questions this year too so hopefully those answers will be easier to recall! Lol

    3. The survey was shorter this year. No psychometric questions on gamers’ motivations.

  10. Just done my return and added my normal comment that wargaming isn't all about toy soldiers.

    1. Wargaming is not all about toy soldiers, for sure.

  11. That time again? I feel like I JUST read some cool blog post of yours on the analysis of last time. I must be getting older because time is going faster. 😀

    I’m definitely gonna write down the questions and answers for later discussion.

    1. That time again! While the survey may only be annual, the analysis goes year-round. We can compare answers later...

  12. Survey completed this lunchtime, but I have no idea how many figures I have or how much I spend. If you tell me how many figures you have Jon in your collection then I’ll take 10% of that 😀

    1. You are very funny! My collection size is right at 30,000 painted figures.

    2. …..of course the follow up question could be how many figures would you like to have ? Answer 50% of JF . Looking forward to Sunday 👍

    3. Estimating your collection is difficult. I thought I had 3-5,000. Turns out I'm just a few shy of 25,000

    4. Matt, I look forward to Sunday's game too!

    5. Graham, producing accurate estimates is hard work especially when we paint and then put the figures away in boxes. Some rarely to be seen again.
      Clearly, you grossly under-estimated your production!

      I realized early on (1994) that my solution was to make an accounting of every figure painted. 27 years later, I know how many figures are boxed away, somewhere in the house!

    6. I started keeping track of my painting almost from day one back circa 1969. I recorded and tallied all my units by army (and later era) in spiral note books, that I referred to (in my own mind, who else would know or care) as "carnets", after the field) records Napoleon kept of his troops and officers.

      Each unit also got an index card in a file box on which I recorded the battles that they fought in, and any "battle honors" (and,. occasionally, DIS-honors) they earned. As my collection grew, that became impractical, but I still have the file box and cards from back then!

      Computerized records took over with the onset of the blog, although not ion spreadsheet form like Jon!

    7. Peter, we are of similar minds. For the record, my counts go into a database. Spreadsheets are too inefficient for most analysis.

      Interesting that you track battle honors for each unit. Are there some that tend to perform above and below par?

  13. Did the survey; didn't record the responses, but without a rank order system it's not that hard to remember... or at least that'/s what I say now! :-)

    1. Good! This year's answers should be easier to recall.
