
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Back to the Brushes

With August seeing much activity at the gaming table, preparing for games, and writing about games, I finally produce my second completed unit for the month.  Not much productivity on the painting front but the gaming front has been chock full.  A handful of units is nearing completion by month's end (hopefully) including a unit of skirmishers that I had not intended to push into the painting queue.  Long story, that...  

Off the painting desk today is a 23 figure unit of French SYW 18mm infantry.  Regiment is Normandie and figures are Blue Moon musketeers led by a Eureka Miniatures mounted officer.  Flags are from Not by Appointment.  With several bags of Old Glory 15mm SYW French hitting the mailbox this week, I expect to see a regular stream of French in the months ahead.  Now, if I can only exhibit a little focus.

Gaming is still going strong with three gaming sessions this week.  The weekly Tuesday game saw a return to the Jacobite Rebellion in which my Jacobites were soundly thrashed including the loss of our CinC.  He may think twice about deciding to attach to my hard charging cavalry next time.  Friday saw a F2F CCA session with Kevin wherein my Romans defeated Kevin's Carthaginians at Ilipa three games to none; all in splendid 6mm. Finally, Sunday sees yet a fourth remote replay of Shoemaker's Bridge when Matt leads the British against my defending Rebels.  Having watched the battle play out three times before, I am anxious to take command for myself.  I pray my plan is a cunning one.  Looking forward to this match up a lot.

Shoemaker's Bridge will not go quietly, though.  I am hosting the scenario yet one more time for the remote Tuesday UK group.  Looking forward to that too although after five playings, it may be time to retire the scenario, for now.  


  1. A splendid looking unit and your painting is a crisp as ever. What size base do you use for these 18mm figures?

  2. Great looking unit Jon. You are also slowly selling me on the idea of having a mounted commander with units.
    Looking forward to the nest 'Shoemaker' game too.

    1. Thanks, Darren! I guess, I am an ‘Influencer’ now!
      I would enjoy getting you and Steve back to the remote table for another AWI matchup,

    2. Oh yes please. I'll shoot you guys an email.

  3. Your plate is very full at the moment, so it is impressive that units are still leaving the painting table.

    1. Plate is full, no doubt. I turned down two gaming invitations for this week as more than three games is too much of a good thing.

  4. The painting may be slow what with all the playing but it is still excellent.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! See my reply to Darren above about another game.

  6. Great job on the new French unit. You are certainly busy on many fronts. Enjoy the games coming up!

    1. Thanks, Joe! I will enjoy the upcoming games, for sure.

  7. Great job as always. Good to see you so busy on the gaming front. Not everyone can make that claim nowadays

    1. Thanks, Mike! Very good to hear from you again! Remote gaming has opened a whole new Pandora’s Box.

  8. Boy you’ve been busy on the gaming front. Long May it continue!

  9. That's a lovely unit Jonathan and you are certainly busy on the gaming front. The joys of being retired! With a full house as it's still school holidays my painting has dried up, but in a couple of weeks SWMBO will be back at school and our daughter at Uni. However DIY chores are looming on the horizon!

    1. Thanks, Steve! Once your household empties and household chores are caught up, maybe a remote game would interest you? You have no table space to clear off and no game prep either.

  10. Nice work there Johnathan - Blue Moon 18mm are very nice sculpts to work with. Great progress indeed on this project- well done.

    1. Thank you! KEV! Good to hear from you again! The Blue Moon figures are very nice. With an Old Glory Army Card, rather inexpensive too.

  11. Avery handsome unit, Jon. As always, I enjoy the simplicity of the flags of the old Royal armies.

    Decreased painting productivity caused by increased gaming is a favorable trade off, in my not so humble opinion! After all, we both have literally thousands of troops, and using them as well as just collecting them is the real reward.

    My own schedule for in person games looks pretty heavy for the next 3 months, and just today I found myself without feeling a burning need to paint anything in particular for the first time in a long while. Not a problem, as I need to devote the time to planning out all of those games, and running them.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Of course, you are right. If we did not get the figures out onto the gaming table, we would be only collectors and painters. Much better to get our collections out into the bright lights of the game room.

      Your Qadesh prep has been fun to watch develop.

    2. Glad you've enjoyed the Qadesh prep; I think with the tweaks it should work as a game. Definitely not a standard line up opposite each other and have at it kind of game!

    3. This is what makes the game so interesting.

  12. And what a grand return it is too Jonathan. I like that mounted officer!

  13. Very nice, I hope to add some new units over the Winter months.

    1. Thanks! I await the arrival of your new recruits following Winter Quarters.

  14. Lovely work on the new unit, and I'll be keen to see what you have been plotting as the American commander in the next re-fight of Shoemaker's Bridge.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! My plotting may do no good if it doesn't work. I am sure Matt is ready to spoil my fun.

  15. I honestly thought these new troops were 25mm. So yeah, great job.

    So much gaming… look forward to reading how it all goes mate

    1. Most kind of you! So much gaming; so little time for painting...

  16. Great to see you producing new units Jon - the tri weekly gaming schedule certainly plays havoc with your painting productivity! I am looking forward to seeing if your plan is cunning enough to tie a tail on it and call it a weasel! Have to admit, I am rooting for the Brits it make it four from four after the previous six months run of disasters!

    1. Output has slowed but the year-end totals ought to still be respectable. not as many as some years but the number of games has exploded.

      I am beginning to waver on my cunning defensive plan. Uncertainty is creeping into the picture. Will I change my setup before game time on Sunday?

      Rooting for the Brits? What happened to rooting for the underdog and freedom-seeking revolutionaries? Keep in mind that these games are scaled to a much different level than the "Rebels and Patriots" skirmishes.

  17. Replies
    1. Matt, it is good to see a finished unit or two. I am making progress on several other units.

  18. A lovely looking new unit Jonathan…

    All the best. Aly

  19. Beautiful looking regiment. Cannot believe its 15mm!

  20. Remote games, FtF games and fine painting. You are a machine🙂

  21. Lovely looking French unit and nice to have the dilemma of too much gaming, me it's too much work again!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Too much gaming is a better dilemma than having too much work.

  22. Very nice to see these new French boys.

    1. The start of a French Army was inspired by your games and scenarios. It may be years before I get to see any of your fine scenarios on the table at the rate I paint.

  23. Always good to see SYW stuff, and looking forward to pictures of the Jacobite game.

    1. For photos of the Jacobite game, you must visit Graham's blog. There are battles for which I have no time to chronicle.
