
Saturday, June 19, 2021

Spring Cycling on the Palouse

Bowl and Pitcher

Posting on my cycling exploits on the Palouse has been absent.  A lack of cycling posts does not signify a lack of cycling.  Quite the contrary. Cycling continues and mileage increases as the temperatures warm.  The fall-off in cycling posts is likely a direct result of the increase in gaming posts.  One only has so many hours in a day.

The monthly mileage chart below reinforces the notion that mileage increases as temperatures climb.  With June slipping passed half over and almost reaching 500 miles for the month, there is still time to surpass May's totals of 776 miles in the legs. 

Mileage Chart 2021
On the Palouse, it is said that summer really does not begin until after July 4. July, August, and September are pleasant months for cycling with good weather throughout and not much chance of rain.

To provide a sense of the terrain variety present on the Palouse, following are some snapshots from my Spring rides.

Deer crossing!

And finally, the back yard crabapple in bloom.
Back to gaming next time.


  1. Pretty country. Hope your summer cycling is as awesome as it looks.

  2. Replies
    1. It certainly is inviting to the cyclist. I did not include any photos of cars cutting across the bike lane in front of me or being passed with inches to spare. One must remain ever vigilant.

  3. Great views, I assume cycling in such place is a truly pleasure.

  4. Splendid Jonathan…

    I feel quite refreshed after that 😁

    All the best. Aly

  5. Beautiful scenes and weather, Jonathan. One thing with this sunny, warm weather is my allergies are acting up again - but still better than rainy, gloomy days!

    1. Dean, too bad about your allergies. Spring was especially difficult you my wife’s allergies. Doctor said tree and grass pollen came on at the same time. Better than gloomy and rainy, for sure.

  6. Ahhh! Looking great Jonathan!
    I cleaned my and my family's bike today and we are going tomorrow!

  7. Great scenery and the roads look superb, with not a pot hole in sight! Shame that you too get cut up by cars like us in the UK. Ever vigilant as you say!

    1. I don’t take photos of potholes…Bring cut off doesn’t happen every day but more often than one wants.

  8. Some lovely pictures, and the crab apple in bloom reminds me a little of our bougainvillea, although probably not as thorny.

    1. No thorns on the crabapple. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  9. Lovely looking scenic shots!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! Showing a good assortment of the varied terrain.

  10. Wow you certainly have been getting in quite a bit of mileage Jon. The varied scenery looks beautiful....I particularly like the weird shaped boulders ....they look a bit like Stews recent terrain post! Is the yellow crop oil seed rape? We had that round my area when growing up in Scotland and some of the fields around Pukekohe also carry this crop....

    1. Yes, the mileage is climbing. As for Stew’s terrain posts, maybe he is getting inspiration from the Great Northwest? You have a good botanical eye, Keith. These fields are indeed rape.

  11. Lovely views to accompany your trips. You are a lucky man.

    The last pic tho of that pretty tree in bloom; I’m assuming the good wife is suffering from allergies once more?

    1. Yes, Dai, this was a bad year for allergies for her. Luckily, it seems have calmed down. The freshly mown grass can still cause problems. I offered to quit cutting the grass…

      I am glad you enjoyed the cycling photos.

  12. Great looking scenery for road riding!

  13. Beautiful country side! Looks like a ....certain degree ..of change in elevation.

  14. Such relaxing and beautiful photos to view Jonathan. I assume that you are using a go-pro of some kind and not stopping to take regular photos?! :)
    You must be impressively fit.
    Regards, James

    1. Hi James. Yes, I have a Go Pro mounted on the handlebars. Impressively fit? No, but I’m trying.
