
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Impetvs Warbook2

Back in January, I received my pre-ordered copy of Impetus Warbook1.  At that time (see Impetus Warbook1), I commented on finding a surprise within the Army List book.  That surprise was a photo of my Kallapani stand used without permission.

To finish the story, several readers suggested I contact Lorenzo at Dadi & Piombo to sort out the situation.  That I did.  After several email exchanges and an apology, Lorenzo offered a complimentary copy of Warbook2 when it was released.  As seen from the cover of the book above, Lorenzo made good on his commitment.  The book arrived last week.  A very welcome gesture.

Warbook2 is spiral bound rather than perfect bound as was Warbook1.  I prefer the spiral binding since the book can lay flat on the table.  The Army Lists cover armies from 43BC to 1100AD and loaded with full color photos of miniatures.

The book contains nine volumes of Army Lists for,
  • Rome and the Empires
  • Rome Crisis and Fall
  • Britannia
  • Ancient Far East
  • Steppe Peoples
  • Armies of Islam
  • Justinian Age
  • Age of Charlemagne
  • Year 1000  
including almost 100 Army Lists.

This will provide a handy Impetus 2.0 Army List revision for these armies.  Unfortunately, these time periods are under-represented in my collections.  Still, a handy reference to have as I contemplate new armies. 


  1. Congrats! Yes, it’s a good starting point for new army of this period. Maybe it's a sign. :)

  2. A satisfactory outcome to a wrong put right. I presume Britannia is covering both Dark Age and Hastings / Stamford bridge time lines? I have the Basic Rules V2 which are spiral bound, but it is the combination with heavy paper that makes it useful to have at the table, as it is simply more robust to frequent page turning.

    1. Yes, a satisfactory outcome, Norm. Hastings/Stamford Bridge timelines will find armies within the YEAR 1000 army lists too.

      This volume is heavy paper/spiral bound too. Very nice!

  3. I played a fair bit of Impetus in its first incarnation, inclduning a few tournaments. I even won one! I found that the out of period imbalances did not work in out of period gaming and at the time was not doing much in period. There are so many options in the 3000BC to 1500AD (ish) field that I did not feel any urge to splash out on another set. However I hope that you get a lot of fun out of them, I certianly did out of the first edition for 2 or 3 years which is as good as you get really

    1. Hi David. I played a number of games on BI when it was first released and enjoyed the constructs of the rules very much. Played Baroque for ECW too and that was good as well. I have not had a Impetvs game on the table in a very long time. I hope I enjoy it as much as memory serves when I get it back onto the table.

      There are many options for rules for this long period of warfare. While each ruleset may not be to everyone's tastes, it seems unlikely that at least one ruleset would not tempt most. We all have our favorites, I am sure, and new rules continue to come to market.

      I have never delved into gaming non-historical match-ups. Perhaps that explains why I have not experienced your mismatches with BI?

    2. David, I can recall your Huns giving my Spartans a good dusting of arrows before sweeping in for the kill.

      I enjoyed Impetus and the above Spartans even made it into an Extra Impetus which was a painting highlight for me. Like many games there were too many cooks and the rules fell into disuse in this area; might be worth while digging out BI and BI 2 to see how they compare.

      Cheers, Ross

  4. Sounds like a reasonable outcome from the publishers of the book who used your image without permission Jon - luckily you are interested in their rules!

    1. Reasonable outcome, for sure. Luckily I enjoy the rules. Unfortunately, I do not have many armies in the included lists. Of course, that can change on a whim.

  5. Good to see a wrong put right--especially so when accompanied by a tangible gesture such as this. Of course, whimsy may kick in and your collection may expand in a previously unplanned way (ie, "No good deed goes unpunished.").

    1. Perhaps a corollary ought to be, "No good deed is without cost." This may cost me, indeed!

  6. Nice addition to your rules collection, Jonathan. I have to admit, I've never played these rules - I don't think I've seen these presented at Enfilade before. Might be nice to see someday :)

    1. Never a game of Impetvs at Enfilade? That is hard to believe. May have to change that.

  7. I have heard of these rules but the group I game with is very much stuck on DBMM. I'm still keen to get them interested in TtS, but would also love to give a set like this a go if they are enjoyable. I might have to wait for a few more months before I suggest it again after last Saturday's game, where my Galatian army list walked over some Rus in just under an hour. It was only afterwards that we realised I had accidentally put together a 500 point army instead of the 400 we normally play (and which our opponents were using).

    1. Lawrence, hopefully, you will be able to try both TtS! and Impetvs with your group. My general Rule of Thumb is that "He Who Hosts Chooses!"

      Fielding 500 points vs 400 points is a useful tactic. Well done!

  8. Cheeky sods! Glad they were up to atoning for their crime though.
    I think you should start a nice saxons v Vikings project so you can play these rules to the fullest. Plus I just want to see you paint saxons and Vikings! :)

    1. Saxons and Vikings? Do I need another project? I have so many already. Well, now that you have planted the seed...

  9. Nice, the lists certainly give you some options for future projects 👍

  10. Ahhhh, I remember that incident. Cool that you got some sort of recompense. 😀
    I still need to check out impetuous; so many rules, so little time.

    1. If you find some time, give Impetvs or Basic Impetvs a try.

  11. I got my mine it's quite nice. I do have some things for the lists covered, but they need to be fleshed out a lot more.


  12. Nice result and decent of them to send you something in recompense,I've a soft spot for Impetus, surely there are other armies you could/should start in that list?!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, there are many armies from these lists from which to choose for a new project but I already have a couple of NEW projects to work!

  13. A very fair compensation for their hopefully unintended transgression. I doubt that I have any armies falling within the scope of this book either.

    1. I agree. I may have a few Reconquista era armies that may fit into one of the lists.

  14. That's good Jonathan! Pleased you got sorted!
