
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Two-Fer Tuesday: Ancients

Off the painting desk today is another double shot of units.  This time, I return to ancients and the Punic Wars project. 

First up is a fourteen-figure stand of Aventine Miniatures' Roman Principes. Great figures. It has been a long time since any Aventine figures crossed over the painting desk.

Next up are three, four-figure stands of Renegade Miniatures slingers.  Again, super figures that are a joy to paint.  I likely had a sufficient number of these slinger units already painted and present for duty but a dozen remained in The Lead Pile so why not paint them?  Yeah, that is what I thought too!

Finally, I have been out of town for a long weekend getaway to celebrate the latest grandchild's first birthday. Having been more than a year since our last journey away, it was a pleasure to experience a slice of a more typical lifestyle of weekend adventures.  While the trip was only a 600-mile cross-state road trip, changing landscapes if only for a few days was a pleasure.  Below is a view of the Seattle Space Needle at sunset as seen from the 41st floor of my daughter's condo.  Nice view, huh? 


  1. Figs are splendid, but that view--wowsa! Bonus that there's a grandchild somewhere to be seen, I'm sure ;)

    1. Thanks, Ed! Yes, the views are splendid from above the city. There was a grandchild to see, for sure!

  2. Splendid additions Jonathan, pleased to see you have been able to get out and about.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Yes, it was good to get out and about before we are thrown back into lockdown.

  3. Love those Romans and slingers! And I agree, only 12 left? Why the heck not get them painted!

    That is a very nice view. Can't say I liked Seattle all that much when I was there, but your pic certainly makes it look serene somehow.

    1. Glad you like the figures, Dai! From 41 stories above, Seattle looks serene. At ground level, it is anything but!

  4. That’s a great view! Is that the same apartment building as Frasier Crane 😉?

    1. Yes, this is a fab view. I think Fraser's building was fictional but it would not have been too far from this building but more toward downtown and the waterfront.

  5. Great units Jonathan and good to see you were able to get away for a bit. You say only 600 miles, but that's a long distance here in the UK, which is pretty much the round trip from Bristol to Edinburgh! This takes me about 7-8 hours each way due to UK traffic:(

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, the perception of commuting distance is different between the US and UK. On rare occasions, we make the 600 mile round trip from Spokane to Seattle in a day.

  6. I love your Romans especially the simple but effective style on the shields (I did simple red shields too). :-)

    1. Thanks, Andrè! I went with the simple red, this time. Many of my other Romans have LBM shield transfers.

  7. Nice looking Romans Jonathan and what a view that is!

  8. I can’t recall ever seeing Romans rolling off the painting table. They look great, the brass trim / helmets and black plumes against the red give a very arresting look - excellent.

    1. A quick check shows that the last Roman heavy infantry rolled off the painting desk two years ago.
      Glad you like my little Romans, Norm!

  9. Lovely work on both those new units Jon and great to see you are able to do a bit of travelling...the view from your daughters home is pretty spectacular...and congratulations on a new grandchild too!

    1. Thank you, Keith! The view is spectacular, for sure.

  10. Lovely work Jonathan, and I have to admit to feeling a bit envious when you roll out a newly-painted Renegade unit.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! No need for Renegade envy much longer. There are very few left in The Lead Pile.

  11. The New Romans look great Jon, as does the view.
    Oh, and of course, May the 4th be with you! :-)

    1. Glad you like them both, Peter! I didn’t realize you were a Star Wars fan.

    2. Are there many guys of our generation who are NOT Star Wars fans? :-)
      I actually read the book BEFORE the movie came out - one of the guys on our floor of the dome found it and leant it to me to read, and we both said, wow, this sounds like it will be a great movie. Little did we know!
      I have 4 full fleets of the old Superior Starfleet Wars/Galactic Knights ships... which reminds me, another force to get back on the table!

    3. I am sure you are right. I remember the excitement of standing in queue at the movie theater in ‘77.

  12. Nice figures/units as always.....a change of scenery is an excellent tonic in these times we have a whole week holiday booked at the end of June !

    1. Thanks, Matt! Good to see that you will be able take a getaway for a week of R&R in June.

  13. Aventine are always a joy to paint, I also like the slingers. I hear Frasier is on the way back, I do hope so.

    1. Aventine figures are superb and the service is first rate. Fraser is making a comeback? News to me!

  14. Nicely painted as always.

    I have fond memories of the Needle from the 70's, The Cdn $ was above par and against all odds and experience I won game after game at a fair booth and was able to trade a huge stuffed pig and two little ones to our ship's cook for a veal parmigiana dinner.

    My last memory of Seattle though was of creeping through bumper to bumper traffic enroute to Enfilade.

    1. Thank you, Ross!

      Seattle traffic is notoriously difficult. Navigating the congestion in a vehicle can present a nightmare.

  15. Handsome additions, lovely Romans!

  16. umm hmm would have been nice to know you and Mrs N were in town to have lunch together.. oh well... ;oP

    Your painted Punic Wars project miniatures/units are great!


    1. Sorry, Phil. We were booked the entire time with family activities. There was no "free" time. Next time we make it over, I will let you know. I have never visited Poulsbo. I ought to do that.

  17. Nice job on the two units! Glad you got in some family fun as well. 😀

    1. Glad you approve! Yes, it is good to get in family time during these trying times.

  18. The punic wars stuff looks terrific, and always good to see a baby ;)

    1. Thanks! Yes, very good to spend time with a baby. She is a real cutie.

  19. Great looking troops, Jonathan. And congratulations on the new grandchild. Beautiful view from your daughter's condo too!

    1. Thanks, Dean! You probably know exactly which tower this is.

  20. Great figures Jonathan, Aventine are always a pleasure to see painted; superb figures.

    Congrats on your grand child's first birthday; precious moments that fly past way to quick 

    Cheers, Ross

  21. Splendid looking legionarys and slingers congratulations on your grandchild and nice view!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! On the grandchild front, yes, very good to see her after nearly a year of sequestration.
