
Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Last of the Renegades

The last of the Renegade Miniatures' ECW figures, that is.  I even needed to order a few Bicorne Miniatures' command figures to bring the regiment up to its full muster of 27 figures.  This is not quite the last of the Renegade figures in The Lead Pile but there are not enough models at hand to field another regiment of foote. 
Having always been drawn to the blue field with encircling motto of the Charles Fairfax banner, I figured this would be a handsome assignment for the out of production Renegade ECW figures remaining in inventory.  As I put this post together, Ross' post on having the discipline to not bite off more than one can paint (see: Back to the Brushes 307) reminds me that buying more than one really, really needs can pay dividends.  
Several years ago, Renegade Miniatures, originally went out of production temporarily but then returned back into production.  When back in production, stocking up seemed prudent.  It turned out to be a sound decision when figure production again went dormant quickly thereafter and has yet to resurface.  Some times, the "buy everything at once" school of thought is the right one.  There are a few ranges of figures, I sure do miss.

On a less somber note, later today sees a F2F game of Zama using Commands & Colors: Ancients.  I will be fielding my 6mm Punic Wars collection in place of the blocks.  One question is, do I deploy the standard scenario as given in the scenario book,
or the deluxe scenario as provided on the website?


  1. Excellent work on this regimen, Jonathan!
    On the other hand new manufacturers and products appear on the market, so that the lead pile does not run out:)

    1. Thank you! My lead pile in unlikely to run out...ever.

  2. Which one has the most figures? That's the one to go for. Obviously.

  3. Flendid body of men there, it's good that Nick has sculpted other ECW ranges now that Renegade are off the radar again.

    1. Thank you, Phil! It is good that Bicorne is a close match in style and size but I really enjoy the Renegade figures. Most of my figures are Redoubt so getting more is no problem.

  4. Great looking unit Jonathan. Totally agree about the figures, if you've got the spare dosh, buy them when you can!

    1. Thanks, Ray! “Get ‘em while you can” makes sense in any number of situations.

  5. A great looking regiment Jonathan! A shame Renegade doesn't sell their figures anymore.


  6. I was a bit shocked to read that a 'Ross' had recommended only buying what you can paint and was afraid that might have had a moment of delusion or worse, hypocrisy, and was relieved to find that it was a different Ross. Phew.

    Difficult choice on the scenario. Bigger is always tempting but in the big one, the forces look so close together that it doesn't seem to leave any room for the player to make meaningful command decisions on a battle plan but is committed and just needs to manage his hand and roll well.

    1. No, this time your memory is true!

      Another point to consider is that the larger scenario carries with it a lot of special rules. The classic scenario would have many fewer exceptions to remember. As you state, much less maneuver room too. I am leaning toward the original at least for the first pair of games. We usually play twice and switch sides for Game #2.

  7. Ps Those figures, as painted here, look like they were well worth buying!

  8. Lovely looking pike and shot regiment and great flag! I'm glad you stockpiled renegade when you did,I remember being tempted by them, you must, of course go for the scenario that puts as many figures on the table as possible, obviously!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! As for “Go Big or Go Home”, you and Graham are on the same page!

  9. Lovely looking unit with a good sense of unity, plus clever basing for best looks and flexibility.

    1. Thank you, Norm! The path to basing for this collection is a long and winding road.

  10. fantastic work mate, perhaps your remaining figures could be a forlorn hope, just like getting renegade figures now.......


    1. Thank you, Matt! I may have enough for a forlorn, Forlorn Hope.

  11. That's a fine looking unit, Jon, and I like th castings a lot. If I ever heard of Renegade, I forgot about them long ago.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Castings are superb. Checking invoices, my last order from Renegade was in 2013. Plenty of time has passed to forget about them.

  12. Lovely stuff. Just getting into ECW, so seeing production like this is inspiring. As for Zama, I'd say do both - play two games, and them a post highlighting how the different deployment impacted the game.

    1. Thanks! Good idea on playing both scenarios. Perhaps offer up a compare and contrast?

  13. Another cracking unit there Jonathan:)

  14. Smashing ECW unit, Jonathan! Not only your brushwork, but the quality of the sculpting are impressive.

  15. A superb unit Jonathan and tge colours are superb. Sadly, I missed the Renegade boat which is why I have a large number of Bicorne and Warlord Games for this period instead.

    Did I really, really need them? No, but as I am a hoarder with magpie tendencies I have them. If only I could practice what I preach 😎

    May your lead pile never ever run out!!

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thank you, Ross! Your recent post inspired much of this rambling.

      Very slim chance that The Lead Pile will empty.

  16. They look great Jonathan, and I too miss Renegade. I have long since given up returning to their site in the hope that the temporary closure might have come to an end.

    I have always bought everything I need for each project before I consign it to the pile for fear that the company will go out of production, which as we know is a very real risk.

    The only downside with this is that ten years on there are often better ranges which have become available and which are more fun to paint, so I end up purchasing the same thing over again.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      I tend to buy enough for a "good start" to a project and then build on as my aspirations and goals expand. Of course, my "good start" are to some "full projects!" I have purchased everything at once too.

      One of the ranges I miss and would no longer be considered state of the art is the Frontier Miniatures range of 15mm AWI figures. I loved that range and would likely add more to the collection if I could find them.


      Not that I am encouraging you

  17. A lovely looking unit Jon. I agree with you about Renegade - they are beautiful figures and were always very competitively priced - its a shame they have never reappeared for sale.... I like the way you have posed the pike men - I did mine with the pike at 45 degrees over the shoulder, but your grounded stance is more practical for gaming!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith!

      Renegade often offered great bargains on their figures. Even at regular prices the figures were competitively priced. Their regiment packs and "Buy Three Get One Free" were always an especially good value. Besides good prices, I simply loved their figures. I have a dozen Balearic slingers on the workbench now.

  18. Beautiful unit, great tale of "I just made it" with the figures. For a lot of us, the missing range is something that occurs because so many firms are one man shows! Hinterland is the latest I know about. Much smaller range than Renegade, but missed nonetheless.

    1. Thank you! This reinforces the notion that one needs to load up on figures when the chance arises. Here today and gone tomorrow.

  19. Nice to see more of your ECW units get some love.

    I have a fair few minis that are now oop. Glad I grabbed them whilst I still had the opportunity!

    Like others before me have suggested, the larger set up, always more minis Jon. ;)

    1. Always good to see another ECW move over to the completed side. With the gaming table clear, I think collection parades may be in in the offing.

  20. Cracking job on this ECW unit Jonathan, very impressive!

  21. A good looking Regiment! Well done.

  22. Lovely toys indeed Jonathan...

    A new company called Bloody Miniatures has started making figures that are compatible with Renegade and Bicorne ... they have been sculpted by the same designer.

    All the best. Aly

  23. Great looking unit; I like the way they are arranged like a last defense of the banner. 😀

  24. The most notable experience I had with a manufacturer disappearing was Pontonnier's Badeners; I was very lucky to get the troops that I did from them!

    1. You were lucky! I vaguely remember Pontonnier but only vaguely. I never bought or saw any of them.

  25. Buy it all at once if you can! Although I keep thinking I've done that only to go back for more!

    Very nice unit!

    The 2nd Zama map looks impressive Jonathan will be great to see a Punic war AAR!

    1. Tony, "buy it all at once and go back for more" tends to be my modus operandi as well.

      Glad you like Fairfax's regiment!

      I played the Zama battle four times with two different opponents over two days. Unfortunately, I did not take any photos of the action with the exception of one congratulatory shot. I may set it up again and give it a solo exercise with play-by-play. It is a good battle for CCA and look good on the board with 6mm armies.

  26. Your pike & shot unit is looking excellent. You get me very much close to the decision to continue building up armies for the period although I can't decide which rules I should use (for Freiburg 1644 for example).

    Zama will be great. It will be interesting to read your thoughts about Hannibal's chances to win the battle (theoretically from a Historical point of view).


    1. Thanks you! If I can nudge in the direction of fielding newarmies, that is good, I think.

      Zama, we fought, four times. Since I took no photos, thoughts on the games may be all that you get!
