
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Back to the Biblicals

After the year-end painting blitz to complete twenty Hittite units in 2020, no Biblicals have passed over the painting desk.  Well, that situation is about to change.  Lining up in the painting queue are at least a half-dozen units for my Biblical project.  Actually, the Biblical project seems to be expanding as scope creep takes hold with recent arrivals of Sumerians.  The Hittites are preparing for an expansion as more figures arrive from Newline Designs' recent January sale.  I digress.  

Today's entry is an eleven figure stand of Nubian javelinmen to add to the Kushite Egyptians.  Figures are Wargames Foundry and are nicely sculpted.  Their simple garb makes painting a snap. 
What of the half-dozen units in the painting pipeline?  Well, I see close order spearmen for both Assyrians and Hittites, one chariot each of Egyptian and Hittite, and two units of Sea Peoples.  

Other projects are seeing activity at the painting desk too including the last of the Renegade ECW infantry mustering out as, perhaps, the last infantry regiment for the project.

Later today, the rubber game in my three-game, AWI campaign with Matt.  Matt will attempt to bring his battered British back to Boston safely following its raid on Concord.  I will attempt to thwart his plans by ambushing his column on the march.  Should be fun.  


  1. Very nice. I have the start of an Israelite army waiting in a box but I have no idea where to start with them.

    1. Thank you. I am sure inspiration will strike soon and you can begin!

  2. A handsome stand - hope to see your ancients forces make the table in 2021.

    1. Thanks, Norm. It would be good to see these on the table but, for now, my table is occupied.

  3. Very nice Nubians - they're challenging to paint, because the animals skins are not easy to represent, but you did well on these.

  4. Lovely work as always Jon...I particularly like the way you have done the cow hide shields!

  5. nice work Jon, the shields are ace!


  6. Replies
    1. Quite a few more to muster out over the next few weeks.

  7. I particularly like the shields on these guys. A nice contrast from their dark skins.

  8. The light colored spears also make a nice contrast. Some illustrators show Nubians with light red-brown hair, doubtless dyed or bleached, as is the practice with some modern African peoples.

    I have a bunch of Hittite and Peleset archers nearing completion, to be followed by Sea Peoples warbands and chariots, and Peleset chariots and oxcarts, with a few odd Egyptians and Assyrians added in for a minor reorganization of few units. Then there are some Libyan additions to be made as well.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Next time, I will add some redheads into the mix.

      You have a bunch of Biblicals coming out from your workbench too. That is good! Think of the fun we good have we were not on opposite coasts.

    2. The local red earth was put into the hair to make them seem more agressive. I've seen similar in Nigeria in traditional ceremonies. IIRC it can also help keep the hair clean.

  9. You've really captured the very dark skin of that part of Africa very well Jonathan, which is not easy to do.

  10. Very nice Jonathan and kudos on the shields!


  11. Nice unit and the colours as others have said are particularly fetching 👍 apparently the next game in the mini campaign was a white wash for the British, colonials just fled at the first sight of the redcoats !

    1. Thank you! This day's battle was a much tougher fight than expected. I will be surprised if ANY British make it back to Boston to put the proper spin on the story.

  12. Lovely work and very striking Jonathan. The loin cloths work particularly well against the darker Nubian skin tones.

    1. Thank you. Lawrence! I agree that the animal skins provide a good contrast.

  13. These are looking excellent. Do you plan to write a final posting about the battle of Rivoli?

    1. Thanks! Rivoli is still raging on the gaming table. When finished, I plan to write a summary of the battle.

  14. Very nice Jonathan, my second ship was HMS Nubian, tribal class frigate.

    1. Thank you, George! You served on the HMS Nubian? Very interesting.

  15. Biblical seems to be back in a big way with all those units planned. Nicely painted. And I like that several seem to be carrying more than on spear, which is exactly what a spearman would be doing. 😀

    1. Glad you like the, Stew! I have BIG plans for Biblicals. Of course, there will be many diversions too!

  16. Great looking Nubians,project creep, you? Surely not!
    Best Iain

  17. A lovely colourful addition to your collection Jonathan.

    All the best. Aly

  18. Just been catching up on your recent posts Jonathan, you are prolific!! I think this may be my favourite, these are stunning, the colour combo of lightly coloured weapons, clothing and shields against the darker skin is brilliant! :)

    1. Thanks, Mark! I like these fine fellows too! I may have to order enough figures for another unit.
