
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Another Two-Fer Tuesday

Another Two-fer Tuesday is on tap today as I work to clear the unit backlog at the photo booth.  Neither of today's offerings are from projects that have seen a lot of attention of late so getting both into the painting queue was a welcomed change.  Both are heavy cavalry stands based either for Impetvs or To the Strongest!.

First up is a five figure stand of Gendarmes for the Great Italian Wars project.  Figures are from Wargames Foundry's venerable Renaissance range.  Still handsome sculpts with good casting quality.  Only enough figures for one more stand remain in The Lead Pile.  Today's recruits bring the total number of Gendarmes stands up to seven.  That should be plenty after I field the remaining five figures.
Next up is five figure stand of Spanish heavy cavalry for the Reconquista.  These five heavy horsemen are from Black Tree Design.  By my count, this unit makes the tenth such Christian heavy cavalry unit fielded for the project.  Ten?  Don't I show any self control?  Perhaps not.  One day, I ought to bring this collection out from its boxes and put them out on parade.  My fear is that the size of this project may be surprising even to me.  Actually, a quick check of the database shows the project is only about 500 figures strong.  
On the gaming front for the weekly Tuesday game is another new period and rules to sample.  Up today is a Far East, mid-19th Century battle featuring Graham's Taiping Era rules.  I will be going into this action with no preconceived notions on either the rules or the period.  I am a clean slate ready to be molded.  Wish me luck.


  1. They are terrific Jonathan, and I particularly like the way you have done the plate armour on the Italian Gendarmes. 500 figures is still a sizable army for the Spanish.

    1. Thank you! The 500 figures is for the whole collection, not just the Spanish. The Spanish make up about one-third of these 500.

  2. The Gendarmes are very nice figures and I can see why you might want plenty just for the heck of it! The Spanish heavy cav are nice too.

    1. Thanks! Some say you can never have to much cavalry. Or is that artillery?

  3. I have some of those WF Gendarmes' Some of the Perry's best work IMHO, before every figure got pumped on steroids. I bought them when they were 25mm (grin). As for Taiping Era...have no fear. It's 6 months since I last played them. I don't know how they work either.

    1. I remember when they were 25mm too! Good to see we all start today’s game in similar states.

  4. Wonderful looking cavalry Jonathan!

  5. Two more cracking units of cavalry Jonathan! I would love to see a parade of what you've got, just for pure eye candy. Good luck with the game but worrying that the author has no idea how the rules work;)

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! Once I clear the table, there are a few collections I would enjoy seeing on parade.

      If Graham can’t remember how the rules work, it will be an interesting session.

  6. Nice job, with some nice subtle variations within each base.

  7. A splendid pair of cavalry units Jonathan.
    I stopped counting how many figures are in an individual collection now and only count how many Really Useful boxes they take up :)

    1. Thanks, Paul! Good idea about counting boxes rather than figures but my figure counts are all in a database so computations are easy.

  8. Lovely cavalry units Jonathan...

    Taiping Era...😁 a splendid name indeed

    All the best. Aly

  9. Great looking gendarmes and knights, Jonathan. Interesting gaming period/genre as well!

  10. They both look great.

    I'm just trying to figure out how many pikemen are needed to support 5 stands of gensdarmes and looking forward to seeing these armies deployed, if only for a review.

    1. Thank you, Ross!

      You ask a good question regarding troop-type mix. I often work to the principle of "paint what I have."

  11. Nice figures and a change is good. 👍 Reconquista a very nice period 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt! Reconquista is a nice period, for sure! I just need to get my collection out onto the gaming table. It has ben far too long.

  12. Lovely pair of cavalry stands,a bit disappointed with only one shot each though! My favourites are of course the Foundry gendarmes, especially as I am working on 24 gendarmes at the moment!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. I will go back to multiple photos per unit next time. Good to see you are paying attention!

  13. Excellent Gendarmes and Spanish Jonathan!

  14. Some very nice Heavy cavalry, Jon. The Gendarmes might be a bit "Flamboyance Challenged" for Frenchmen or Imperialists of the Great Italian Wars; perhaps more Italian Elmeti?

    1. Thanks, Peter! Since they carry a Florentine flag, Italians they are.

    2. I thought there might be a red Fleur-de-Lis on that flag!

  15. Very nice indeed seem to just randomly drop new periods into the conversation as if we all knew you had Reconquista figures....!! Taiping Chinese that the combined French/British assault during which they bombarded and then looted the Forbidden City...?

    1. Keith, if you saw the stacks of boxes contains painted figures, you might be less surprised at the seemingly random appearance of Reconquista figures. This project has not been out on maneuvers in several years. Hopefully, they can return to the table one day.

      There was an Anglo-French contingent but I don’t know if the Forbidden City was bombarded and looted. I need to do some reading since I have no knowledge of this conflict.

  16. Knights are somehow special on your blog. I'm always astonished how many projects you manage to continue at the same time. But that's easier for you, as you love to create data.

    1. The number of projects astonishes me too. I ought to show a little restraint but I enjoy painting figures and fielding armies.

  17. So many different periods you have! Really nice cav and I hope you enjoyed the new game! 😀

    1. Some would say too many periods...
      The game was enjoyable as ever. Details another time.

  18. Late again, but worth the wait, very nice Jonathan.

  19. Another two splendid units off the desk! Well done Jonathan and good luck for the Taiping game.

    1. Thanks, Mike! I came out victorious in the Taiping game.

  20. Not a period that has 'seen a lot of attention of late' explains why I had no idea that you even *did* mediaeval!
    Regards, James
