
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Two-Fer Tuesday and Game Updates

With the number of games of late and assorted other topics to consider, units are making their way off the painting desk at a rate faster than I can take the time to photograph them.  In an attempt to clear the logjam at the photo booth, two units from the 1799 project debouch from the painting desk.

First up, are a dozen figures for the Austrian Dragoon Regiment #2 as seen in their early bicorn.  Handsome figures from AB Miniatures.
Next off the workbench are a dozen Russian Cossacks from Eureka Miniatures.  
One good attribute of these Russian cavalry is that these same figures can make appearances in both the Russian SYW and Napoleonic armies.  These troopers will likely see more action in 1799 battles than SYW or later Napoleonic battles but one never knows when they might make an appearance.  
On the gaming front, plenty of activity.  The multiplayer battle of Rivoli continues and the battle is unfolding satisfactorily with all of the remote commanders issuing orders on a regular basis.  The battle has passed from morning to early afternoon and tension mounts as players throw punch and counter punch against their foes.  After seven game turns (3-1/2 hours of battle time), the contest is still very much up for grabs with each commander having to roll with the punches thrown.  I am enjoying this very much.
Hard fighting at San Marco
The last three weeks of remote Tuesday night games have included WWI aerial combat and two visits to Spain during the Spanish Civil War.  Battle reports for these three games can be found at Wargaming for Grown-ups.
SCW Week 1
WWI Week 2
SCW Week 3
Today's Tuesday game will see a replay of the SCW battle from Week 3.  Should be fun.


  1. Very nice new units. I'm happy that you enjoy your games. Cheers!

    1. Thanks, Andrè! Gaming frequency has increased tremendously over the last three months.

  2. Cracking looking figures and the games look pretty cool as well.

    1. Much appreciated, Ray! The Rivoli game is the only one for which I take credit. The other three are either Graham's (Trebian) or Richard's.

  3. The focus on those SCW games is certainly dodgy...anyway, new camera for this evening, so hopefully improved from now on.

    1. Looking forward to seeing the results of your new camera, Graham. I am amazed at the difference in picture quality between what I see in your streaming videos and your photos of the games in your BatReps.

  4. Very nice Jonathan- a good assortment of games lined up. Also love the colors on the cavalry- excellent work!

    1. Thanks on all accounts, Steve! I sure enjoyed your latest East Front battle report.

  5. Great looking minis and game Jonathan!

  6. More splendid toys Jonathan...

    And you are certainly keeping yourself busy...

    All the best. Aly

    1. More splendid toys, for sure, Aly. Seems there is a never ending stream coming off the painting desk. I am staying busy, no doubt!

  7. As always your whites are just right, making for a handsome units. The cossacks have very eye catching uniforms ... but I can’t help focussing on the one aspect of 15mm metals that I dislike - wonky lances / spears / pikes.

    I recently bought some Lancashire Games 1066 stuff and with their soft metal and the armies being typically bulked out by spear, I couldn’t bring myself to continue down that avenue for the same reason. Is it an OCD thing? as plenty of gamers don’t seem to mind.

    1. Thank you, Norm! Wonky lances are disrupting to the look, for sure. Luckily most of my 15mm collections don't have too many lance-armed troops with the exception of some of the Napoleonic armies. For my 1859 cavalry, most of the Austrians and Sardinians are Mirliton and I cut my own for those troops.

      The Lancashire Games' lances seem especially thin to me. I have not lost any yet but I expect too once they see vigorous action on the table.

  8. Your Rivoli game looks quite spiffing, as does the SCW table. I note that Matt is putting on a remote ‘Dunker Church’ scenario which looks fascinating and the remote gaming idea is certainly helping games explore the command and fog of war dimension that is so frequently lost in our ‘normal’ face to face or solo games.

    1. Spiffing was what I was going for. The colours on the screen capture are a bit washed out. The close ups on the Wargaming for Grown Ups post are a bit brighter, and suffer less from wide angle lens bending.

    2. Thanks! Graham, gets the nod on the SCW game tables. I think his layouts look superb.

      On remote commanders, your Germantown game and Matt's Dunker Church battle contain more fog of war than my Rivoli game. I allow players to see the whole battle although they are not aware of everyone's orders. They cannot react to something to which their on-table counterpart is not aware.

    3. Trebian, the difference between viewing your streaming feed vs your battle report photos is remarkable.

    4. The blog photos are taken with my heavyweight digital SLR, then cropped and manipulated in photo editing software so I'd be a bit disappointed if they weren't at least a small improvement!

    5. My eyes adjust to the quality of the video stream seen from my iPad. After a few minutes I think nothing of it. Then, when I see your BatRep photos, my reaction is WOW and realize I am not going blind. Now, you may understand why I lobbied a bit for Battle Briefings so that I could have a starting point before I began fumbling around into the unknown.

  9. Excellent pair of cavalry units added to the collection.
    Rivoli is coming along nicely and you are enjoying a lot gaming, all is going well it seems.

    1. Thanks much, Paul! All gaming activities are firing on all cylinders at present and no one is sick yet.

  10. More excellent units Jonathan and the Cossacks, due to their uniforms, have a long period with which to game with them, which is always a bonus. Great to see you are still able to get plenty of games and a nice variety too. The Rivoli teaser shot looks nice and can't wait for the big reveal:)

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yes, the Cossacks can see long service over a very wide period of history.

      As for a Rivoli "Big Reveal", the game is generating so much correspondence that the final account could end up as a book!

  11. ,Lovely looking dragoons and cossacks! Bonus that the cossacks can cover such a wide period, Rivoli looks good and the remote games look lots of fun!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! The remote games have been great fun and I have made a number of new gaming acquaintances to boot.

      You may be interested to know that I am working on my first WotR plastic!

    2. How are you finding the plastic assembly? I know some hate it but I find it somewhat therapeutic!
      Best Iain

    3. Assembly can be a bit fiddly but I am enjoying it.

  12. Nice looking units. Glad the remote games are working out.

    1. Thanks! Remote gaming has worked out very well and I have been gaming more than ever before.

  13. All nice but I do like those Cossacks, going to look at remote gaming myself when I get some time.

    1. Glad you like the Cossacks, George! Give remote gaming a go. You may enjoy it.

  14. Great looking figures and you are certainly keeping busy with the various remote gaming options!

  15. Nice pictures, I do like the Cossacks!

  16. I’m really glad that you are enjoying putting in the Rivoli game. I’m sure your players are having a blast as well. I think one of the big pluses of the remote gaming is the ability to increase the fog of war which drastically increases the tension (and fun!) when playing the games. Actually kinda reminds me of playing multiplayer video games in a way. đŸ˜€

    1. Stew, using remote commanders takes a lot of the decisions out of my hands which is perfect for solo play. It is like having eight different AI programs driving my gaming decisions.

      I am enjoying the process. I hope the commanders are deriving some enjoyment from this exercise too.

  17. Man, you are a helluva painter, no two ways about that, and getting lots of gaming in as well, very cool!


    1. Jack, you are too kind! I am getting in a lot of games.

  18. Painting output and quality both superb, and games too! - Jon, you are an inspiration.

    1. Tony, I appreciate your encouragement and support!

  19. Another pair of excellent units. I love the fact that you can use those Cossacks over such a long timespan. That sort of economy appeals to - not just the cost but the effort painting and basing.

  20. Really nice work Jonathan, and it will be great to see these two unit in action again. I am becoming more of a fan of moulded-on lances after having stuck wire ones to thousands of ancients over the past few years, and having to reattach at least two or three after each game.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! I cannot imagine replacing forays on hundreds or thousands of 15mm infantry. My 15mm lance replacement was confined to 1859 cavalry lances. In 1859 there was not so much cavalry in the field.

  21. Very nice that is a little unfair you’ve managed to paint units and game. I guess I planned for my my Dunker Church game to last about a week so has been a more concentrated. Units are great as always and I am loving the Rivoli game eagerly awaiting a break through at San Marco !

    1. Thanks, Matt! Your Dunker Church game looked superb. I wager your commanders enjoyed themselves. As for Rivoli, the fighting has been hot at San Marco. Like the Oracle to Croesus, there maybe a breakthrough at San Marco but by whom?

  22. Great looking SYW additions, Jonathan. Nice to see all of the gaming, albeit remotely, going on too!

  23. Two new cavalry regiments posted at once! I chuckled a bit at the backlog of painted units to post. It does add more layers to adding units to the collection - after the painting and then the basing comes the photos, and then the blog post (and updating the stats and later analyzing them). Well we already knew this can be an immersive hobby.

    Good show on the gaming, and Rivoli has been tense all along!

    1. Quite right to chuckle, Peter! With increased gaming, something must give. As for an immersive hobby, I am in about neck deep, I reckon.

      On Rivoli, next turn results should be distributed today after I collate everything and send out commander dispatches. Tension only increases with this turn...

  24. Good to see so much activity going on! Those minis look great and am very much looking forward to the Rivoli AAR.

    1. A lot going on, for sure. With so much information pouring in, I wonder how I can even begin a comprehensive battle report for Rivoli.

  25. Great new cavalry units and glad to see the Rivoli game continuing - still looking foward to the eventual report.

    1. Thanks! Rivoli is still battling it out on my gaming table.
