
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Austrian IR#30 and Other Stuff

With the Battle of Rivoli raging across my gaming table, the painting desk is seeing an uptick in FRW units in work.  Coincidence?  The latest units mustering out from the painting desk are three battalions of Austrian infantry from IR#30.  While IR#30 is not needed for the current Rivoli battle, they will see service another time. 
These 39 figures are from AB Miniatures.  A quick look into The Lead Pile finds enough of these figures to field two more Austrian regiments in casquet.

On the remote Battle of Rivoli front, mentioned before, the battle is heating up.  An hour and a half in game time (three game turns) is in the books and dispatches from the generals are flowing freely across the battlefield while French brigades and Austrian columns collide.  Without giving away any more details than the generals have at-hand, below is the battle situation at 1000.  I am having a great time coordinating dispatches and translating orders to the gaming table.  There have been a few tense moments already.  The Austrians are driving hard from the west and north but the French are holding on.  In the east, the cork is still in place in the Osteria Gorge and the Austrian columns remain bottled in the Adige Valley.
Rivoli situation 1000
Austrian Grenadiers attack at San Marco
Finally, I take to the skies later today in a remote, multi-player WWI aerial combat.  Seven pilots are slated for the action as we fight for supremacy in 1/72nd aircraft.  I will likely be piloting an Albatros DIII.  Perhaps, it will look like the aeroplane below?  After today's action, another new set of rules will be added to my repertoire.  That makes five new rules played in the last two months.  Whew!   


  1. Lovely unit Jonathan but the last thing we need is more Austrians ! more gaming must be a good thing👍 as a combatant in Rivoli I don’t think I can comment on the battle other than it has been great fun so far 😀

    1. Thank you, Matt! These lads will not be infiltrating into the Rivoli game!

  2. More nice looking Austrians Jonathan - I take it from Matts comment he is appearing for the defence? You certainly seem to be keeping very busy with painting and gaming - look forward to the continued reporting as the battle develops!

    1. Thank you, Keith! Yeah, Matt seems to be standing for the defense, alright.

      At present, I am very well occupied with hobby stuff.

  3. You certainly are a busy bee Jonathan! Great to see such a variety of stuff going on for you and am really looking forward to the full ARR on the Rivoli battle:) Having a God's eye view of all the action is fascinating and I hope to run another mini-campaign as per last year, when things settle down a bit in the UK. When that will be remains to be seen.

    1. Busy, for sure, Steve!

      A BatRep on Rivoli will be to put together although I am receiving mountains of dispatches to curate. Your God's Eye View will be more enlightening once you see what is going down on the ground.

      I look forwad to another of your mini-campaigns.

  4. Lots of nice stuff going on with you and that is grand. 😀
    And trying out new rule sets and different genres is how we all find our favorites. You really got the trifecta going on; painting, playing, and GMing.

    1. Stew, I remain busy on many different fronts and a new batch of figures for a new project arrived in yesterday's post.

      Trying out so many different rulesets has been fun. I am surprised some of them are even sticking in mind.

  5. So, is the plan to give a full debrief on the battle once it's concluded, and the fog of war has lifted? I'd be interested to see something on the different perspectives the players had as the game evolved.

    1. Markus, yes, the plan is to provide a full BatRep when all is done. Getting insight from the players would be terrific and revealing on its own.

  6. Good to see more units coming off the table and ready for another game


  7. Austrian infantry always is a great addition to your ever growing collection. I wonder when you will need them. Bigger battles planned?


    1. Thanks, Andrè! Yes, more troops equals to bigger battles.

  8. Handsome Nap game with beautiful Austrians...And very tempting WW1 aerial combat!

  9. Crackin' work once again Jonathan!

  10. Replies
    1. Michal, you are always very kind! If only I had your talent with a brush.

  11. Another fine unit of Austrians, Jonathan! Love the unique look of their shakos.

    1. Thank you, Dean! The Austrian casquet is a favorite headgear of mine.

  12. Lovely work, Jonathan! There's always room for 1 more Austrian infantry regiment, regardless of the war!

    1. More wonderful figures masterfully painted.

      Battle Honours provided the core of my French Rev 15mm armies. A number of years ago I was tortured by having the games I was running assigned to the table right beside the Eureka/BH dealers table. It was nip and tuck a few times but I managed to hold firm and stick to the plan.

    2. Thanks, Ross! You are very kind. I have some of BH FRW figures. Some are very good. Most seem just a little bit smaller than the later AB figures.

      Sticking to plan is tough with temptation lurking nearby.

  13. Lovely work Jonathan. I'm glad to hear they won't be making an appearance at Rivoli though, as I think there are more than enough Austrians there already.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! For Rivoli, the French should be using their quality advantage to counter balance the Austrian quantity.

  14. Nicely turned out Jonathan.
    The battle is developing too.

  15. Splendid stuff Jonathan...
    You certainly are making good use of your time...
    WW1 aircraft are so pretty... I have played games with 1/72 scale planes in the past and found it to be excellent fun...
    It is certainly something that I would be tempted to do...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! WWI air wars are perfect for a lighter gaming session with friends. Hopefully, this will make it out on the table more frequently.

  16. Great looking Austrians! WW1 planes are delightful, I look forward to many AARs!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! I only took one or photo screenshots from the WWI game so not much of a BatRep to share. I may include a photo from the game in my next post.

  17. Very smart looking Kaiserlicks, but I would prefer to see the rear view of them at the moment! :-)

    In meantime, it is humbly suggested that you add a new demibrigade to the painting queue!

    1. Thanks, Peter! I have many French left in the boxes. Unfortunately, they were not present at the battle. There are, however, more French on the way to the battlefield. No need to fret...just yet.

      I finished the 10:00 turn this evening and now need to curate my notes and take a few photos. The turn offers both hope and concern.

  18. Nice to see more Austrians and looking forward to more on the battle :)

    1. Mark, not so much on the battle until after the fact so that I can keep the generals guessing.

  19. Lovely looking Austrians Jonathan. You are certainly getting involved in a good mix of scales, periods and types of games in your remote activities!
    Regards, James
